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The Cherished Self

Posted on Thursday, April 17, 2008 at 04:14PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments5 Comments



Women try to be so much to everyone else in their world.  A mother, daughter, sister, wife, taxi driver, nurse, comedienne, chef, laundress, maid, psychologist, friend, lover, den leader, soccer coach, philanthropist, entrepreneur, cheerleader, home room mom, dog walker, and.....


There are times when it feels like you've given every last ounce you've got to all of the people who need a piece of you.  Your tank is empty. Your bucket is dry. Your energy is gone.  There's nothing left in you but there's still more you need to give.


I was first introduced to this book when I saw information on one of my artist friend's door about a workshop being offered that said "For when you're feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from who you are and how you'd like to live."  I immediately knew I had to be part of it.  I think so many women want to feel like there is great meaning in the life they are living, in the person they are becoming.  Sometimes we lose touch with that (which is why I'm a huge advocate of journaling...it gives us the chance to tap into our real self, our real wisdom).  Somewhere in the jumble of it all we lose the meaning, that real person that we are.  I signed up for the class which is offered in person or online (email: Alison at  benjali@msn.com  for more information).

Just reading the book is an eye opening and soul searching experience.  I loved the opportunity to explore love and healing and become more of the person I'm meant to be.  Even if you can't do the class the book itself is completely worth reading.  (With the class you get homework every week so it makes you take the ideas in the book and put them to work.)  I highly recommend the experience and the book to everyone.

"Do the things that really delight your heart." 

Fill your tank.  Overflow your bucket. Give energy to your life.

full. LIFE.

Reader Comments (5)

Thanks for your inspirational blog. I love reading your post; you always have something worthwhile to say.

April 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjody murphy

Jody, Thank you so much. What a wonderfully kind thing to say.

April 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavina

Davina, I completely agree with everything you say and the way in which you are trying to live your life. You are a very good example of someone who is trying, everyday, to keep your priorities straight and strive to make a difference -- and you are doing this while accomplishing your personal passion of photography. I wish I could have spent more time with you. God Bless you for all of your hard work. Your husband is blessed and your children will truly look back at you someday and be so thankful of their example. deb :)

April 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDeb

Deb, you are right, I am blessed! Davina is so full of life, passion, and power. I call her a "force of nature" because she makes things happen, she sees a need or gets passionate about something and things are immediately in motion. I am constantly in awe of her. I am hardly worthy of such a wonderful woman!

April 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMike

Deb, you have such a beautiful and touching way of saying things. Thank you for your sweet comment.

Mike, you are such a wonderful husband. It's more like I'm not worthy of the great man that you are to me...

April 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavina

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