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Posted on Friday, April 18, 2008 at 07:03PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , | Comments8 Comments

Date Night. Every Week.

Every week I go on a date with my all time favorite person...my husband.  Tonight is the night of the week that I look forward to every time my Friday night ends.

We're always glad to get a way for some fun and good times together.  A chance to be somewhere without the kids, away from the cares of the world, and to just get to be us.  We love this time and absolutely feel that our week is not complete if we miss it.  It fills up our hearts and our buckets...especially after a long week.

We've done all kinds of things.  Tonight we'll be getting something to eat (and I'll be leaving a little on my plate...), go for a walk, and then later maybe the movies. 

Other times we've gone to Barnes and Noble, gotten a steamed milk, and played a game in the cafe.  We've also gone ice skating at the ice sheet, hiking, to the movies, a picnic, to the theatre, dinner theatre, walked around downtown, gone the gallery stroll, and so much more.

If you're not dating your fave person...start.

If you are dating your fave person but are stuck in a rut, plan ahead.  Occassionally, we end up doing the same thing every week (especially in the middle of the winter) so we take turns planning the date.  If you want to spice things up you definitely have to try this.  Whatever the person for the week plans, you both do.

We've considered getting twenty $1 bills and just going to the mall and giving one out out to anyone we see...just to do a little study on everyone's reactions.  We've also given ourselves each $1 and we go to the dollar store and see if we can find something the other person would like.

Whatever you do...usually the cheaper it is...the more fun it is.  Find your true love and sweep them off on a date...tonight!!!

love. LIFE.


Reader Comments (8)

i have been following you blog for quite a while...with no comments. i should be commenting because i love, love, love your work. but, i just had to say THANK YOU for posting this. it was inspiration i needed in my life, right now. thank you.

April 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJean Smith

I love this post! I have only been married for almost 6 years now.. and already I can see the rut we are in! It is so easy to get there! We have two kids, and it seems the weeks just slip right past us, and we never get "us" time. I know that it is a necessity.. your marriage needs to be first- but it is so hard between diapers, feedings, spit up, doctors appointments, and o wait- Saturday weddings and then all the post editing that goes into it all! So yes, I appreciate this blog post. Good ideas on how to do stuff cheap. Thanks so much!

April 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCourtney Craver

I agree completely, this is so important and I should know! Our last daughter just got married last Saturday (and of course her pictures are gorgeous because Davina took them) and we are now EMPTY NESTERS!!! How thankful I am at this stage of my life that we have continued dating for the past 31 years even when it wasn't always easy so that now we can look forward to our future together and be excited about it!!! Thanks for the fun ideas Davina.............

April 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBecky

Jean! Thank you so much for commenting. I'm so glad to hear from you. And thank you so much for letting me know that my blog post made a difference for you today. I'm so grateful to know that.

Courtney, I hear you! Sometimes the days and weeks and months just speed by and the person that means the most to you ends up with the least amount of your time. I want to hear about your next fun, cheap date! :)

Becky, what a wonderful testimony to the power of a weekly date over a marriage counselor or sadder yet a divorce attorney. I love it. And you and Kevin are such a great complement to each other and so sweet to one another.

April 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavina


I love going out with you and look forward to many more happy years of dating and loving each other. BTW who's turn is it to plan this weekend? :)

I am impressed with how much you share with others through your blog and through your circle of influence. You are an amazing lady and I am so blessed!


April 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMike

Thanks for posting this Davina! I've only been married for 9 months, but because we both work so hard and so often, it's easy to forget about setting aside some special time for us to spend together. It's so easy to just plop down in front of the TV since we're so exhausted, but I think we'd have such a better time if we got creative and did something fun!

April 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKacie Jean

Truly inspiring and original but most important it shows so much love. Thanks for sharing!

April 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos Andres Varela

Lol one time you picked up some crazy kid from the airport and had yummy mexican food for a date night trio!

April 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertim co.

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