love. LIFE. Hello Friends! Over to the left you'll see all of the categories that you can check out. If you're a photographer make sure to check out the For Photographers page. I just launched the new Family GTKY kit and the NEW Insight Kits Blogsite!!! Click here to see the new site! LOVE. LIFE. TIPS. These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here) Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here) My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago). You need this guide! Easy as Pie. Click here to visit Served Up Fresh. (affiliate link) Thanks for stopping by...and don't forget to leave a comment...or two...I want to hear from YOU! And make sure to TELL A FRIEND! |
Entries by Davina (749)
Move it Monday.
100 ideas.
Below are 10 of the 100 healthy ideas listed on the AccentHealth website that they posted to celebrate their 100th show. Check them out! There are some fun and easy tips that will help you get moving a little more often.
Don't forget about the challenge this month! Be the one to post the most days of getting a good night's sleep this month and you'll win! To see more about this contest click here.
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Set a goal of trying one new fruit or vegetable every week |
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Keep a bowl of fruit on your desk at work |
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Switch from ice cream to frozen yogurt |
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Substitute sweet potatoes for regular baked potatoes or fries. You'll get more Vitamin A. |
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Get more fiber. Add canned beans or a handful of nuts to your salad. |
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Take the stairs, not the elevator. |
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Don't e-mail your office mate. Walk down the hall and deliver the message personally. |
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Get a dog. Commit to walking 10 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night. |
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Buy a soccer ball. Kick it with your kids or a neighbor. |
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Buy shoes at the end of the day when your feet are more swollen from use. |
To see the other 90 here.
fit. LIFE.
Women and Business: Sarah Petty

***All images in this post are copyright Sarah Petty unless otherwise noted***
{To nominate women you'd like to see in this series please list them in the comments-or if you have a question you'd like to see in the interviews--make sure to include your info in the comment fields so that I can get in touch with you- or write to me at: davina at davinafear dot com } As always make sure to leave comments for the women who are featured. They like comments as much as I do I'm sure...let them know if you have questions or just to say thanks! for their insight and wisdom... Make sure to check out the rest of the series by clicking here. Tell a friend!
You are a marketing genius. It seems that everything you do turns to gold. What have you done to become so well versed in marketing?
Most people are good at what interests them. Some people are movie buffs while others know everything about cars. I guess I am a marketing buff - actually maybe more of an addict. I can’t go to a store, restaurant or even get a haircut without analyzing how each company is marketing – both good and bad. My MBA was great but my years at Coca-Cola and working as marketing director of a top area ad agency were invaluable experience.
What are your top 3 tips for bringing in new clients?
- Create dynamic direct marketing pieces to get your clients bragging for you.
- Always be working to build relationships in your market – from shopping locally to mentoring young people (2 of my 3 employees are the direct result of mentoring).
- Be a leader in charitable marketing in your community (come see my program at Imaging USA for PPA Charities). If you click on this link before August 31, you can register to win a FREE Pass to Imaging 2010!
What does your workflow look like? Do you outsource or keep everything in house?
Because we have a boutique business model, we are very low volume. We don’t print our own work (, but all of our retouching, framing, etc. is done in-house. We are closed Mondays to clients, yet most of our team works at least part of the day. We shoot Tuesday – Friday 9 am-5 pm with the exception of our seniors who purchase our largest session and we will do an evening session. Seniors are often scheduled outside of regular hours.
It seems like you travel quite a bit. How do you make this easier on your children?
*I do my best to book speaking engagements during the week as it is the least disruptive to my kids. I am very protective of my weekends.
*I married a wonderful guy and have a great nanny/sitter who comes to our home after school and during the summer. This person helps keep my house running smoothly.
*I hire team players at my studio who I trust to take amazing care of the business and clients when I am traveling.
What are you most proud of creatively?
While awards are fun, they don’t mean that much to me. I am most proud of the fact that I get to do something creative every day and get paid for it. There are many more talented people in the world who can’t make a living at it, which is a shame.
What do you recommend women do who are just getting started in the industry?
*Invest in education! Always grow both your photographic and business skills.
*Have a business plan. If you don’t know where you are going, how can you get there? It is so much easier to make the tough decisions if you understand your financials. Go to Ann Monteith’s Guerilla Management if you want the truth.
*Keep your day job. Truly, if you don’t need to take a salary out of your business in the beginning, you will be able to invest back in the business and make decisions that are best for your brand.
What do you do for fun that has nothing to do with photography?
- I love hanging with my peeps. My husband, three kids and I walk to my parent’s house about a half a mile away each night. We grill out a ton and chill together on our screened-in porch.
- I love decorating and refinishing furniture. I love taking a dated, dirty or ugly piece of furniture and paint, recover or distress it. It is exhilarating to have something that can’t be bought.
- I love to read. I think I get every decorating magazine that comes out and every business book written.
What do you do that your clients rave about most?
I think our clients rave most about our promotional pieces and holiday cards. I bar no expenses when it comes to designing and printing cool things that reflect upon my brand. I love it when I run into someone I know in March who is carrying around our Christmas card in her purse.
It seems that you are extremely busy! It looks like you make time for fun, though. How do you do that and not feel guilty?
Making money IS fun! Ha. Truly, this is my biggest challenge for sure. I love what I do at work so much that it is hard to turn my thoughts off when I go home. What has worked well is to make rules for myself when I am at home – one hour of computer time each day on the weekends (email is my nemesis). My husband is a small business owner also so we have a good understanding of helping each other keep in a groove. Also, 5 years ago, we moved outside our town on 3 acres. So it has become very inconvenient to run in to the studio, which I used to do when I lived close. We love working and playing in our yard which is a great escape.
What is the best thing you've done to make your business successful?
- From day one, I have invested in building a strong brand. From making it a priority to work with the best professional designers, to using the top printers and vendors to investing in a nice studio, I make it a priority to invest in my brand.
What do you do to keep from feeling overwhelmed?
Drink. Just kidding. When I get overwhelmed, I start by balancing all 3 checkbooks then getting everything I need to get done on a list and prioritizing each activity. I hear a former co-worker’s voice from my ad agency days saying “just get one thing done then move to the next.”
What three products or things help you stay organized?
- IGTD (I get things done) – Free mac software. This helps my team and I communicate.
- Mobile Me – syncs with ical, allows us to transfer files, etc.
- Polka dot file folders from Anthropologie – if all the work is in a pretty file folder it is like a spoonful of sugar for me.
To see more of Sarah’s work click on the links below:
First Day of School.

I'm a mess.
I didn't know I'd cry this much.
I didn't even try to wear mascara today.
I knew this day was's why I took this last year off from my business. A kind of self-imposed sabatical. I didn't want to miss a minute. And even now with the house quiet and no kids still wasn't enough time. I'm figuring it never will be. There's no Gracie in the next room singing to herself some made up song about "I love flowers and Strawberry Shortcake dancing...dancing...dancing and the day is so sunny and I'm so happy. I love my mama, yes, I do." Some crazy song about nothing and everything that made me smile. It's just silent. She's not running in to me from the other room to give me a random really tight neck popping hug just because she was suddenly filled with love out of the blue and had to share it with someone.
I'm certainly not saying everyday is butterflies and roses...we have plenty of days when they're not and for sure by the end of the summer my kids were at each other's throats a lot more than they were when the summer began. The thing is once those days are past and I'm looking's the butterflies and roses days that I hold on to.
For some reason you think when the kids finally get to school you'll be so grateful for the peace and quiet that you've earned after 12 years of having at least one child at home with you during the day
After a summer of noise. noise. noise. it's very quiet. quiet. quiet. And even though I know there's a lot of silver linings to this new development, phase, stage of my I'm sad and a bit melancholy and I've cried many tears that keep coming without warning. . Yesterday, I stood in the shower trying to get the tears to stop because I had kids chanting for me out in the car because they were so excited to get to Target to pick out a school outfit out and go to back to school night...enthusiasm and excitement were at their peak and I didn't want my tears to put a damper on the day. So as I drove to Target I had tears silently slip down my cheeks unbidden by me.
And now as I write this they well up again as I try to keep them at bay.
Last night as I lay with Emma just as she was trying desperately to fall asleep, we were talking about the first day of school. She said to me, "I hope you don't cry, Mom." And I said, "I'll try not to." She said, "I don't want you to cry, it makes me sad." I tried to reassure her, "I'm only sort of sad. I'm so happy about the beautiful, sweet, compassionate, and wonderful people you are all growing up to be." And she hugged me really tight and unknowingly squeezed more salty water from my eyes and she whispered, "I want you to be happy, Mom. I love you soooo much." And she showered me with love and kisses.
I'm all about having independent children. It's what I've raised them to be...they've made me proud. And yet...when it comes down to it I want them to stay little. I want them to need me. To look over their shoulder and give me a little smile. To run back to the car, throw their arms around me as tight as they can and kiss me like crazy and say, "I'll stay with you Mama and I'll never grow up."
It's so bittersweet to have them walk on their own. Be grown up.
And for some Mom-only-knows-reason I want it to happen...I'll just have salty water running down my cheeks while they put on their favorite first day of school dress, throw on their backpack, and walk into their class or their school (since walking Emmett to class is now out of the question) without looking back.
To my sweet children...I love you. Please know that as you go out into the world that I'm here. Right here. I believe in you more than you know. I love you more deeply than you can comprehend. You are the only you on this planet and, even though I love you for reasons innumerable, I'd love you for that one reason alone...
And even though it seems like I'm sad...I'm throwing out confetti on this day just for you...
new. LIFE.
Pawley's Island.

by the seat of our pants.
I'm really not good at looking too far into the future. I live pretty day to day most of the time. At the beginning of the summer Mike and I said we were going on vacation with the kids...we even put it on the calendar. I remember saying we should go to Atlanta.
Well, about two weeks ago I realized that trip to Atlanta was coming up. I thought to myself, "we'll just find a hotel when we get down there...we'll just wing it. It will be fun." I had some ideas about what we could do and I was especially wanting the kids to experience the In to the Dark exhibit that is there. It's a fascinating journey into a blind person's world. I got to go to it when I was at Love Affair and loved the chance to have my mind opened to a completely different way of seeing. I knew it would be great for my kids.
As the trip got closer, I decided we had all been to Atlanta enough. We've been there 4 times since we moved here (not that you could ever run out of things to do there) and I wanted to go somewhere new. So...4 days before we were supposed to leave and during peak season for EVERYTHING since school starts...TOMORROW. I decided to try to book something in Charleston or at one of the many state parks in North or South Carolina. I spent an entire day on the internet and phone hearing all about how everything was booked and if you want to book anything you have to rent for at least a week. Needless to say I got pretty frustrated about 1/2 way into the day.
I finally talked to a woman near the end of that long long long day at the computer and she recommended Pawley's Island. I had been looking at resorts and big frouffy places that I really didn't want to go but didn't know where else to look. I wanted something that felt smaller, more cozy, and less tourist-y. From what she told me, it sounded like Pawley's Island was perfect...a little island between Myrtle Beach and Charleston.
We arrived and loved the feel of the island and have decided we'll have to go back next year. We had so much fun. I'm posting some pictures of our trip and I'll be posting even more...I may have to do a couple of segments or something.
These images are about the first 12 hours we were there. We went to the beach before anyone even had a chance to change into one wanted to wait.
Even though Mike and I had arranged to eat out for breakfast each morning (becuase we thought the kids would think that was awesome!) we quickly found out that our kids had decided that eating at the little round table in our little villa (2 bedroom condo) was the coolest place in town to eat breakfast. So we went out and got cereal and milk (exactly what we have every single morning at home) and had the best tasting breakfast we've had in a long time.
We also went biking and crabbing and made sandcastles and went boogie boarding...more of those pictures to come soon...
A real vacation is a must! I left my computer at home and so did Mike. Most of the time I forgot my cell phone in the villa while we were out playing around and it was beautifully freeing and fun and so wonderful to be so present. I hope you're getting a chance to do the same. Really living makes a really big difference in your life.
vacation. LIFE.
Move it Monday.
- A six pounds.
The following things are what I'm going to be doing as I get back into a routine this upcoming school year. I did well for most of the summer and then I went to Love Affair and ate wayyyy too many good tasting, high calorie, high fat foods and gained SIX pounds in one week!! How does a person do that? I thought at first that it was just a symptom of traveling, etc. But I'm still 6 pounds heavier than the day I left for Love Affair. Geez!
So So I'm posting the following for myself and for anyone else who may have fallen out of routine or off the wagon or whatever you want to call it. Here's to second chances and new beginnings! :)
*Accept that you’ve made a mistake. Once you own it, you can redirect yourself and put it behind you
*Remind yourself that the old behavior you are indulging in can’t give you the new results you desire. Remember your personal reasons for working on change
*Do something pro-active that will create more positive thoughts and feelings and enable you to get back on track
*Learn from the experience. Ask yourself what this episode can teach you about your vulnerabilities as well as your personal strengths, resources, and potential for success.
new. LIFE.