Move it Monday.
get some sleep.
Sleep is an important part of good health. In an article here it lists all of the details about why you should get a good night's sleep. The short version of the list I've put below. To read more click here.
1. Sleep keeps your heart healthy.
2. Sleep may help prevent cancer.
3. Sleep reduces stress.
4. Sleep reduces inflammation.
5. Sleep makes you more alert.
6. Sleep bolsters your memory.
7. Sleep may help you lose weight.
8. Naps make you smarter.
9. Sleep may reduce your risk for depression.
10. Sleep helps the body make repairs.
July winner!
Laura! You're the July winner! You gave some awesome tips every day of the month except one day. Way to go! Thank you so much for being part of our little Move it Monday community. Send me a quick email and tell me where you'd like to have your $50 gift card from. Have a wonderful Artist's Day out!
August Contest:
So...the contest for this month is on your honor. Come to the Move it Monday post for the week everyday of the month and tell us how many hours of sleep you got and if you went to bed before midnight. The person who goes to bed the most often before midnight and gets at least 7 hours of sleep per night will be our winner for the month. The winner will get a $50 gift card to their local spa toward a massage or some other pampering treatment. It's time to stop staying up so late and to start getting more than four hours of sleep a night! You deserve it...and need it!
invigorated. LIFE.
Reader Comments (41)
i went to bed at 11:45 last night... yes! before midnight! and got a total of 9 hours of sleep. hallelujah.