Matt and Freda.
new family.
Freda and Matt have had a long road together and it started long before they had the chance to say "I do." After a very difficult and complicated year of establishing a home together, medical issues, and all of the other crazy things that happen when you bring love into the equation they finally had their moment to look into one another's eyes, see deeply, and say 'yes' to more of the same. More of the complications and at the same time more of the joy, the exhilaration, the crazy times and the quiet times...together.
Freda and Matt had a beautiful day. I was so excited to be with them and experience the blending of their love and their families. Seeing Freda look into Matt's eyes trying to convey how intensely she felt about him and then in the next moment seeing her dance like the joy would come out her fingertips was a gift to see.
Here's to more joy, more dancing, and more intense, crazy, and quiet times!
true. LOVE.
Reader Comments (5)
Goodness! These are so beautiful! The emotions and expressions you captured are priceless! Great job!
Amazing work! The ones in the garden are glorious! Simply glorious!
the color palette in this layout is amazing! love the diversity of all of it! Hope Love Affair was great. I'll get there one day. :)
This first shot is wonderful!
What can I say. I know you and I communicated via email about this but this is the exact reason I wanted you to share in our day. You not only captured us but like I said, you captured our day just the way I pictured it in my head. Years from now when I am old and my memory is not so good I will look back and know exactly how my amazing day with the love of my life was like. Frame by frame it will come to me. Thank you so much for being able to see my day as I rememeber it now and for giving me memories to cherish for life. Your talent is amazing. Matt and I both adore our the memories (they are more then pictures) and we can't wait to see the rest.