love. LIFE.

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    LOVE. LIFE. TIPS.  These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here)  Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here)

My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago).  You need this guide!


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Entries in Thoughts (12)


Posted on Tuesday, March 3, 2009 at 12:30PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , | Comments7 Comments

saturday morning a while ago.

I love Saturday mornings when everyone in the house just slowly and lazily gets up and hangs around the house.  Sometimes Mike and I will still be in bed and we will hear one of the kids get up quietly and then ever so gently climb into bed and snuggle up next to us, other mornings we will hear a game of monopoly going that starts off with almost no noise and within a short time there's a major ruckus going on, occassionally, everyone will just get up one by one and each of us will sit around reading a book or talking or getting our own little bite of breakfast.

On this morning Mike and I were sitting on the edge of the bed chatting and Emma wandered in.  She snuggled into Mike's arms and joined in with our conversation.  She felt so good there in that sweet moment...and I wanted to remember it.

I had forgotten about it...

until I just came upon this picture this afternoon.

morning. LIFE.


Move it Monday.

Posted on Monday, March 2, 2009 at 04:58PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , | Comments4 Comments


It snowed today..which  means there was no school OR work here in the great state of South Carolina.  YAY!   I've taken a bunch of pictures and done all kinds of hang around the house things today...including eat too much.  None of those things included going out for my walk today.  I'll be back with it tomorrow!

Today is the first week of March so we need to decide who wins for February's Move it Monday.

(You can see the Move it Monday posts from this month here.)

Everyone send in you favorite piece of advice or help you've gotten in the comments this month.  We'll go with the top 10 and I'll post them in a poll this week.  By next Monday we'll have a winner!  Yay!

So...tell me in the comments or email me:  davina at davinafear dot com

win. LIFE.

Seven Pounds Movie.  SPOILER.

Posted on Saturday, December 27, 2008 at 11:49PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments13 Comments


crazy bad.


I just got home from seeing Seven Pounds and I have to say I couldn't be more disappointed in a movie.  I love Will Smith.  I think he is an amazing actor and he seems to be an even better person...but he really missed the mark on picking this film.

This movie is over the top in sentimentality and makes almost no sense.  I also think it glamorized and glorified suicide and makes something selfish and sad look selfless.  I really had a hard time believing the whole premise of the movie and even had a difficult time trying to figure out what the actual message was. 

I was hoping for an inspirational, moving, beautiful, life-affirming type of movie and and was left saying, "WHAT?"  I've never seen people hop out of their seats faster to leave a movie and even saw some people get up and exit in the middle. 

The acting was great but the film itself was just bad.  I have no idea how the screenplay even made it to production.  What was Will thinking? 

I really wanted this to be a great movie.  I wanted to believe in it and even suspended reality a number of times trying to just enjoy the idea and direction of the movie.  I knew what was happening from the beginning and was just hoping that there was going to be some unexpected twist that would make sense of everything in a very meaningful way. 


No such luck.  Will Smith's character kills himself and it's supposed to be a good thing...I'm speechless.


Has anyone else seen it?  What did you think?



I've got a picture of that...

Posted on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 04:08PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments11 Comments

I've got a picture of that... from davina fear on Vimeo



I've had a number of people ask me if there's any way to post the video they've seen at presentations that I've done on my blog.  I finally figured it out.

So, here it is...


blessed. LIFE.

Look around.

Posted on Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 07:50PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments8 Comments


So when we first moved in our house here in South Carolina I knew it would feel more like home if I just had some flowers.  I love flowers.  I love to pick them up and Mike brings them home quite often.  Flowers just make a home feel like there is a touch of nature and creativity, that God is in the mix,  and attention to the details of life. (I really do love them!)

Things were very hectic when we moved in between being moved in the day before school started, trips to the emergency room, and boxes everywhere there was little time to remember to pick up some flowers.  Besides, I reasoned, they'll just get lost in the mess.

One morning after the kids had gone to school I was sitting out on our deck writing in my journal.  I felt the breeze and stopped what I was writing and looked up at the trees and just felt the winds play on my skin and smelled the forest in back of our home.  I sat there thinking how amazing and surreal that moment was being in a new home in South Carolina, how majestic those trees were, and how much I loved sitting out on our deck.  Suddnly, I realized that I could bring some of that inside.  So instead of waiting for the right moment to buy those flowers I decided to do what I normally do with flowers... except with the leaves in my yard.

It was beautiful.  I set them up around the house, in my bathroom, in window sills, and on tables.  Then I walked around the house looking at how wonderful it looked and being very happy with the outcome.  And, to make it even better, when the girls came home from school they ran inside and said "Oh! Mom those look so pretty!".   It's starting to feel like home here and we're loving it!

P.S.  Yes, in the picture below:  those are my sweet, little twin girls hand and foot prints.  We made those when they were about 6 months old...they obviously loved squishing their feet in the plaster and felt it was much better than making their prints look perfect. :)  I love it!

beautiful. LIFE.