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Move it Monday.

Posted on Monday, March 2, 2009 at 04:58PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , | Comments4 Comments


It snowed today..which  means there was no school OR work here in the great state of South Carolina.  YAY!   I've taken a bunch of pictures and done all kinds of hang around the house things today...including eat too much.  None of those things included going out for my walk today.  I'll be back with it tomorrow!

Today is the first week of March so we need to decide who wins for February's Move it Monday.

(You can see the Move it Monday posts from this month here.)

Everyone send in you favorite piece of advice or help you've gotten in the comments this month.  We'll go with the top 10 and I'll post them in a poll this week.  By next Monday we'll have a winner!  Yay!

So...tell me in the comments or email me:  davina at davinafear dot com

win. LIFE.

Reader Comments (4)

My favorite was one from Karen: "I bring food w/ me as much as possible. On my 24 hour bus trip to DC, my friend and I brought an entire bag of apples, w/ a jar of PB, and other healthful snacks (carrots, strawberries, etc) so when we were taking our break every 4 hours, we simply opted to snack from our bag, instead of getting gas station JUNK FOOD. Benefits? 1) cheaper 2) healthier."

When I was on Jenny Craig, they helped me prepare food to bring with me on trips. Karen is so right about it being healthier AND cheaper! And really all it takes is a little planning. We're heading out for a little mountain retreat this weekend and we've already talked about making sure we eat healthy while we're there. We might take a night off and go out to a German restaurant (there is a touristy Bavarian town in North Georgia) but other than that we plan to enjoy cooking together in our cabin.

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGwendolyn Tundermann

I really like Rosaura's comment about the French toast oatmeal. I love French Toast and this sounds like a great healthier alternative!

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKayleen T.

I liked Deb's reminder of music being a motivator! She's right, when you're happy on the inside you can be happy on the outside. On gloomy whiny days I like to play fun music and have a family dance party. I just tried the Pandora site and it was amazing. A great station to play while working on the computer too! Thanks Deb!

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

Laura I am so glad you like it, it has been a wonderful way to get thru long hours on the computer! I really love Laura's idea:

"Also, I just signed up to train for a thirteen mile walk in order to raise money and awareness for Leukemia research and hopefully a cure! My niece Elli was diagnosed with leukemia last year and it has been a long road. In addition to Elli's illess, my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer a month after we found out about Elli. My goal is not only to walk for them, but to walk for me. For my sanity, for my health, for everyone who can't. Walking for a cause is also a great way to fitness. There is lots of training support to help you through it. http://pages.teamintraining.org/sf/rnr09/lcottril"

I have heard that a great way to loose weight is to set a goal (like a marathon or something) where you are not focused on loosing weight but getting healthy and loosing weight will be one of the many benefits. I love this idea and am working on something fun to start training for. Or, my husband and I even talked about taking a swing dance class, I know that would get me moving! :)

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeb

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