love. LIFE.

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If you're a photographer make sure to check out the For Photographers page.  I just launched the new Family GTKY kit and the NEW Insight Kits Blogsite!!!  Click here to see the new site!

    LOVE. LIFE. TIPS.  These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here)  Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here)

My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago).  You need this guide!


Easy as Pie.  Click here to visit Served Up Fresh. (affiliate link)

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Entries by Davina (749)

Women and Business: Elizabeth Messina

Posted on Thursday, April 2, 2009 at 06:11AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments4 Comments

***All images in this post are copyright Elizabeth Messina***

NEXT WEEK: Julia Woods

{To nominate women you'd like to see in this series please list them in the comments-or if you have a question you'd like to see in the interviews--make sure to include your info in the comment fields so that I can get in touch with you- or write to me at: davina at davinafear dot com }

As always make sure to leave comments for the women who are featured. They like comments as much as I do I'm sure...let them know if you have questions or just to say thanks! for their insight and wisdom...

Make sure to check out the rest of the series by clicking here. Tell a friend!

Elizabeth, I remember seeing your work years ago. I loved that you were shooting film and that your images had such a nostalgic feel to them. I just saw your presentation in Las Vegas at WPPI and was impressed by how simple you keep your business and life. Thanks so much for being here on Women and Business.

You have kids that are teens and younger, what does a typical day look like for you?

for us there is no typical day....certainly there is school & homework...dinner and baths....and photographs....lots

of photographs....mostly, my husband & i work together through the ever changing needs of our children....we

all spend alot of time together which is important to us....

What do you think are the most important things you do as a mom and every day?

kiss my children & tell them i love them....every day...all the time....

Your approach is simple and emotional, how do you keep it this way when everything in the industry moves so quickly?

there is no other way for me....all my time is devoted to my children and my love of photography....i don't often know

what else is going on....being a mother makes me a better photogapher....being a photographer makes me happy....and

being happy makes me a better mom....i always strive to make the best possible images i can....good work is always relevant....

How did photography find you? And why did you decide to go into business?

photography found first camera was a gift from my mother when i was twelve years old....i fell

in love....the fact that i am business doing what i love is simply wonderful...

How do you keep from getting overwhelmed by business when you are at home and with your family?

i don't...there are days when i am overwhelmed...i am always on some kind of a deadline....but i am doing what i

love....and i have a wonderful i am blessed, in so many ways....this is all i know.....

What does your business workflow look like? How long do you sit at the computer?

i photograph with contributes alot to the look and feel of my work....i have all of my negatives scanned

after every i do spend a good amount of time organizing and editing images on my computer....more

than you'd expect from a film shooter....

Do you have anyone that works for you/with you at your studio?

yes...i have several girls that work with me...both in the field & in my office....good assistants

are such an important asset.....

You have a studio that is at your home, are clients okay with this? Do you meet with clients in person?

my studio is in my general i do not have any clients come here...this is my headquarters...but most of

my meetings are on location....i don't think its imperative to have a big fancy studio to be successful....for me its not

an option...when i decided to have children, i had to modify my ideas of running a business...that's the beauty of

being a can make your business fit your life style....

You’ve created relationships with your clients that inspire them to come back to you year after year. What have you done to create this kind of loyalty?

the two most important aspects of photography for me are....

1. treat my clients with kindness & respect

2. make beautiful photographs....

treating people thoughtfully is important whatever situation you are in & giving

them beautiful images of themselves & their families is truly a wonderful gift....if

people feel good around you & like your images, chances are they will hire you


To see more of Elizabeth Messina's work:



***All images in this post are copyright Elizabeth Messina***

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Posted on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 at 01:47PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , | Comments7 Comments


best and worst.

Dinner time is another favorite time of day for me.  I love the chance to eat good food, hear all of the buzz about the day, and talk about the best and worst.

A year or so ago I started asking the kids to tell what their best and worst was for the day when we were sitting at dinner.  Now, it's become a normal part of dinner.  It's been great, especially doing having this be our little family ritual through our move across the country.  It's given the kids a chance to tell us how things really are, what is happening at school, and what they like in their lives.  It's been so helpful for being able to keep tabs on how they are really feeling about things.

Some days everyone has had a really great day and no one can even think of a 'worst' for the day.  Other days some people can't think of a 'best' for the day.

Some worsts:

I really miss Utah

We didn't get to go outside for recess today because it was raining

I spent too much time on the computer

I didn't get to sit with Emma today at lunch


Some bests:

I got the winning touchdown today when we played football at recess

I was the leader today at preschool

I got everything done today that I wanted to get done

I had 20 people in class today

Working in the yard together

Our new trails we made in the yard

Playing in the fort we made in the woods

Shopping for Emmett's birthday

I sold more kits today

I talked to a great bride about her wedding in Florida

Reading books with mom on the couch

Going to Asheville with Dad

Going on a date with Mike

Going on a walk with Grace


Most everything is really simple...but they make up the fabric of our lives...and that's what I love about it!

I've decided to start keeping a little book that has our bests and worsts in it so that we can have a little record to look at years from now.

If you're not doing best and worst or not having dinner together...both are totally worth giving a try!

best. LIFE.

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Move it Monday.

Posted on Monday, March 30, 2009 at 05:56PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments28 Comments

this is it.

The last couple of days of the month! We have some people who have really worked hard this month to stay consistent. I'm very impressed and super proud of you! I think we may have a three way tie...what to do?!?! :)

Don't miss a day now. And remember there's still the year contest to keep up with...

And from my fave source of good and healthy health insurance company...

Don’t underestimate the power of a good walk!

Walking is an excellent way to participate in physical activity. You can walk anywhere, and it doesn’t require a gym membership or any special equipment. You just need a sturdy pair of walking shoes and a little time.

 Benefits of Walking

 - Helps with weight loss or maintenance

- Strengthens your heart

- Prevents diabetes and osteoporosis

- Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol

- Increases energy

- Reduces stress

- If you’re going with a friend or family member…it’s a great way to build and strengthen your relationships

Have fun this week!

healthy. LIFE.

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Startupnation Contest: Only 3 days left.

Posted on Sunday, March 29, 2009 at 07:51AM by Registered CommenterDavina | Comments2 Comments


Remember to vote...even if it's not for me!

The contest ends on Tuesday..

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has been voting.  I appreciate you very much!

Click here to vote




Posted on Friday, March 27, 2009 at 10:21AM by Registered CommenterDavina | Comments4 Comments


Play to your strengths.

In life and in business it's easy to look at all of the places that we fall short, all of the things we aren't doing that we should be doing, and all of the things that we just aren't good at, that we wish we were.

We can look at those things, make plans to get better, devise lists of ways we can improve and things will likely get better.  There is another way, though.

You can play to your strengths.  This is one of the things we talk about at Day with Davina.

In the book, Now Discover your Strengths the authors talk about the day a child brings home a report card from school.  The report card has 3 A's, 2 B's and a D.  Parents will typically look at that report card and say, "What happened?  Why is there a D on this report card?"  Phone calls to the teacher are placed, plans are made to do better in the upcoming semester, and all effort is put into making that grade a better grade.  The A's and B's are practically ignored.  Somehow the weaknesses have overshadow all of the strengths.

It's time to take back your strengths.  See who you really are.  Find where you shine.  Unearth the things that make you different...that unique combination of things that make you You.  Start to see the strengths in the people around you...your spouse, your kids, your parents, your brother or sister.

Once you start to recognize those strengths give them more face time, see how you can make your strengths stronger, give them more practice, let them bless your life and the lives of people around you.

It's surprising how much more good can be done by focusing on strengths than by focusing on weakness.

We all have weaknesses...we all know it.  Do we have to own them ALL OF THE TIME?

Put them away for a little while.  See what good all of those strengths of yours can do if they're given a chance to breathe, a little time in the sunshine, a little chance to flex their muscles. 

Make a list of your strengths.  What little gems of goodness about you have you been hiding lately?

strong. LIFE.

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