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Posted on Friday, March 27, 2009 at 10:21AM by Registered CommenterDavina | Comments4 Comments


Play to your strengths.

In life and in business it's easy to look at all of the places that we fall short, all of the things we aren't doing that we should be doing, and all of the things that we just aren't good at, that we wish we were.

We can look at those things, make plans to get better, devise lists of ways we can improve and things will likely get better.  There is another way, though.

You can play to your strengths.  This is one of the things we talk about at Day with Davina.

In the book, Now Discover your Strengths the authors talk about the day a child brings home a report card from school.  The report card has 3 A's, 2 B's and a D.  Parents will typically look at that report card and say, "What happened?  Why is there a D on this report card?"  Phone calls to the teacher are placed, plans are made to do better in the upcoming semester, and all effort is put into making that grade a better grade.  The A's and B's are practically ignored.  Somehow the weaknesses have overshadow all of the strengths.

It's time to take back your strengths.  See who you really are.  Find where you shine.  Unearth the things that make you different...that unique combination of things that make you You.  Start to see the strengths in the people around you...your spouse, your kids, your parents, your brother or sister.

Once you start to recognize those strengths give them more face time, see how you can make your strengths stronger, give them more practice, let them bless your life and the lives of people around you.

It's surprising how much more good can be done by focusing on strengths than by focusing on weakness.

We all have weaknesses...we all know it.  Do we have to own them ALL OF THE TIME?

Put them away for a little while.  See what good all of those strengths of yours can do if they're given a chance to breathe, a little time in the sunshine, a little chance to flex their muscles. 

Make a list of your strengths.  What little gems of goodness about you have you been hiding lately?

strong. LIFE.

*Tell a friend about this post*

Reader Comments (4)

Great thoughts Davina. Thanks for sharing!

March 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike

I am glad you share little snippets from all the books you read, because with my littl ones crawling around now, I don't have time to read as much as I used to! I think I will make a list of my strengths - and probably Jed's too. Maybe he could do the same and we'll compare notes!

March 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmily Stanger

That's a great idea, Emily. I love it! I hear you...twins are a handful to be sure. Keeping them in clean diapers and fed takes most of the day. :) (it's fun, though.)

March 28, 2009 | Registered CommenterDavina

That is excellent - and love that book also.

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