Women and Business: Shannon Sewell

***All images in this post are copyright Shannon Sewell.***
NEXT WEEK: Melanie McClellan
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Shannon, You have such happy, light, and life filled work. You are a fun person, mom, wife, and photographer. You seem to be very good at keeping things balanced and pulling back from photography and buiness when you need to. You've been in business for quite a while as a children and family photographer as well as a commercial photographer. I love the opportunities that I've had to talk with you and I'm so glad you're here on Women and Business!
How long have you been in business?
5 years (full-time mama, part-time photographer)
Do you have a studio outside your home?
I just recently got into a studio share.
Why did you make that choice?
It's a group of fantastic, inspiring creative people (from different fields) and the thought of having that energy around me... having a place to collaborate & be inspired. Not to mention that it's a place to run to on the rainy days here in the NW.
You do wonderful theme shoots with your kids. How do you get them to do that? Do they love it? Where do you do those fantastic shoots? Do you have a camera room or a natural light studio in your home?
I find that doing kids shoots is easier when the kids are excited about it too. I try to come up with ideas/concepts that allow the kids to use their imaginations.. play.. inspire me :) I do the shoots everywhere. I can do them in a 4x4 area in my garage or I've sought out a forest... haha- just depends!
You have such a natural and free feel to your images…how do you get clients/kids to be so natural in front of the camera?
Don't tell anyone but I have no modesty/ego/sense of pride... I act like a doof, play, joke... it's not pretty ;)
You have two kids. How do you involve them in your business?
My kids are with me all the time. They sit next to me while I edit, shop for sessions with me... the only thing they don't do (yet) is go on the shoots with me. They are my little assistants in training though (my son already has shot credit on most of my bio shots).
How do you keep from obsessing about your business at the expense of your family?
Honestly I am so NOT a business person. The creative stuff I do for the love of it and the stuff I do for the money I really have no problem backing away from if I feel like it is encroaching. I guess I should feel lucky that my creative side isn't bursting at the seams and seems to keep itself slow and steady? haha
What does your workflow look like? Do you outsource or keep everything in house?
I do everything. I keep myself to one or two sessions a week so it's been doable. I am totally Type A/do everything myself in all aspects of my life so outsourcing completely takes me out of my comfort zone.
What do you recommend women do who are just getting started in the industry?
Find a mentor, find other photographers to network with that get this side of you, shoot from your heart & trust your instincts- this is YOUR art and there is no right or wrong.
What are you most proud of as a business woman?
I feel like I have stayed true to myself. At the end of the day my photography is about me- it's my story, my reputation, my art. And I am proud to say it is a pretty accurate representation of me.
What have you done to get clients that you really love that want what YOU do?
I only show what I love to do. I upped my pricing to the higher end of my market to ensure that people are coming to me not just cause I can take their picture but because they want ME. I have a very personal business. I interact with my clients at every step so we get to know each other... if we click then they come back & if we don't.. ;)
What do you do to keep from feeling overwhelmed?
I find no failure in stepping back & giving myself a break from what I do. The path I am on has no end so if I decide to wander on other paths or choose another path entirely... well, I'm okay with that. I think giving yourself leniency helps keep the pressure and fear of not 'succeeding' at bay and let's you just be in the moment.
You are such a fun person and relaxed person. What keeps you going? My kids. If nothing else, I've got two little people that need me to stay (semi) sane, productive & a good role model- they are both my discipline & my happy pills ;)
What have you done to have such a strong blog following and have so many people that comment?
I really have no idea how people have found me (I'd love to know!). I just feel so grateful and indebted to these people that continually support me and send love my way. I owe so much to them and wish they knew how many of my days they've made :)
What do you do to stay inspired?
I feel like I look at the world through a view finder- locations.. people.. colors.. objects.. I am always trying to fit them into a image that I can capture with my camera. I have binders full of inspiring tears, folders of things I've found online... there is way more beauty in this world than I will EVER be able to capture. Travel has become a huge inspiration to me over the past year or so. For most of my mentoring sessions I fly out to the client and it has taken me all across the country. It has allowed some amazing shoots and the ability to meet incredible people. It is definitely one of my favorite things about my 'job'.
What three products or things help you stay organized?
my iPhone, iCal & post-its!
What do you do to get such great color in your images?
I do very little/very quick post processing. My go to is Nichole V's actions. She leaves everything in layers so I have my recipe of off/on/opacity & I'm done in 30 seconds :)
You have a unique approach to your sessions. You stylize the majority of your shoots. How do you come up with concepts? And how do you make sure your costs are covered…it seems like that could get expensive? Do you have a room full of fantastic clothes and wonderful props?
Oh gosh.. the concepts come from EVERYWHERE. My inspiration folders, a 'prop' i find, my kids' imaginations... I try to just pick up little things here and there when I'm out shopping/exploring for future use. I have a really great storage unit that I put everything in. I am also SO lucky to have some local clothing companies that loan me wardrobe. And yes.. I do spend more than I should ;)
What is the best thing you did when you were getting started?
Network, network, network! I owe so much of where I am to my photographer friends. Their inspiration and support have been priceless.
What five suggestions do you have for women who are trying to have a more balanced life?
I really only have one... As soon as something starts becoming a burden, it's time to reevaluate. When I feel like my photography is taking over my life or becoming something I dread I know it's time to sit back and change things up. I take one of my 'sabbaticals' & then I can come back with a fresh eye and excitement. Hasn't failed me yet...
***All images in this post are copyright Shannon Sewell.***
References (4)
Response: nswba.com.auJust proves the old adage. Its an ill wind that blows no good. Never trust a computer you cant throw out a window. Attributed to Steve Wozniak
Response: www.gardenisland.infoYour blog didnt work this morning
Response: www.sadaf-mit.comgreat post! im bookmarking this!
Response: lmXeCFLnDavina's Blog - Davina's Blog - Women and Business: Shannon Sewell
Reader Comments (5)
Wow! I have just started getting into conceptual shoots and am so grateful to discover Shannon! I think shooting conceptually is one of the greatest creative outlets ever! its so nice to not always be in the routine of doing things the same all the time:) Thank you to both Davina and Shannon! You have a new follower!
love her!!
so awesome!
Shannon is awesome :) A wonderful mentor!!
Shannon, love your clarity on your business and your life! Thank you for sharing. Beautiful, playful work too!