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Move it Monday: What to do when you're sick

Posted on Monday, November 8, 2010 at 08:51PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments1 Comment

** I'm posting these images because I love the movement...they have nothing really to do with this post. :)  **

when your nose looks this good.

Yesterday at church Grace was snuggled up next to me; she looked up at me with what I expected to be with hearts in her eyes and instead received a look of disdain.  She, in a very NOT discreet code kind of way, reached up to her nose and started brushing it as if to tell me, "Mom, you have something really creepy and disgusting on your nose."  In an embarassing code kind of way I wiped at my nose only to discover that it wouldn't wipe away.  You see, my nose is cracked and peeling and looks like it has dandruff from using FOUR boxes of tissues on it in the last 14 days.

So, needless to say, I've barely stepped outside my house for the last two weeks.  Not that I was headed to skinny-land before I got sick; the scale has definitely not been tipping THAT direction but I'm definitely feeling like I really need to get my muscles a bit less flabby.  Mostly, I don't fit into a single pair of my jeans and I've taken to wearing Nacho Libre's stretchy pants (leggings) and a very pregnant looking shirt/dress kind of things (I'm not pregnant, although it would be nice to say that that's why I've gained weight lately).

Today I committed to getting out of my house and walking.  I went for 10 minutes and could really feel that not only am I sick and out of breath I'm also out of shape and out of breath.  I'll be out there tomorrow pounding the pavement now that only my nose is running and I've kicked (fingers crossed) the fatigue, fever, body aches, headaches, and other good stuff associated with whatever the heck I've had for too long now.

So, for all of you who are wondering what to do about your exercise routine when you're sick, I thought I'd do a bit of research.  Here are a couple of links with more info:

Exercise could help you keep from getting sick: This research was done recently by a guy who studies colds at the University of Virginia.  He concluded from his study that people who exercise at least 5 times a day can cut their chances of getting sick by 30%.  So not only will exercise help you get healthy it can also keep you healthy during flu season.

Working out when you're sick: When you're sick with a cold or the flu and you're feeling run down, tired, suffering from fever, body aches, head aches, etc. you should refrain from exercising.  Your body fights a catabolic state when it works out...it's trying to do the same thing when it fights the flu or a cold and it will cause you to just feel that much more fun down and tired.

Another finding from this research is that sleep is so vital.  I've talked about that before on Move it Monday and it's always worth repeating.  Your body burns fat better when you get a good night's sleep and it also keeps sickness away.  People who sleep at least 8 hours a night are much less likely to get sick than people who don't get ample sleep.

So when you're sick take care of yourself...just like your mom always said.  Get plenty of sleep and drink lots of fluids.


healthy. LIFE.

Reader Comments (1)

awwww, feel better!!!

November 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

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