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Posted on Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at 08:39PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , , | Comments6 Comments

helpful hints for your next vacation.

 *warning: this post has too many pictures and most were taken with my point and shoot camera*


Just in case you didn't know a few things about how to have a family trip to Pawley's Island I thought I'd give you a couple of hints and tips. (if you missed my first vacation post...click here.)


#1-Get ice cream every day.  Bruster's will give you heaping ice cream cones that will make your eyes pop out of your head when they hand them to you.  You'll wonder who they think is planning to eat this one ice cream cone?  You and everyone that lives in Texas?  Of course, my kids loved that they got to down that much ice cream. 


#2-If you go to Bruster's...you must try the peanut butter explosion ice cream.  It's making my mouth water just thinking about it.


#3-If you don't get peanut butter explosion...you have to have cotton candy explosion.  It has pop rocks.  Gracie and Emma got it every time.


#4-Make sure to measure yourself 10 times while you're there to make sure you are too BIG to get the baby ice cream cone.


#5-When you go crabbing...make sure to go at low tide.  You will actually see crabs.


#6-When you put the chicken leg bait in your net...tie it on...or the crab will take off with it and laugh at you when you lift up your net.


#7-Let your kids put the nasty chicken leg in the net.


#8-Big brothers are an excellent way to get out of walking...anywhere.


#9-A new hat makes for a great souvenir, especially if you look like an awesome cowgirl in it.


#10-Digging is mandatory on the beach.  It's possible that you could dig all the way to water...or buried treasure...never give up.  Just keep digging.  Get the big shovels.  Not those whimpy beach shovels.  Put your heart into it.  Be serious.


#11-It is impossible to collect enough seashells.  Each and every one is so completely beautiful.  It doesn't matter if they are broken or not.  They are all, every one, wonderfully wonderful.


#12-You can be the youngest child in the family and be the very first, brave soul to try boogie boarding.  And then love it so much that your entire swimsuit fills up with sand.

#13-Your swimsuit will fill up with sand...especially if you're a girl.  Good luck getting it out.


#14-Pizza Grill-a has excellent pizza and corndogs...and stuffed Gorilla's that will stare at you while you eat.


#15-Riding bikes around the island is super fun...even if you almost have a heart attack...or three...or four... when your child rides their bike out in front of oncoming traffic (yes, that means multiple cars...multiple times).


#16-Jumping on beds is good stress relief.


#17-Eating cold breakfast cereal at a beachside condo tastes better than it does at your own house.


#18-A joke book from the 1950s can keep kids entertained for hours.


#19-You can go out on a deep sea fishing boat.  We saw the ads.  We're going next time.


#20-It will never be a long enough trip.  Kids will be sad when it's time to leave.


good. LIFE.



Reader Comments (6)


your #1 tip is ice cream every day ... how can you post that after your move it monday posts, Davina? ;) tee-hee-hee!!!!!

August 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

Hahaha! Karen, I didn't even realize that. I told you I gained 6 pounds! And I've still not gotten it off. I've been doing way better this week...trying to get into the routine again and start eating a little less ice cream! :) Wish me luck because Bruster's is too good!

August 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterDavina

Love all the pics...can there ever be to many? I hope the city paid you for this post, because you convinced me I need to go!

August 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdestri

I have never seen Mike with out his glasses...he looks like he is peering in to your very soul. When in trouble, your kids don't stand a chance between Mike and your big baby blues. No fibbing in the Fear family...ever! :) Caleb and I need to work on our "peering in to your soul" faces.

August 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJessica

I just want to know when you're going next?! My family and I will BE THERE!

I love your perspective on making something "normal" special by your camera angles and point of view. You are so creative in telling the story. You inspire me to experiment with my kids.

I guess I played with my wide angle lens a lot on our vacation. One year I practiced reflections. It's fun to self assign something you want to get better at. I think I will work on my point of view next! :)

August 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

I love seeing these pictures. You can never have to many of them for me to see! Loved the one of your dear husband up close. I love how you told us about your vacation in pictures. Seriously, I think Pawley's Island needs to use these on their vacation brochures! Thanks for sharing!

October 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarolyn

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