Women and Business: Angie Monson

***All images in this post are copyright Angie Monson***
NEXT WEEK: Allegra
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Angie, You were nominated by a couple of women who wanted to hear how you do it all. I had not heard of you up to that point...as soon as I got the nominations I started hearing about you everywhere. People are talking about you on forums! In the last couple of years you'v gotten a lot of things right. I'm so glad you are here. Thanks so much for being on Women and Business.How long have you been in business?
7 years, 4 years of that part time, 3 years full time.
What was the process you went through to get things running smoothly?
Finding my style and getting my name out there, after that it has gone fairly smoothly.
What do you do to keep things simple in your life and studio?
I have started toseparatebusiness from home more and now my twins are in daycare 2 full days a week so I can gets things done and be a better mom when I am with them.
What do you think are the top three things you must do as a business woman every day?
1. Focus, I make a list every day.
2. Try to not get emotional... this one is hard being a woman, but business is business.
3. I try to stay on top of my work daily so I don't get behind and stressed out.
What do you think are the top three things you must do as a mom and wife every day?
1. kiss your children every day and hold them tight,, this comes naturally to me but I think it is SO important. I think my kids are sick of me kissing them all the time.
2. Turn off the TV and walk away from the computer and have a daily chat with your hubby, he needs attention just as much as the kiddos. I have really had to work on this one!
3. Play as a family. Even if it's 5 minutes.
Your business and style of shooting have really evolved over the last 2 years. What steps do you think you’ve gone through to get to this point in your business and your style?
Lots of workshops. Lots of online learning. Shooting often. I feel like I learn something new EVERY time I shoot.
I really have pushed myself because I wanted toseparatemyself from the other 500+ (maybe I amexaggerating, okay maybe not) photographers in Utah. I love fashion and I really wanted to incorporate high fashion with my kids sessions. I really love editorial work so that is what I am trying toachieve.
I think when I started to get a good response from my clients this really helped me realize that I CAN do this, I can be who I want to be, not what I think people want me to be.
You’ve gone to numerous workshops. What do you think you took away from each of them? If someone had to choose just one workshop to go to, which would you recommend?
Brianna Graham: That was a huge turning point in my business, I was still a newbie with digital. I used to shoot film. Seeing how she photoshopped and posed her clients was HUGE for me. I highly recommend that workshop if you need some inspiration.
Image is Found Workshop: I love their edgy wedding style. It was fun to see their perspective and their workflow.
One Light Workshop: This was a really cool workshop, but to honestly it was a bit over my head and all crammed into one day, at the time and I was more interested in hanging out with the otherattendees!
Skye Hardwick Business workshop: I loved how this one just pushed me to be more of a business woman. I knew what I needed to do before hand, but this just pushed me harder to do it. I loved how she showed us to not get emotional and to really create boundaries in our business.
What do you do to separate yourself from your business?
Gosh that is a hard one! It's funny because if I am slow it takes me a few days to figure out what to do with myself! My family is really into just being outdoors, we go hiking and river rafting, but with have 2 year old twins it's hard to do anything hardcore! Just keeping active is what I like to do in my spare time. I also just love to shop, really for anything,,, even dishsoap.
What three products or things help you stay organized?
1. My Mac, love it.
2. My Iphone, can't leave home without it.
3. My brain, seriously I remember a lot of stuffpertainingto my business but if you ask me what I ate for lunch yesterday I have no clue.
With so many things on your plate, what do you do to market your business? How does that fit into your busy schedule?
I am pretty much all word of mouth right now. I do work with Children's Hour, a children's boutique and we help marketeach-other. Other than that blogging is my best form of advertising.
What do you think are the three smartest ways to market your business when you’re starting out?
1. Figure out who your market is and try to get your work hung up where those type of people will shop.
2. Telling everyone what you do for a living, somehow bring it up in your conversation. Give out your cards, you never know when they will need you but most of the time they willremember what you do.
3. Doing promos or offer modeling specials to promote your work, this will also build your portfolio.
What plans do you have for your business this year? How will your plans impact your family?
1. SENIORS! So excited for this one. With seniors I have some new outdoor lighting I will be using.
2. Work less, make more.
3. Less family sessions, I may only offer children, seniors, and weddings next year and refer family sessions to other photographers.
What 5 tips do you have for women to help them maintain a balance in their lives between everything they have to do?
1. Do something other than photography to ground yourself, workout, sing, jumprope...
2. Set certain times to work, stick to it. This one is HARD!
3. Get enough sleep, no one likes a grouchy photographer.
4. Write down a plan... if you want to do 10 sessions a month, keep to it. People will want you even more if you can't book them right away.
5. Stop and smell the flowers, cheesy but true.
Are there times that you feel overwhelmed? What do you do?
Often, I talk it out. I have a lot very supportive people in my life. My sisters, my friend Jess and of course my hubby. I am the type of person that wants things done right away, I am impatient! So if there is a problem, I fix it.
You have a friend, Jess, that is also a photographer. How did that relationship come about and how has it helped you in your career?
Ah... Jess, she is one of my best friends. We talk often. It has been really nice to share pretty much everything witheach-other. In this business sometimes I feel like I have to protect what I know, which I feel takes so much energy, it is nice to have a person that understands it all and I can go to.
To see more of Angie's Work:
***All images in this post are copyright Angie Monson***
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References (7)
Response: corporate marketing strategies onlineSuperb Site, Carry on the fantastic job. Thanks a ton!
Response: modules.fd.ulaval.caDavina's Blog - Davina's Blog - Women and Business: Angie Monson
Response: printable Bridal Shower GamesDavina's Blog - Davina's Blog - Women and Business: Angie Monson
Response: hayansalt.co.krDavina's Blog - Davina's Blog - Women and Business: Angie Monson
Response: health careDavina's Blog - Davina's Blog - Women and Business: Angie Monson
Response: onebuckresume.zendesk.comDavina's Blog - Davina's Blog - Women and Business: Angie Monson
Response: conceive boy babyDavina's Blog - Davina's Blog - Women and Business: Angie Monson
Reader Comments (23)
Angie!!! Love the comment about "I was more interested in hanging out with the other attendees." LOL
Love Angie's work, it just gets better and better...Great interview...frequent visits to her blog keep me motivated and besides...she's such a fun person!!!!1
great idea, is it silly to nominate myself? www.christinehallphotography.com love the blog. if i cant nominate myself would love to nominate friend donna von bruening of dvbphoto.net