Move it Monday.
Quick reminder!
This month I'm giving away a Lowe's Gift Card for $75 because flowers and spring and sunshine and blue skies are upon us...and I love to see flowers spring up everywhere.
For May give me something crazy! Have fun! Do a self portrait (or have someone take it) of your crazy self doing some kind of crazy exercise. Send it in to me at davina at davinafear dot com and I'll post you on my blog! At the end of the month we'll all vote for our fave crazy exerciser.
funny. LIFE.
Reader Comments (13)
I've decided I want to play in the Move it Monday group. I know that I am not really playing since I work for the studio, but I need to have a group that I check in with. So every day this week I am going to do something active and see how it goes. You are so inspiring Davina, thank you!
HI JESS!!!!! Glad to have another playmate. :)
My bro and I walked around for almost 3 hours yesterday at the San Diego Wildlife Park. Fun times!!!!! :)
Wow...3 hours. You might as well stay on and do the San Diego 1/2 marathon with me Sunday!
I walked a bit at the resevoir tonight with my husband for date night. And we worked on my Move it Monday photo. :)
Walked to school today 2.3 miles. Did some stretching and floorwork after. A beautiful day! There is an older man that I see walking by the school a lot. One day I commented to him "nice day for a walk." He replied, "every day is a nice day for a walk." I'll never forget that.
Thanks Karen! I hear that you are a champ at these Move it Monday posts, so I am glad to have your support! Today I ran/walked on the treadmill for 20 min. It felt really good...yeah!
I am so glad you sited Stephanie Nie as a person who has striking imagery. I always thought so too. She is so inspiring! Not only as an artist, but as a person who is going through hardship with awesome grace! Her ability to see the beautiful, simple things in life is just amazing. Love her!
Welcome, Jessica! :)
Ok, Laura, I think your head needs to be examined. 1/2 marathon? Ugh. I retired from running in the 9th grade. *shudder*
Yesterday, I had about a 4-5 hour model shoot which was awesome.
Today, we took a 1-hour walk .. and found a new and awesome neighborhood I want to do some targeted marketing. :) Oh, and the vineyard I found a long time ago? I found out they have MORE vines on the walk. I need to introduce myself!
Karen, if you can walk 3 hours at the zoo you can do it!!!
Today we walked to school and I was in a good mood afterwards. I am getting excited for my big event on Sunday in San Diego!
Larua, I'd be the hare, not the tortise! ;)
Laura, best of luck to you on the big event this weekend...I know you will do a great job!
I am down to 195! That's almost 15 pounds in the past 6 weeks or so...wah-hoo! Arms today along with an 8:36 mile (took it easy on purpose). I have also walked with Davina one day this week which was great. I know the day will come when I can't run any more and it's nice to know that I can enjoy walking (at least when I walk with my beautiful wife!).
Thanks for the encouragement everyone, and keep it up!
Wow Mike! That's awesome! I've lost 15 pounds also and am feeling so good, so I know how you feel! Great job on sticking with it and appreciating what you are thankful for. Every moment counts.
I'll be flying to San Diego this morning so will do my butt squeezes on the plane (in honor of Karen). Hope to get a walk in later today. Also hope to find a computer in the hotel so I can keep you updated! I'm getting really excited! Thanks for the encouragement!
Oooh! My son really wanted to walk to school even though we were a little late. A good workout tip. Be late so you have to walk fast! 2.3 miles. :)
ahem. my scale REALLY needs to talk to y'alls scales. i ain't down no 15 pounds.
today, i took a big nap .... but I've been doing loads of squats to make up for my lack of going to the gym. Tomorrow is a wedding .... will be tons of "working out" then. :)