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Move it Monday.

Posted on Monday, April 6, 2009 at 09:50AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments32 Comments


Yes, you read that right.  We have a three way tie for last month's contest.  I'm so impressed with the dedication that I saw this last month.  I loved that some days weren't so good and then there were days that people exercised and ate well.

The thing I love the most is how cool these people are!  And I wouldn't have known it without this contest... I loved getting to know Laura and Karen and hearing about their daily struggles and the fun stuff going on.  Both of them are funny and I'm looking forward to the day we get to meet.  We've been joking around about a trip to Hawaii...  Mike has also been constant this month and I love that he's been posting every day, too.

So...I encourage you to become one of the Move it Monday girls!  It's fun to check in everyday and the encouragement and support are a great bonus...and then when you win that's an even bigger bonus!

And don't forget the YEAR contest!  It's not too late, ever, to join the Move it Monday fun!

I'm going to have to up the ante this month because I don't know if I can keep up with having more than one winner! :)


So...this month...you have to post in the comments everyday like we did for March AND you have to have done at least 20 minutes of exercise 5 days a week*.  IF there is a tie this month, we'll have a third party online company do a random selection of the winner...

April's contest winner will get....hmmm....tell me in the comments what YOU would like to see the prize be and I'll post it here by the end of the week! ...Don't get too crazy on me!  I'm not giving out airline tickets to Italy, here!:)

I have to say that the last 10 days have been really tough for me.  I haven't had anything big going on but I've been busy and I've let the busy-ness get me away from exercising everyday.  It just felt like it took so long to get the exercising done and I have so many other things to accomplish everyday. 

I decided that it's because I really have been exercising a lot more.  I've gotten excited that I was losing weight and have been working out for a longer time, etc.  So...now, it does take a long time to exercise and it does take up a chunk of my morning.  At this point, it's time to just get back to the basics.  20 minutes a day.  That's all I'm asking of myself.  20 mintues.  No more.  It needs to seem easy again so that I can get back into the swing of doing this.  I don't want to give up just when it is easy!  I mean REALLY!!  I've worked out in the freezing cold, snow, rain, all of it.  Now, it's spring and it's totally gorgeous, perfect walking weather and I'm going to wimp out?!  What's up with that?

So, it's back to 20 minutes for me.  Just get in the 20 minutes every day.

If you're thinking it takes too long to exercise.  Think 20 minutes.  Everyone can find 20 minutes in a day to go for a walk... or lift a couple of tomato cans 30 times over your head...

*Or the person who walks at least 20 minutes a day for the most days of the month.

*Contests start the day  I post them...not the first day of the month.  So...because I posted this contest on April 6th, that's the starting day...NOT April 1st.  Hopefully, this clears things up for everyone.

easy. LIFE.

*tell a friend about this contest!*

Reader Comments (32)

How exciting!!! It is so fun having online workout buddies! I'm so glad you've invited us in to your Mondays Davina!

Davina, you are so right to get back to basics. I wanted to share that in my TEAM in training calendar, we mostly only walk 30 minutes! One day is not walking, but stretching and weights. Then our big walk is Saturday. I was suprised that to train for a big endurance event, all you need is small workouts more often! (then they get us on Saturday!!)

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

This is awesome. I've mostly been checking out your photo posts, and I finally read the move it monday details today. Lately I've been thinking I should probably be journaling or blogging or something my exercise and diet to have some better accountability for healthier habits.

I do pretty well going to the gym on days I work at the studio, but I'm not very active when I stay at home and work. This will help me tons to step away from the computer. And to eat real, healthy meals instead of just snacking all day. mmmmm, yeah, I just admitted that.

I'm on the lower end of a "healthy weight," so for me this is going to be about maintaining a healthy weight, building muscle and bone, and helping my heart and lungs. Yea I'm excited. Looks like I'll be posting this evening with what I did today.

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda310

Okay, I'm going to stay up with it this month! It's finally a warm day here, so we are going outside to play and run around with the kids! Does that count?

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKayleen T.

Oh yea congrats Laura, Karen and Mike!!

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKayleen T.

yay for the winners!!

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeb

Ladies... HELP! I have been soooooo bad. Over the weekend I ate fast food twice and I saw a red flag. You just CAN'T let yourself get too busy to eat right. I had a weekend full of shoots and just got lazy.

So this week I'm going to take on the challenge of just 20 minutes a day. 20 little minutes! What are some ways you plan to spend 20 minutes? I think today I am going to take my dogs for a long walk. They deserve it and I could use the fresh air! I love Davina's idea of just using tomato cans for a quick workout. I can do that while I'm in the kitchen waiting on dinner to cook! Ah, gotta love multi-tasking!

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGwendolyn Tundermann

Good job, winners!!!

I met with my physical therapist today. We are on a mission to find a way to exercise with no knee pain. will keep you posted!

looking at tomato cans now.....can so do this! :-)

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrebekah

I am just plain tarred (tired) today. I think my ten miles on Saturday wooped me! I'm going to take the good night sleep route and do a nice 3 mile resevoir walk tomorrow morning. I like excercising first thing in the morning as it gives me energy for the whole day.

Once I heard (shoot, I can't remember her name)...a famous model that has brown hair and a beauty mole on her face...anyway, she had had a baby and she said instead of feeling tired and taking a nap, do some quick excercise and that will perk you up. I always try to think of her advice, especially when I'm tarred. :)

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

P.S. Great going Rebekah! Something will work out for you!!!

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

P.S. again. Davina, you are an inspiration. Many photographers give up on exercise because of all the demands of life. You make it sound manageable! Keep up the good work! We're here for you too! :)

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

no snacking today. and i ate balanced healthy meals. i did have cookies at lunch and supper. for exercise, 30 minutes of brisk walking around my neighborhood. i enjoyed seeing the dogwoods blooming in the woods along my walk today.

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteramanda310

I walked for my 20 minutes yesterday. Yay! Now, I just need to make sure that I get my 20 minutes of weights in...

Way to go on no snacking yesterday and eating balanced meals. I'm loving those dogwoods, too.

Laura, thank you! :)...I'm sure you are tarred! You've got a lot going on...

Rebekah, that's great news!

Gwendolyn, I love it! Good ideas...

Yay, Kayleen! It's good to see you again! :)

April 7, 2009 | Registered CommenterDavina

So instead of walking the dogs I ran around the yard with them. Once I caught my breath I actually felt really pumped up! And I'm sure one day of running around didn't make me lose any weight, but I'll be darned if I don't think I LOOK thinner and hotter today! Haha!

Got ambitious today and did some crunches then went grocery shopping for yummy vegetarian food instead of getting lazy and stopping by the Chinese restaurant for dinner! Baby steps...

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGwendolyn Tundermann

Oh. My. Goodness.

I'm tired.

And I've been traveling.

When I stay w/ friends/family, the exercise thing goes out the window. Truly. :(

I guess I've been eating good. No snacks today. Does a lemon berry slush from Sonic count? It's a drink ... and there are strawberries. Healthy, right?

Ok, so all day today did a model shoot w/ my best friend. I'm WIPED OUT. Seriously, shooting is such an exhausting experience.

Oh, and the 20 min/day for 5 days/week. I'm gonna fall FLAT on my face w/ that one. As a matter of fact ... I've probably only done it once this week so far.

I'm FAR behind on this ... helllllo, it's April 7.

Contest prize? A super-sweet Davina kit? :)

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

i had a good workout at the gym today. 15 minutes of lifting upper body, and 15 minutes of hula hooping. i really enjoy hooping. i started in january, and i practice at least once a week. its a great ab workout, and it's been good cardio since i've gotten better at it.

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteramanda310

Changed my workout today to a 20 minute walk around the hood. Followed by a modified leg press workout standing on the curb and lowering my other foot to the street level. 50 each side. Amazing what you can do with your own body for resistence. :)

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

My mother is evil.

Every year for Lent, she gives up sweets. Well HELLO Holy Week. But she's twisted .... I think she likes to watch ME eat them. So last night, she's like 'do you want to stop for ice cream at Braum's?' What a temptress.

And I folded.

BUT I compromised. I went w/o the carbs in the cone ... that's a victory, right? Besides, after a 5-hour shoot, I'd burned the calories before .....

Ok, no more excuses. I'll start tomorrow. ;)

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

Everyone make sure to read the asterisks I added to the bottom of the post! And let's hear your ideas for prizes this month. I like Karen's idea...

...and yes, Karen. Your mother is evil! :)

I walked my 20 minutes today but never did my strength training yesterday. If I don't get my exercise in before 10am...I don't get it done. I've got to be more strict about that with myself. Especially on those strength training days!

April 8, 2009 | Registered CommenterDavina

Amanda, hula hooping?!? That sounds fun...if I could get the hoop to stay up! What's the secret to that?

April 8, 2009 | Registered CommenterDavina

20 minutes of walking around the neighborhood for me today. i definitely considered not doing it, but accountability is great.

yes, hula hooping!! one super helpful thing to keep the hoop up is NOT using a kiddie hoop. hoops for exercise are a lot bigger and significantly heavier. i think they're easy to make. all the ones at my gym are homemade by one of the trainers.

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteramanda310

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