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Move it Monday.

Posted on Monday, April 6, 2009 at 09:50AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments32 Comments


Yes, you read that right.  We have a three way tie for last month's contest.  I'm so impressed with the dedication that I saw this last month.  I loved that some days weren't so good and then there were days that people exercised and ate well.

The thing I love the most is how cool these people are!  And I wouldn't have known it without this contest... I loved getting to know Laura and Karen and hearing about their daily struggles and the fun stuff going on.  Both of them are funny and I'm looking forward to the day we get to meet.  We've been joking around about a trip to Hawaii...  Mike has also been constant this month and I love that he's been posting every day, too.

So...I encourage you to become one of the Move it Monday girls!  It's fun to check in everyday and the encouragement and support are a great bonus...and then when you win that's an even bigger bonus!

And don't forget the YEAR contest!  It's not too late, ever, to join the Move it Monday fun!

I'm going to have to up the ante this month because I don't know if I can keep up with having more than one winner! :)


So...this month...you have to post in the comments everyday like we did for March AND you have to have done at least 20 minutes of exercise 5 days a week*.  IF there is a tie this month, we'll have a third party online company do a random selection of the winner...

April's contest winner will get....hmmm....tell me in the comments what YOU would like to see the prize be and I'll post it here by the end of the week! ...Don't get too crazy on me!  I'm not giving out airline tickets to Italy, here!:)

I have to say that the last 10 days have been really tough for me.  I haven't had anything big going on but I've been busy and I've let the busy-ness get me away from exercising everyday.  It just felt like it took so long to get the exercising done and I have so many other things to accomplish everyday. 

I decided that it's because I really have been exercising a lot more.  I've gotten excited that I was losing weight and have been working out for a longer time, etc.  So...now, it does take a long time to exercise and it does take up a chunk of my morning.  At this point, it's time to just get back to the basics.  20 minutes a day.  That's all I'm asking of myself.  20 mintues.  No more.  It needs to seem easy again so that I can get back into the swing of doing this.  I don't want to give up just when it is easy!  I mean REALLY!!  I've worked out in the freezing cold, snow, rain, all of it.  Now, it's spring and it's totally gorgeous, perfect walking weather and I'm going to wimp out?!  What's up with that?

So, it's back to 20 minutes for me.  Just get in the 20 minutes every day.

If you're thinking it takes too long to exercise.  Think 20 minutes.  Everyone can find 20 minutes in a day to go for a walk... or lift a couple of tomato cans 30 times over your head...

*Or the person who walks at least 20 minutes a day for the most days of the month.

*Contests start the day  I post them...not the first day of the month.  So...because I posted this contest on April 6th, that's the starting day...NOT April 1st.  Hopefully, this clears things up for everyone.

easy. LIFE.

*tell a friend about this contest!*

Reader Comments (32)

A 30 minute walk around the 'hood, finishing off by being poured on with a rainstorm! Now THAT is refreshing!

April 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

Last night we wanted to go to Redbox and get a movie. There's one almost a mile from our house ... Erik also wanted to take a walk, then get the movie. SO I suggested we just walk up there and walk back. A perfect solution! :) It was about 2 miles .... I think it was probably a 20 or 30 minute walk, but I didn't time it. My watch is starting to putter out and I think it needs a new battery. Walking after about 5 hours worth of squatting/shooting the day before was good, but at times I looked like Forrest Gump w/ leg braces ... my knees would sort of buckle every once in awhile. Hum.

April 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

I love mixing exercise with errands. Great manuvuer Karen! Run Forrest Run!!!

After all my bragging about our weather, we had a dreary rainy day. I considered the walk but stuck close to home doing my weight routine and situps.

April 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

yesterday I got in about 35 min of stretching/weights. good.

since today is good friday and a day of FASTING .... i.e. only eating one complete meal, I figured I'd take it easy. BUT I also moonlight as a sub teacher (b/c we're concerned my husband will get sacked later this year and we're trying to put away as much coin as we can now, so it works!), and guess what? I got a call this morning. For PE class. Why God, oh why? ;)

April 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

Thanks for the encouraging post. I just returned from an amazing conference in San Diego on Mindfulness and Meditation - have also become a big fan of yoga and absolutely love tandem cycling (as you know! With love,

no exercise yesterday other than a shoot. but today i got in a 20 minute walk with my husband, and i'm going to do some pilates this evening to stretch out my sore self. lately, it's been my torso that is tired the day after an extended photo shoot--like around my rib cage. it used to be legs, then upper back and shoulders; i guess those muscle groups are getting stronger b/c they don't get tired as quickly anymore. :D

April 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteramanda310

Got out in between rainstorms for about a 30 minute walk. I love how I start all creaky and stiff and then pick up speed and start feeling the love.

I am mentally preparing for tomorrow. I am at my parents so will do my 10 mile walk without my TEAM. I did recruit a neighbor to do part of it with me. Stretching tonight and have game face on. :)

April 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

30 minutes of weights today. 10 min of cycling.

There's a few new weight machines at the Y ... and I"m mighty excited about that!!!!! :) Does that make me a dork? ;)

April 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

I don't know how to explain how I feel in a few sentences. Ten miles today was brutal. The first five were good. I had company. The second five, not so much! I was walking through the old town section of town and there was a running store where I walked in. I bought some shot bloks and they offered water and some cheerful advice. When I mentioned that I missed walking with my TEAM, he said "Actually, I think it is better to do this alone as you build mental endurance." All the painful way home I thought about building mental endurance. Kind of like building character. It's hard. Then I remembered the real reason I am walking which is to raise money for cancer research. My pain and discomfort is nothing in comparison to those with cancer. I think that is the point of doing something hard. I've now soaked my feet in a tub of ice water, ate lunch, showered, put on real clothes (not workout clothes) and am glad I did it. I'm also glad for the life lesson. As hard as it was to take.

April 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

i did the pilates last night like i said i would. i enjoyed it. i'm going to do it again tonight, and i'll try to get my husband to do it with me. that'll be fun. this afternoon we walked around our neighborhood for 30 minutes. we probably would have gone further, but i was cooking a chicken and was scared to get too far away from it.

tomorrow will be busy, but i think my plan will be to go to the early church service then JOG? before lunch. sounds good. we're having lunch with my fam and supper with my husband's fam so i'm going to go easy on the dessert--and the meals. i think it's good to think about it ahead of time, knowing the food will be scrumptious and plentiful at both places, i can scale back so i don't feel like blah tomorrow evening.

April 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteramanda310

the jog did not happen today. it was still too cold and windy this morning, and that was enough to counter the small amount of motivation i had to go do it. but i did a 30 minute lifting and stretching workout complete with the suggested tomato cans. :D they happen to be the biggest cans i have in my pantry. the dinner and supper meal plan worked well too.

April 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteramanda310

We had a fun family meander nearby following a creek through the woods and overlooking a valley with a river. It was a perfect Easter day outing. It was so beautiful and strollish, that it felt like yesterday never happened. Except for that vague workout hangover feeling I have. :)

April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

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