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Move it Monday.

Posted on Monday, March 23, 2009 at 09:04AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments46 Comments

don't quit.

So over the last few weeks I've been kind of lax about what I eat and how hard I exercise. It hasn't really shown on the scale at all. I've been thinking, "Oh yay! My metabolism is still keeping up." I hadn't LOST any weight but I hadn't really gained any either.

Well...this past week all of that caught up with me. I exercised a little better and a little harder this week than I had been and tried a little not to eat so much. On Saturday, though, we went to the Clover St. Patrick's Day Fair and ate funnel cakes and pizza and cotton candy.

That put me over the top. I have officially gained some weight.

So...today I went out and busted it on the track and went 3 miles and did 6 sprints. I also am having a lunch without the fat free chips that I love.

It's now time for me to get serious again and get this last 15 pounds off. So I'm doing it. Less food, more exercise. Speaking of the exercise bit...I have become a little wimp about doing my strength training...my arms are looking like relief society arms again. Time to amp up the weights on my triceps!! So I also did some pushups and situps today. Tomorrow I'll be working my triceps with the full three reps of weights instead of the wimp out one rep I've been doing lately.

SO...All of you who have wimped out this month...you know who you are....

Just because you haven't been posting every day that you work out this month don't lose heart. Remember that there is a bigger contest going on to get you healthy.  (Not to mention that swimsuit season is coming up...and you KNOW you want to go to the pool...)  The yearly contest counts too! Remember the details? Don't give up posting as often as possible:

Contest for this year:

The winner will receive a full day with me. It can be a Day with Davina or it can be a full day of a photo session with me. You get to choose. It will also include other goodies that we will add onto the winner's package through out the year. You will want to win this!

To win:

*Be the person that posts the most often on Move it Monday through out the entire year.

*Keep a journal and have at least 12 entries by the end of the year. (That's just one per month...this is about getting some consistent habits.)

*Check in every week on Move it Monday comments.

*Get 20 minutes of exercise at least 4 days a week.

*Start eating off of smaller plates...or at least eat much smaller portions at every meal.

Now, I know that you can't do this every single day of your life. Take it a day at a time. Do the best you can. Don't give up. The person that does the best at developing consistency will be the winner. It's not really about being the one that loses the most weight (although I think that it will be a natural thing that will happen) it's about changing your approach to food and moving your body.


Get back in the contest!  Do it for YOU!

healthy. LIFE.

Reader Comments (46)

This week I started to add RUNNING to my routine. Oh my, it's hard for me but I've started off with babysteps. I couldn't do it without some great tunes on my ipod!! My favorite running songs right now are Decode by Paramoure (for Twilight fans!!!), and Untouched by the Veronicas....great running beats! It's very motivating and I TRY to run thru a whole song...TRY is the operative word. :) Of course trying to eat smaller portions too. Here in the midwest it's finally grilling season which makes it easier to eat a little healthier!

March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNicole Mc

I very much need to hear this, I'm on the verge of totally giving up! But alas, I will not!! Today my goal is to not eat any Cadbury Mini Eggs! Also, I need to get outside!! Thanks Davina!!

March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeb

Nicole, running!! Way to go running. I do sprints. Long bouts of running and I do not normally get along well. I did run a 5k a couple of years ago. I'd like to do it again. I just have to stop fighting with running, I guess! Yay! For grilling season!

Deb...CADBURY MINI EGGS are totally my downfall this time of year!!! I had a bag of those hanging around about a week ago and they kicked my...well, you know what... I love those things and ate way too many of them. And you can't just have a handful of them...or two handfuls...or three...OKAY...You can't just have one bag of them all to yourself. You can never get enough. So, I won't be buying another bag this season. It's just too much for me to have to handle...:)

March 23, 2009 | Registered CommenterDavina

I've been using time as an excuse not to exercise (working full time plus doing wedding photography plus LIFE happening) but now that I'm leaving my job I have no more excuses! I still won't have a ton of free time, but I will have more time than before! So I hope I can add some tips that will be useful to everyone. My hubby has already started talking about us running a 5k. The first thing out of my mouth was "Sure, I'll WALK a 5k!" But it's far enough away. Why not run? I think setting specific goals is definitely a motivator. I'd love to lose 30 pounds, but how am I going to get there? What about breaking it down to how many can I lose this month or what will I change about my diet to help me there?

My coworker is having a lot of success with Weight Watchers. The important thing is to understand that losing weight is about change that is both mental and physical. I have never done WW, but when I was on Jenny Craig I enjoyed the one-on-one meetings and learning about the mental aspect of dieting. Also, just KNOWING what we are eating is huge! Eating out is so dangerous because we don't actually know how many calories we are consuming. If we knew that our sandwich was 28g of fat, would we still eat it? I really want to get that book "Eat This, Not That." By making the right choices how much of a difference can we make?

Sorry to go on a tangent... part of this is me needing to give myself a pep talk! Best of luck everyone! : )

March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGwendolyn Tundermann

OOOOk, I've been sitting on my rump the last hour thinking 'i need to exercise.' now I'll go. Fine, Davina. ;)

SO, I'm hoping blogging counts as journaling (online journaling???), because .... yeah .... it's the only journaling I do.

Here's the irritating part: I've really been doing weights and aerobic exercise the last 2 months and haven't seen it slip off the scale. :( I feel my muscles are leaner, but am I shallow to want the validation on the scale?

March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

God doesn't want me to work out today.

I know it.

Right before I left for the YMCA, I slipped off of the counter and got a counter/rug/road burn on the ENTIRE back of my left leg.

Then I get to the Y and the wind was so strong it blew down the power lines. It was closed.


I REALLY wasn't going to let my big scrape be an excuse, but then the Y is CLOSED????

Sigh, off to go find my hand weights.

March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

ughhhh. This month has not been my best. I was so excited too because I was sure this was my month. My birthday (today) was on a Move-it-Monday, and I was sure that I would be on target with everything. All is not lost though. Thanks for commiserating. In a strange way, I think that's helpful once in a while. Thanks Davina!

March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterkimL

Thanks for your inspiring Move it Monday posts. I do find it helpful to make small steps to progress in being healthy. I am still not drinking soft drinks and making sure Cricket and I get a nice long brisk walk each day. Excited to get back on the bike soon. Also, am loving yoga both for the physical and emotional benefits.

Wow! It's great to have more people at this party. Many small actions can do great things.

I didn't feel like walking today physically, but really wanted to mentally. My sister and I are visiting my parents and we thought we'd just take a walk around the block. I felt stiff and awkward, but after the first loop I felt a little better and so we did another loop. We ended up doing 4 1/2 loops and I felt like Saturday's walk wasn't a dream, but I really can do this!

Last year I tried to make myself happier with food. This year, I hope to make myself happier with walking.

March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

It is nice to hear some of us are in the same boat.....this past month has been hard for me, really, REALLY hard! I try not to use the "new-baby, i have 5 kids, a dog and work" excuse.....but then 3-4 weeks ago, I suffered a knee injury and have been nursing an extremely swollen and extremely painful knee, which does nothing for my morale and (i discovered)...suprise, I turned to emotional eating!!! the knee is taking F-O-R-E-V-E-R to heal.....and like you, Karen....I have yet to see the scale move at all after Jan and Feb being stellar months!!!! I kinda want the shalllow validation, too! :-)

I did walk today though....and am trying to remind myself to just focus on today!

March 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrebekah

I agree with you, Laura, it is fun to have more people commenting. Happy Birthday, kimL! Don't be too hard on yourself...my birthday is in about a week and a half and I had set a goal to be under 200 lbs by my birthday and I don't think I am going to make it so now my goal is to be going in the right direction with my eating and exercising by the time it gets here.

Today I ran/walked and realized that running first thing in the morning with no food in me is much easier than running after work with breakfast and lunch in me. I love to run with an empty stomach because I feel lighter and I am able to run for longer stretches without wanting to quit. But, today was nice weather and I really enjoyed being outside.

Great job everyone...keep it up!

March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike

By the way, Karen, you are cracking me up! I hope the Y reopens soon!

March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike

:) So I was having a bad afternoon ... and I took it out on the blog comments. *sorry*

Ok, so I lifted weights and did a bunch of squats (yay).

Then, I went to Target ... and guess what? THEIR POWER WAS OUT TOO!!!!!! But they had reserve power, so I got to walk around and do my shopping.

Oh, and for those who might have thought "why don't you just go outside and walk or bike?" .... well, in case you didn't know, we had at least 3 semis blow off the interstate around here. The wind was so gale-force. A kiddie pool went speeding down our street this afternoon.

March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

I did pushups and sit-ups this morning. I think I prefer a hard arm workout where I do each group of muscles separately, but it takes more time. Cold pizza is not much of a lunch, but that fit the day, unfortunately. I plan to play some basketball this evening with my students, so hopefully it will be some good cario in addition to the pushups I did this morning. Small moves...small moves...:)

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike

Mike, you had cold pizza for lunch, too????? ;)

so, i wasn't active in the traditional sense, but I ran around 4 hardware stores today looking for parts to make my rain barrel. After all the excitement, I took a 2 hour nap.

maybe I've slacked off, but it's felt good.

Back on the bandwagon tomorrow.

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

I worked out today, hit the elliptical for an hour and left the gym with legs of gelly!

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKayleen T.

Today was my "rest" day. On my training schedule I'm supposed to do weights and stretching. I didn't do the weights, but I stretched a lot and did pushups and situps (21) and some other floor work. Stretching is so golden. Why do I not do it more?

Karen, I saw blown over semi's on the news tonight and thought of you yesterday. Next time, just stay home! That's some crazy weather!

March 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

All these comments make me so happy!! So, I am now officially out of Cadbury Mini Eggs, that is good news! Also, I swam laps today for the first time in 5 months. Yay me!! It was so great! Good job everyone, thanks for all your help! :)

March 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeb

I ceased my pity party and did weights at the Y. We also walked about half an hour. I"m slow, thanks to the massive bruise on my left leg, but it was good to move.

Also, stretching? SUCH a big part of my daily exercise routine. I think I might actually stretch longer than I lift weights, but yeah, Laura, it's so important!

March 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

Yesterday, I said no way. I'm not making another goal to fail. But today, I went to the gym. And it didn't kill me. I'm in! For reals. I'm committing. :)

March 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commentershannon montez

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