Move it Monday. Winner.

Hello Friends...can we say it's still California?
The winners of this month's contest are:
1st: Laura Stiller with 71 miles for the month. Awesome! Way to go, girl!
2nd: Karen
3rd: Michelle Sides
4th: Laura C.
All of these ladies each get a $30 gift certificate to their favorite place to shop. Contact me and I'll get your gift cards sent out! Congratulations!
We're almost to the end of the year and some of you have been faithful all year long to getting more fit and healthy. I'm so impressed. You have kept me motivated on many occassions. Thank you!
This month, do something that keeps you fit every day. Come to the Move it Monday blog post for the week every day and tell us what you did. The person that posts the most days is the winner of guessed it...$50 gift card. Let the games begin.
Remember, there's a yearly contest for the Move it Monday friends...check it out here.
healthy. LIFE.
Reader Comments (21)
Once I regain brain power, I'll e-mail you, Davina.
Oh goodness, it's been insane around here. I was IN a wedding this weekend. A VERY STRESSFUL wedding. I'm still undwinding, then got some not so desirable news from the doc. Nothing serious, just not something I wanted to hear.
As for motion today, it was little steps. Instead of going through the drive through at the bank and drugstore, I got out of my car and went inside. Not a big task for most, but this week .... let's just call that a victory, ok?
Davina - I sent you an email too - but I just wanted to make sure that there's not really a LORI Stiller!
Today Miley Cyrus on my ipod got me through running intervals - ugh! So, that's my fit thing for the day.
Can eating a healthy meal or saying "no" to ordering dessert a restaurant count for a "fit thing" of the day?
Davina! This is amazing! I wasn't expecting it as I totally forgot to come and update my distances, etc. Oops! But I've been working out consistently and do think of you sometimes *while* I'm doing it. ;) Do I need to email you... probably. I'll do that, too. Thanks for all your MOVE IT MONDAY posts!
Karen, I enjoy just relaxing on the couch or something...what a weekend!
Laura, Geez! I was posting at about 2am last night because I was finishing a project...I think my brain was somewhere else by then. I'm so sorry! I did THINK I was typing Laura...don't know how or why it came out Lori! haha... Laura, YOU are the winner! (I changed it in the post...)
Michelle, I got your email...your gift card is on the way...
Karen, Do you want a lowes card or a different one this time?
Laura S. yes, that counts for a fit thing. Even just thinking of splitting a dessert is a step in the right direction, I think...
If anyone has better ideas for prizes for the contests, I'm all ears. I'm not feeling super creative...a gift card to somewhere you love seems like the best idea. And giving away a gift card to a restaurant kind of goes against the whole idea...unless it were Panera or something...thoughts?
Wow! I can't believe I'm a "winner". I had such a downer month hearing news that I'm "older" than I think! The dr said I have a knee of a woman in her 60's!!!! I guess that's living life to the fullest!
I am still nursing my back but will make a point of getting out there again.
For now, I want to share that I've lost 2 pounds since going off sugar!
I'm still off it. And still off wheat and dairy. It's about time to go buy some new pants!
I wouldn't count Panera as a healthy reward. I just think wheat dairy and sugar when I think of it!!! Maybe we should stick to non food rewards!
BTW Congrats to all the winners this month!!! You guys are rockin'!
I have become such a fan of yoga. I just rearranged my work schedule for Mondays so I could make it to the Monday am class.
congratulations to all the winners! Winning photo to boot :) Remember when exercise was just part of being a kid?
Yeah, Davina, Lowe's is fine. :)
There's some painting in my future.
Yesterday was our day off .... but today, I'l be doing location scouting. Tomorrow is the entire wedding. :) BIG wedding and lots of activity/movement
Well, last night I went to yoga - so that was my fit thing for yesterday. Today, I slept in and rested my body - and I count that as a fit thing! Sometimes just one extra hour in the morning gives some rest to my day.
And, yes thinking about splitting dessert is definitely in the interest of being fit! :-)
I walked 3 miles yesterday with a friend and it felt SO good! I know walking is not supposed to be my primary exercise any more but my muscle memory was so happy to move.
Ran 15 miles today - ate a bowlful of pasta last night and felt great running this morning because of if - might be the only time eating pasta counts as being "fit!" But I'll take it!
Saturday, I worked my booty off in the snow at a wedding.
Today, family session at the corn maze. No snow on the forecast, though! :)
Yesterday we went out to lunch and I ordered water! I even passed on Diet Coke!
After moaning to myself about walking now being "bad" for me (my knee) I finally put on my biking clothes and just did it! I road 6 1/2 miles this morning and it felt great!
I always loved my bike. The feeling of the wind rushing by says "freedom" to me!
Ran 4 miles this morning in the name of being FIT!