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Move it Monday. Winner.

Posted on Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at 10:06PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , | Comments21 Comments


Hello Friends...can we say it's still Tuesday...in California?


The winners of this month's contest are:

1st: Laura Stiller with 71 miles for the month. Awesome! Way to go, girl!

2nd: Karen

3rd: Michelle Sides

4th: Laura C.

All of these ladies each get a $30 gift certificate to their favorite place to shop.  Contact me and I'll get your gift cards sent out!  Congratulations!



We're almost to the end of the year and some of you have been faithful all year long to getting more fit and healthy.  I'm so impressed.  You have kept me motivated on many occassions.  Thank you!

This month, do something that keeps you fit every day.  Come to the Move it Monday blog post for the week every day and tell us what you did.  The person that posts the most days is the winner of a...you guessed it...$50 gift card.  Let the games begin.


Remember, there's a yearly contest for the Move it Monday friends...check it out here.

healthy. LIFE.

Reader Comments (21)

We are ready for Noah's Ark! It is pouring buckets here!
Time to get out the exercise DVDs I guess...

October 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

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