Petersen Family
books. sunglasses.
The Petersen family is such great fun and so much laughing. They are so relaxed with each other and don't mind working it for the camera. I'm so glad that I got to hang out with them! (You'll recognize someone in these pictures...let's see if you can guess who they are...)
We started off at home with the Petersens. As I came in the house I noticed the purple front door and thought it would be a great place for a picture. Once I heard them talking about it being a place they saw the kids off to the bus and so many other sweet, but long gone memories that were had by that door....I KNEW we had to take a picture there. After we chatted a little about what they like to do as a family and found out that most of them like to read and go shopping at Trolley Square we headed to the library and then trolley square.
When we got into cars to go to the library I saw everyone putting on some pretty stylin' sunglasses all at once. Hence, the great shot of them all workin' America's Next Top Model style. We had so much fun together and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to get to know them all better.
fun. LIFE.

Reader Comments (7)
Great pictures Davina! What lens were you using on your closeups? I am thinking about getting something like an 85mm for closeups, but I am not sure.
I love these Davina... the first shot is one of my fav... I also love the the whole family together in shots #4 & #12. Heck, they are all great! You totally rocked it out. Keep it up girl!
These are awesome! I love #4!
I love the waist shots with the books in their hands. (both - one in line and one on pillar)
This family looks so fun! Great shots Davina! Johanna, you are awesome. Thanks for helping with the Gateway Show last February. Davina is blessed to have you as part of her business.
Alaina, if you're wanting to get fixed lenses (which I highly recommend) the 85mm is a gorgeous lens. I love it! I did use my 85 on a few of those portraits.
Millie, you are such a wonderful and true friend. Thank you so much for your boost of encouragement that you are leaving here for me. I'm so blessed by your friendship!
Thanks, Courtney! #4 is one of my faves, too!
Hey, Devin...sweet brother! Thanks for posting on my blog! Love you!
Totally agree with you, Mike! Johanna is awesome!
This is an amazing shoot! You should do family portraits more often!!
Love these!!