Super Dog.
Top 10 reasons your dog may be Super Dog (like Cocoa).
Take the following test to find out if your dog is a super dog. For each super power answer this way:
0=my dog doesn't do this
1=my dog does this sometimes
2=my dog does this all of the time
Is your dog a Super Dog?
#10-Super-sonic Ears:
Too caught up in working on the computer? She can hear the school bus pull into the neighborhood a 1/2 mile away at exactly 2:18pm.
Need her to be friendly? She can shake your hand AND high five you.
A hamburger that got left under the van seat 2 days ago? Got it.
Was that a bee? With precision and stealth-like skills she can snatch a bee out of the air and eat it.
Need your table cleaned off in the blink of an eye? She will wag her tail so that all things within a 2 foot radius will be knocked from the table, whip someone in the face, or maim the nearest passerby.
Wish you had someone that would chase the squirrels from your yard? Never fear! Cocoa is here! She'll bolt after them quick as lightning.
Wish that someone would worship you? Just stand near Super Dog and every time she gets up from a nap she will stretch her front legs. At which point you can loudly proclaim, "Bow to your Master!"
Running during the day is not enough. While sleeping the Super Dog can run in her sleep, bark in her sleep, and wag her tail ferociously in her sleep.
Wish your arms had more tone? She'll pull you with her leash and her super-strength around the neighborhood so that you can be strong like her.
It's a bird. It's a plane. Able to leap over barricades in a single hurdle. It's....SUPER DOG!
#1 reason your dog may be SUPER DOG:
She'll let you dress her in an 8 foot red blanket (that doubles as a cape) and a long sleeved blue shirt with a handmade 'SD' crest pinned to her chest. Then she'll walk around with the cape trailing behind her acting like she's all that and it's no big deal. Which will elicit laughter from children far and wide.
**Super-loyal: This is a bonus 10 points for those dogs who have the extra power of sticking by you through thick and thin. Cocoa is a puppy so she's workin' on this one. :) If your dog has been with you for more than 5 years this 10 points is for her...or him.
Is your dog a SUPER DOG?
0-5: Not really. But don't give up on your pooch...someday she too can be as cool as Cocoa. Cocoa will let her come to her Super Dog workshop.
6-13: Getting there...with a couple more super powers she'll be a Super Dog like Cocoa. She may need a mentor. Cocoa would be glad to help her out.
14-20: Congratulations! Your dog is a SUPER DOG like COCOA!! Maybe we should have a doggie playdate.
How did your dog rate on the SUPER DOG test?
super. LIFE.
References (10)
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Reader Comments (4)
What a great post. Cocoa looks great!!! She does have a lot of super powers that must come in very handy.....
Miss you all.
So cute. Cricket is pretty super!
My Ben dog doesn't snatch bees out of the air, and we don't do the leash pulling thing--although that made me laugh out loud, "so that you can be strong like her"--because he totally would if we let him. But other than that, he scored lots of super dog points. haha. And i think Ben (the giant 18 month old puppy) and Cocoa would be great friends.
My Ben is a Goldendoodole. Is Cocoa a Labradoodle? He ALWAYS finds and plays with the other doodles at the dog park!
Thanks for sharing your pup!!
Thank you for your post. It was very amusing.