Smile For Life.
can he be any cuter?
A few months ago I had the opportunity to help out with Smile for Life.
Walking into the studio donated to the Smile for Life cause I knew I was going to be meeting a lot of people I had only corresponded with through email. And even though most people I meet think I'm an extrovert I'm really a closet introvert. I can step up when I need to and in a photographing capacity my passion for capturing the heart of a family or relationship takes over. When I'm meeting peers, potential friends, etc. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone.
I love speaking in front of a group, teaching about something that I'm completely on fire about, sharing insights into things that are important to me...but put me into a brand new situation with no one I know...this is not my favorite thing to do. I'm not one of those people that lives for the meet and greet or outshines everyone in a new situation or thrives on going into a brand new situation. I like to observe for a while, check out the terrain, listen, ask questions, and wait. I'm not sure what I'm waiting for but I wait.
People are usually surprised by this bit of revelation. I love the excitement of moving to a new state and would even love to live out of the country...and I like an adventure. I don't like to get to stuck doing things the same way all of the time, and I always want a bit of variety in my life. So it seems like I'd automatically love a new opportunity to meet people I've never met. Not so. (*I read recently in Tom Peters book that he's the same glad to know that I'm not the only one!)
That doesn't mean I don't do it anyway.
I do it anyway.
And I'm always glad I did.
When I drove up to the studio, I sat in my car for a couple of minutes. Said a prayer. Asked that I wouldn't compare myself to everyone else, pleaded that I'd remember my own name, and that I'd be able to serve the people I came to photograph. I walked into the studio and right away Franklin Adams and his wife were there to greet me. With their open friendliness and sweet graciousness in seconds I was put at ease and I knew I was going to enjoy my day of hanging out with other photographers photographing for a cause that I learned blossomed from personal experience.
Smile for Life was born when Franklin and his wife went through the heartwrenching experience of learning that their son had cancer. It's one of those things that no parent wants to hear. Instead of becoming discouraged they fought the good fight; giving to others along the way. Their son is now cancer free.
I love happy endings.
Thank you for the chance to work with Smile for Life!
gifted. LIFE.
References (2)
Response: Parallel Space APK for Android
Response: visit here
Reader Comments (1)
I'm so proud of you. Your bravery opened new doors and touched families with a special gift!