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Move it Monday: weekly challenge

Posted on Monday, May 10, 2010 at 11:53AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments4 Comments | References1 Reference

a new challenge.

I love Move it Monday.  I want it to challenge you...make you feel like you have others rooting for you...and be a place that can be whatever you need it to be...

We'll have contests ocassionally...sporadically...what I'd like is for each of you to feel motivated to live your healthiest life.  And I'm hoping that this weekly place helps you to do just that.

We've been having contests and I've decided I'd like to try a new format.

Each week there will be a challenge.  You can take it...or leave it.  I'm hoping you'll take it.

And I'm hoping your life will be happier and healthier.


This week's challenge:  

Spend one less hour each day on your computer or in front of the TV.


Here are some ideas that you can replace that time with...

Learn a new sport

Take your pet for a walk

Do yard work

Take a walk

Work on a project around the house

Paint a room

Learn Tai Chi

Do a yoga series

Plant a garden

Play with your kids

Start a game of street hockey

Sit out on your porch and enjoy the blue sky

Do an act of kindness for someone

Go on a bike ride


Have fun!  Get outside.


breathe. LIFE.

References (1)

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    Davina's Blog - Davina's Blog - Move it Monday: weekly challenge

Reader Comments (4)

One less hour in front of the Computer during busy times???? Oh Davina! You're such a challenge!

I suppose I'm up for it. :) Honestly, I've been piddling around the internet now, but I guess I'll go and be productive in other ways. :)

May 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

Ok, so I was reading a magazine and it talked about how DVRs were a time wasting tool, but I find the opposite to be true. It said people record stuff they wouldn't normally watch, then waste time. Not me! I record only what I want to watch, then be productive during that time (last night it was cleaning), then later, I'll watch, and fast forward thru commercials, essentialy cutting a 1-hour show to 40 minutes, or a 30 min. show to 20 minutes. It's a great time saver! And once we get thru this tornado patch, I'll be able to use the time OUTSIDE being active. :)

May 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

Love this idea! A challenge!

May 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLee Ann

I got my gardening on today, and we walked 2 miles, too! :)

May 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

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