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Women and Business: Sarah Rhoads

Posted on Thursday, April 1, 2010 at 06:32AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments4 Comments


***All images in this post are copyright Sarah Rhoads.***


NEXT WEEK: Rachel LaCour


{To nominate women you'd like to see in this series please list them in the comments-or if you have a question you'd like to see in the interviews--make sure to include your info in the comment fields so that I can get in touch with you- or write to me at: davina at davinafear dot com }

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Sarah, You are such a beautifully free spirited, genuine, fun person.  I'm so grateful that I know you and have had the pleasure of conversation with you.  I'm amazed continually by your work, approach to life, and the way you are able to suprise me with your creative endeavors.  You go outside the invisible boundaries that seem to be laid by the industry and you talk frankly about a variety of topics. Thanks for being on Women and Business!



Are you in a retail studio space?  home studio space?  Why did you choose the space you did?

We work out of our home and we love it. Doing it this way really allows us to work when we need/want to and not have to commute someplace. It also makes us feel like all our hard drives/computers and gear are safer knowing they are at our home with us rather than some other studio location that is not monitored as much.



What do you do to help your clients be so comfortable with you during a photo shoot?

On a photo shoot I am never afraid to laugh at myself and be a goofball I think that is hugely helpful to encourage people to let their guards down. We run around, play, skip and act like little kids on the shoot and it gets people moving and laughing J


What do you recommend women do who are just getting started in the industry?

The biggest advice I can give is to be you. In the words of Oscar Wilde, “Be yourself because everyone else is already taken.” If you don’t know who you are, discover it… explore those parts of you and learn to love yourself. Because if you don’t love yourself how can you expect anyone else to love you and your work? I would say to never settle for mediocrity and to always strive for excellence. You are guaranteed to stand out of the pack if you strive for what is excellent because most people are happy just settling for mediocre.


 You and your husband work together, what is the best thing about working together?  the worst?

Chris and I LOVE working together, being a husband and wife team isn’t for everyone but it really works for our Lifestyle Design. The best thing about working together is spending quality time and really knowing what your best friend and spouse is doing day in and day out… I LOVE that we can dream together and push each other onward. I LOVE that we can really celebrate one another and our success’ together. I would say the worst part about working together is trying to maintain a healthy work/life balance… since we are both so passionate about what we do it’s hard to know when to close the office door and turn off the “work convo” ;)



What do you do for fun…that has nothing to do with photography?

I love movies, ice cream, Broadway musicals and traveling. Chris and I always try to take at least one big trip a year to someplace we have wanted to go. This year we went to Thailand for 3 weeks.


What are you most proud of as a business woman?

The risks I have taken to get to where I am and the courage it has taken to get there. – none of which I could have done without my amazing husband.


You have created one of the coolest blogs ever.  Where does your inspiration come from? 

I wish I could show everyone my desktop… it is filled with about 15 different inspiration folders. We are firm believers in pulling anything and everything that inspires us… ripping out of magazines and putting things aside. Whether it is a typeface that we enjoy… a color scheme that we like… photos that we dig… an AD that inspires. All of it we like to keep. I look to a lot of design blogs for inspiration; also there are a handful of lifestyle commercial photographers that we are really inspired by and we always like to keep good tunes rolling in the office throughout the day J


You have been widely published.  What have you done to make that happen?

There is no key to success and everyone’s story is different but if there have been three things that have gotten us to where they are it would be staying true to ourselves, striving for excellence and approaching things from a different angle.

When you do that you will eventually get noticed. Editors want to see excellent work so they will seek it out for content in their magazines, on their inspiration blog etc. Bottom line, don’t seek to get published…. Seek excellence in all you do.


What do you do to keep your marriage fun? 

We take trips together and enjoy life with one another. We go to movies in the middle of the day sometimes. We will take a walk together around our neighborhood… go grab tea down the street. It is the little things.


How do you keep your marriage safe from the stresses of your business?

 We make time for friends and get together with people outside the photography industry. We take trips. We pray together and we try to always “over communicate” J


What is the best thing you’ve done to make your business successful?

We have been true to ourselves and created a brand that is honest and authentic to us. When there was something we really believed in and everyone told us we were crazy we trusted our gut instincts and went through with it despite what everyone said. You have to trust yourself and ignore everyone sometimes (most times). We differentiated ourselves in the market simply by being true to who we are, taking risks and striving for excellence. I would encourage every photographer to do the same. Remember, there is NOBODY just like you.


What do you do to keep from feeling overwhelmed?

Haha… still working on this one, owning your own business is a lot of work. We are required to wear a lot of hats, which is invigorating, and fun but can sometimes feel overwhelming. I am working on seeing one thing at a time rather than seeing EVERYTHING that needs to be done. I am working to find the joys in scratching one thing off my list no matter how small it may be J


What three products or things help you stay organized?

My iCal, iPhone and moleskin


 What is something that you think women in the industry should not do?

 I think everyone should have a clear WHY and not just a WHAT. We all have a WHAT, we are all photographers.  It’s the WHY that makes us unique. A “why” is a vision and a reason for doing what we do. Your “Why” should be clear and if this is truly your passion you will have a distinct reason for doing it. We meet far too many people who don’t have a clear WHY. Everyone has a WHAT (photography) but what makes you stand out and be unique is your  WHY. (If you care to read more about my why you can check out my post here, http://www.sarahrhoads.com/blog/2010/01/why-im-a-photographer.html)


What is something that you think women in the industry should do?

 Be true to yourself, take risks and seek out excellence in all you do.


What five suggestions do you have for women who are trying to have a more whole, content, and blissful life?

Follow your bliss and you will never work another day in your life. I am a firm believer that each of us was created for something… each of us has unique gifts/talents and passions… follow after those with your whole heart. Living out your passion is the only life worth living. It may be a scary road to travel but it is the only way to live the “rich” life. Rich in spirit, soul, joy and passion!


To see more of Sarah's work:

Site: http://www.sarahrhoads.com

Blog: http://www.sarahrhoads.com/blog

***All images in this post are copyright Sarah Rhoads.***


Reader Comments (4)

Oh my! What a lovely post Sarah! I particularly appreciated your thoughts on striving for excellence over mediocrity! I think that is so true. Its easy sometimes to get burned out through the process of all the work (technically, business wise, time wise) that its a true temptation sometimes to settle for the mediocre. But when we strive to push ourselves one step further it can make all the difference to ourselves, to our clients, to our work, and when we really step back in the end, we see that it really wasn't much more effort than if we had stopped earlier at the mediocre level anyway!

I also appreciated your thoughts on having a WHY. Sometimes even if we have a WHY we can forget it :) So good to be reminded to keep that in the forefront! I'm going to have an introspective WHY day today, and remind myself of the importance of a few things!

Great post Sarah!

Thank you Davina for another fabulous interview!

April 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbrooke snow

This is my first time to your site and I love it! I really like the Women And Business Series because it encourages women to unite and push each other forward! I am a huge fan of Sarah's work and really admire her ability to constantly push for creativity and her refusal to settle for anything less than excellence! Great article! Can't wait for the next one!

April 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAllison

What a great interview! Thank you for sharing!

April 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrittany

thanks so much for sharing! such great advice and beautiful work!

April 2, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterleah a.

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