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Move it Monday: 25 healthy ideas

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2010 at 02:19PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments3 Comments

the little things.

If you're feeling like I am...like you need someone to come and pull you off the couch...then these ideas are for you.

When you can't seem to get yourself moving or motivated just do one of the following small steps.  You've got to start somewhere and baby steps at least get you off your booty and moving.  And like our good friend, Isaac Newton said, "An object in motion tends to stay in motion."

Here you go (this is an excerpt from the list:  "50 healthy ideas that take 10 minutes or less" see it here):


Brush your teeth
Do 15 sit-ups
Straighten your posture
Stand up and stretch
Resist the impulse purchase of a candy bar
Do 10 lunges
Drink a glass of water
Put a package of oatmeal in your pocket or purse for a healthy breakfast or snack
Throw a bottle of water in there as well
Ask to have your salad dressing on the side
Open a window
Say thank you to someone who deserves it
Take a deep breath
Wake up 10 minutes earlier
Put on hand lotion
Jog in place for 9 minutes
Put down the remote control and get up to change the TV channel
Hug your kids
Replace your next cup of coffee with a cup of water
Take a 10 minute break
Suck on a breath mint
Take a quick walk
Skip your late evening grocery store run
While watching TV, do 5 push-ups during the commercial


healthy. LIFE.


Reader Comments (3)

Yeah for sit ups during TV!!!

October 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLee Ann

Or push ups.....

October 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLee Ann

I totally do sit ups/core work during commercials.

Actually, I TIVO my shows, then do crunches or other work during one commercial break, fast forward thru the next, do crunches during break #3 and FF the next .... so I watch my fave shows faster/still work out. :)

October 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

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