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Date Night.

Posted on Friday, June 5, 2009 at 09:14PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , , | Comments4 Comments

planned dating.

Mike and I go on a date every Friday or Saturday night.  Dates help me through out the rest of the week.  I love them.  Can't live without them.  People ask me how I manage to go out on dates...I wonder how they can manage to NOT go on a date.

I think that dates are marriage insurance.  They protect your marriage and save you money...in therapy.  We get to talk, have fun, be together without our kids, let our kids know that we love each, keeps me sane, and have fun...oh wait!  I already said have fun.

And it's romantic and exciting and living to have fun!

So our date tonight was the picture above.  I'm going to be fast posting this because well...we're not done having fun tonight.  Mike just took our babysitter home...

We went to a five-and-dime store in town and got some fun (and politically incorrect) games.  It was raining like crazy so we found a newly built strip mall and played undercover of their awning to keep us dry.  We had fun laughing, being silly, and acting like kids.  We played capture the bowling ball pin and used our guns to defend our bowling ball pins (after we had already bowled using every possible silly stance we could think of to throw our balls down the lane...).  We made playdoh sculptures that looked like nothing and then made up what we thought they looked like...crazy imagination stuff. 

Competitions galore with the pink bouncy balls.  We tried to see who could do the most bounces, then who could do the most bounces without moving their feet, then who could bounce back and forth between hands without missing a catch, then we tried to beat a brick wall by seeing how  many times we could bounce the balls off the brick wall to each other.  Good times.

It was a great date!

We have a little theme every week to keep it fresh.  This week was a date for under $10.  Our next date is sports and fitness.

So get out, get a babysitter, and go have some fun together.

And don't forget the Big League Chew and make sure to stick that  folded up package of gum in your back pocket for full-kid-fun-effect.

And kiss...a lot.

dating. LOVE.

Reader Comments (4)

How fun are you two!!!! I also think it is really important to continue to date after you are married, sometimes it isn't easy but it needs to be a priority!! I have never thought of having themes for our dates, I love that...are you willing to share some more of them??? I love checking in on you Davina, you really are a special friend and I am always learning so much from you!! Have you got some fun things planned for the summer?? I cannot believe how grown up Gracie is......doesn't it make you a little crazy? Her party looked like so much fun! Tell your family Hi!!!

June 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBecky

I love that you have themes for your dates! I think that would actually make dating "easier" in a sense. Having been married for 11 years I think even dates can get stale if you fall in a rut and do the same thing over & over.

Where do you get your theme ideas?

I can just totally picture you two playing in a strip-mall. So funny.

June 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermichelle sidles

that is the best idea i have ever heard! TOTALLY making a date night list later! LOVE THIS! :)

June 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjodie

This is such an important post. As I am typing this - it is SO rare that a couple I see in my practice is having date night! First thing I encourage them to do! Love our date nights and I LOVE, LOVE your idea of a theme each week - that sounds like so much fun - we are going to try that to get us a little more creative.

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