Move it Monday. Dave Ramsey.
the good.
I've been thinking this week about the power of losing the "Loser Talk". This last week I went to a webcast by Dave Ramsey. One of the things that he said was to not engage in "Loser Talk".
It can be so easy to beat yourself say things like, "You idiot." "What were you thinking? You weren't!" "That was so dumb." "Duh." "That (negative thing) was to be expected." When something goes wrong to say, "As usual." "I'm never going to lose weight." "In this economy." "Nothing is going right for me today."
There are so many ways we engage in loser talk with ourselves. The list could go on and on. And then there are so many ways that we engage in loser talk with others...and that list is probably at least as long.
So make the buck stop here. No more loser talk. Speak with hope about yourself, about the economy, about your life, about your home, about your kids, about...everything.
You'll feel better.
You'll live better.
You'll be better.
I'm not talking about a Pollyanna view of the world or ignoring things that are wrong. I'm talking about seeing the good in things. Taking a situation and seeing a solution rather than a problem. An opportunity rather than a dead end or a reason to complain.
We've all done it. Today that can stop.
What do you say?
(the following is from my trusty health insurance lady...)
Positive Self Talk
When you focus on the positive, you can dream big and discover the best solutions to accomplish your goals. How we speak about ourselves and our situation can affect the results we get when trying to achieve a goal. It’s important to identify and amplify your strengths.
The following points can help center our attention toward our potential rather than our mistakes:
- There is something positive in all of us
- What we focus on becomes our reality
- It’s important to value differences
- The language we use creates our reality
good. LIFE.
Reader Comments (22)
Davina, I've been a fan for awhile now, stalking your blog and adoring your work. And of course it'd be a Dave Ramsey post that'd get me to comment. This part of THFH struck me in particular, even with the added motivation of having my husband work for a company where that's one of the everyday mantras (the benefits of working for a motivational speaker - of sorts - like Dave).
It's all in the words we choose, and today I'm choosing wisely. family has been doing this for YEARS. When I was little, we outlawed the word "can't" in our house. If you said it, you had to put a coin in the jar. Eventaully we were able to take all 6 of us out to the fancy Japanese cook at your table restaurant ... but it's been a good lesson. Rarely do you hear me say "can't" ... more often, it's "how can I make this work" .... I'm the queen of loopholes and going through the back door!
One of my friends lived w/ my parents when she was going through a 'down and out' phase of her life, and she now refers to that period as "going through the Mikols School of Positive Thinking" :)
Kristine, that's awesome! I'm so glad you posted! Welcome. :) So does your husband work for Dave or someone else?
Karen, I LOVE that idea! I think we'll start it. And that is so funny about your friend. It sounds like you grew up in a very encouraging home. That's wonderful.
i LOVE this. I have totally changed the way I react to negative situations. Everything happens for a reason. It's life's way of telling us, we aren't totally in control of everything. Like getting pregnant, as much as we wanted it two years ago, it happened when it was right for us. And now, 5 months along, we are thrilled that we "waited". Same with buying a home. Although it's our dream right now, it's not in the cards and we're fine with that. Gives us more time to save up, pay off debt, and enjoy the birth of our son without the stress and added pressure of home owner ship at the same time.
Love life for what it teaches you, not for what you want from it :)
I can lose weight. I can only have one Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich. I can enjoy my children. Life is good....
see, practicing positivity already! :-)
gueeeeeeeess what????? I finally got back to the gym!!!!!
10 min of stretching
30 min of weights
20 min of bike
YAYYYYYYYY! I've missed it! The mowing the lawn and scouting and walking is nice, but I wanna keep rockin' out the weights. :)
back on the bike for 20 more min today. It's GOOD to be back in my old routine .... :)
Ok, I know we're not exactly on a week to share tips, but thought I'd drop this by.
We sorta have a soft spot for ice cream in out house. :)
So, since it's strawberry season, we've been getting lots and lots of them. I've actually been buying them, cutting them and freezing them. They go awesome in smoothies and even daquiris (so you don't have to add ice then!). WELL, tonight, I just blended the strawberries w/ some sugar as a sorbet. YUMMIE!!!!!!!
Since it's easier to blend fresh berries, I am trying an experiment. I blended the berries w/ some sugar (ok, a good dose of sugar ... what can I say, I like my berries to be sweet????), and now it's in the freezer, freezing. Then I should be able to scoop it just like ice cream, right? :) Yeah, it'll have some sugar, but probably WAY less sugar and calories than a serving of ice cream....
love this post! it's such an encouragement to remember that telling yourself that you CAN do something is a great way to start! i've been catching up on your blog after being without my computer for almost a month =D crazy how much life stuff i got done in that time though.
ooooook. shorter workout today, but not to despair!
5 minutes of stretching. 20 min of weights. 20 minutes of bike. WOHOO!!!!!!!
Then, planting a garden. :) And trying to figure out how to repair a busted up soaker hose. Just a day in the life.....
What a great Move it Monday topic...
I've just been through a very stressful time and I somehow was able to be in the present and "let it go" every time something didn't go right. It was so freeing not to get caught up in self produced drama. I even deflected other people and coached them to let it go. It was the right thing to do.
I walked 3 miles today and had a conversation with a deer. It was magic. Til a guy in a truck with a big woofer came by and he bounded away. It was okay, we were done talking. :)
I have another tip I meant to share yesterday. Sign up for the emails. They are a blessing in my email box, prompting me to believe in magic and anything is possible. Oh, yes...and how wonderful I am. :)
10 min of stretching!
25 min of really pushing it on the bike! :)
REALLY worked the bike today!!!!
Also tried a new machine/thing. One where you hang/support yourself and pull your knees up to your chest for pseudo-crunches. OUCH.
Ten mile walk in the rain this morning. I wouldn't say it was a power walk, but it was a walk. Three more weeks til the big one.
Let's see...positive self talk?
I know that walking, even when I don't want to or it's challenging, will make me stronger, give me endorphins and flush out the stale. It will bring in the fresh and new. If that doesn't happen today...I know if I keep walking I will eventually hit payola. :)
wow, laura is rocking this walking thing!!!! you GO girl! :)
i went to a junk auction Saturday, so I walked around for .... almost 10 hours. Not sure how much it translates to in miles.
Today, aerobics for 20 minutes. :)
So, I was pretty defeated after today. I had lofty goals for lifting weights, then cycling and working up a GOOD SWEAT.
But today's schedule did not allow for that. I said to Erik to just forget the gym ... and instead, he suggested a walk. GENIUS! :) So we walked about 40 minutes .... to the redbox and back for a rental. :)
Our words are very powerful. It's not just about being positive - actually saying positive things will change your life. If they aren't reality yet, they can be! Your blog was a great reminder of that. OH, and Dave Ramsey is great!
Love Affair Workshop
It's so so true--when we engage in loser talk, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. I find that I need reminders on a regular basis to not engage in that sort of talk! Thank you for the reminder of speaking life instead of negative into my life situations.
-Love Affair Workshop
davina.....i love this post...i have caught myself lately blaming things on the economy and being very down on myself, which is not me, at all! I need a change, a new look, for myself and my business! my photography has really taken off, i just always like to offer something new, something people have not seen before! i like to be unique! As for myself......i have never taken time for myself...i am a Libra...i put others before me...that stops today, well acutally it stoped yesterday..i am starting to train to run a 5k, eventually a 10k! i am pumped! Life is unique and dependent on how you shape it!! I read your blog alot, just don't comment very often! thanks for the inspiration!