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Move it Monday.

Posted on Monday, April 20, 2009 at 08:17AM by Registered CommenterDavina | Comments23 Comments

spring break.

I love spring break.  I love having the kids home.  I love the fun we have.  The late nights. Sleeping in every morning. Going on day trips. Long weekend trips. I love it all...except that we completely are out of our normal routine....

The one where I exercise every day.  The one where I don't over eat at every meal.  The one where I don't have two desserts every day because we're on vacation.  The one where I try to have some self-control around brownies.

That normal routine.

The rest of it, I'll take.

So today's the day to get back to normal.   Eat less.  Exercise my 20 minutes.  Only eat my Dove piece of chocolate.

That's what today is.

This past week reminds me, though, that I need to look ahead to summer.  Summer is the epitome of no normal routine...for THREE months!  Talk about a recipe for disaster in the eating right department and getting exercise.

If I don't get a plan I'll sleep in every day with the kids, have ice cream and snow cones every chance I get, eat 1 or 10 s'mores around the campfire, skip my 20 minutes for a day and then realize it's been three months since I last did my 20 minute walk...it will take me by surprise.  I'll wonder, "where did this 20 pounds come from?????....I'm showing this at the POOL?!"

So, spring break was my little reminder that I need to have a plan for those weeks of blissful summer when I'll have no normal routine...

What do you do to stick with it in the summer?  Please DO TELL in the comments!  I need all the help I can get...

I'm feeling like Superman around kryptonite.


ETA:  This month's winner will get either one of my kits OR $75 to Home Depot (or Lowe's) whichever one you like best.  It is spring...and I know I've been itching to buy flowers for my new yard!

vacation. LIFE.

Reader Comments (23)

well Laura, you're kicking my BUTT on consistency girl!

Friday I scouted locations for wedding for about 45 min. Walking, walking etc.

Saturday was a wedding for almost 12 hours. 'nuf said. It's a full-body workout.

Oh, my own TV show? Ok. :) Acutally my husband said to me the other day 'if this photography thing doesn't work out (and I WANT it to), Karen, you should consider becoming an enviornmental advocate of some sort. you're so knowledgeable and apssionate, and it integrates so easily into our daily life!'


April 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

Leisure walk around the hood. Nice to get some fresh air.

April 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

Karen, I'm so inspired by your enviro projects. Keep it up!

April 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

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