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Move it Monday. Keep it going!

Posted on Monday, March 16, 2009 at 09:57AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments27 Comments


I don't know if there is anyone that doesn't spend wayyy too much time at their desk or in front of a computer. We all sit and sit and sit and stare and stare for hours at a time. We type away like crazy and the muscles that get the most exercise are our fingers.

My awesome health insurance company just sent me these great 'desk'ercises. Try them out!  And remember...these exercises aren't meant to be your main workout of the day but they will move those "sweet muscles" (said in my best Arnold voice) of yours and keep you from having atrophy set in while you wile away your day working like crazy.

Remember the March contest! Don't forget to come back here to this post every day this week and tell us in the comments what you've been doing to stay healthy...

Have Fun!


Feet and Legs

Toe raises. Lift your toes while keeping your heels firmly on the ground. While you can do this exercise standing, it works very well while seated.

Football foot drill. At practice, football players practice rapidly tapping their feet in place, simulating a run. Do the same thing while seated, for 30 seconds at a go.

Take the stairs. If you need a harder workout, try taking them two at a time — you’ll get a chance to stretch your legs more than you would otherwise.

Calf raises. Stand in front of a desk or other piece of furniture you can hold on to for balance. Raise your heels of the floor and slowly lower them.

Lunge. While walking, take the widest step you can and lunge forward.

Hip flexions. While sitting in your chair, lift your right foot a few inches off of the floor. Keep your knee bent at a 90 degree angle and hold the position as long as you are comfortable.

Walk the hallway. Walk down the hallway as fast as you can without actually running.

Plié squats. Point your toes outwards and take a wide stance. Slowly bend your knees in the direction of your toes. Once you can no longer see your toes, slowly stand up. While plié squats are more graceful than regular squats, give them a pass if your work attire includes a skirt.

Leg extensions. While sitting in your chair, extend your right leg until it is level with your hip. Hold as long as you are comfortable and then relax it. Alternate sides.

Hands and Arms

Shadow box. Stand up and take a couple of jabs at the air.

Arm pump. Pump both of your arms over your head for 30 seconds.

Shoulder raises. Raise your shoulder to your ear, hold and then relax. Repeat, alternating shoulders.

Wrist stretch. Stretch your arm out in front of you with the palm up. With your other hand, grab your fingers and lightly pull them down to stretch your forearm.

Triceps dips. Put your arms behind your back, resting on your chair and slowly raise and lower yourself.

Elevated pushups. Lean on a sturdy piece of furniture and slowly push your body off of it in a sort of standing push up.

Hand stretches. Tense and relax the muscles in your hands. Make fists, spread your fingers and bend your fingers.

Flapping wings. Stretch both of your arms up and back, as far as you can. Bring them forward until they meet and stretch your arms out in front of you. Repeat.

Water bottle weights. Use a full water bottle as weight to increase the difficulty of your work out. You can do front raises, overhead presses and bicep curls with a water bottle.


Back twist. Sit up straight in your chair and place your right arm behind your right hip. Twist to the right and hold. Alternate sides.

Wall sits. Rest your back against a wall and move your feet away from the wall. The wall should be supporting the weight of your back and your knees should be bent. Hold the position as long as possible.

Gluteal Squeeze. Tense up the muscles of your rear end and hold for a count of 10.

Curls. Cross your arms over your chest and sit up straight. Tense your abdominal muscles and curl your shoulders towards your hips. Hold for a few seconds.

Abdominal stretch. Sit on the edge of your chair and stretch your arms out in front of you. While keeping your back straight, contract your abdominal muscles. Relax and repeat.

Neck rotations. Drop your chin and roll your neck. Raise your chin up and bend your neck to each side.

Full Body

Low-impact jumping jacks. Raise your right arm and tap your left toe to the side at the same time. Keep your right foot on the floor. Alternate sides for a full minute.

Pretend jump rope. Hop either on both feet at once or alternating feet.

Pretend jump rope, version 2. Move your arms as if you are turning a jump rope while tapping one foot in front of you. Alternate feet.

Chair dips. (Don’t use a chair with wheels.) Place the palms of your hands on your chair and your feet on the floor. Move your rear end off of the edge of your seat. Bend your elbows and lower your body. Straighten your arms to return to the starting position.

Chair squats. (Don’t use a chair with wheels.) Lift your rear end off of your seat and hold for a few seconds.




Feet and Legs

Toe raises. Lift your toes while keeping your heels firmly on the ground. While you can do this exercise standing, it works very well while seated.

Football foot drill. At practice, football players practice rapidly tapping their feet in place, simulating a run. Do the same thing while seated, for 30 seconds at a go.

Take the stairs. If you need a harder workout, try taking them two at a time — you’ll get a chance to stretch your legs more than you would otherwise.

Calf raises. Stand in front of a desk or other piece of furniture you can hold on to for balance. Raise your heels of the floor and slowly lower them.

Lunge. While walking, take the widest step you can and lunge forward.

Hip flexions. While sitting in your chair, lift your right foot a few inches off of the floor. Keep your knee bent at a 90 degree angle and hold the position as long as you are comfortable.

Walk the hallway. Walk down the hallway as fast as you can without actually running.

Plié squats. Point your toes outwards and take a wide stance. Slowly bend your knees in the direction of your toes. Once you can no longer see your toes, slowly stand up. While plié squats are more graceful than regular squats, give them a pass if your work attire includes a skirt.

Leg extensions. While sitting in your chair, extend your right leg until it is level with your hip. Hold as long as you are comfortable and then relax it. Alternate sides.

Hands and Arms

Shadow box. Stand up and take a couple of jabs at the air.

Arm pump. Pump both of your arms over your head for 30 seconds.

Shoulder raises. Raise your shoulder to your ear, hold and then relax. Repeat, alternating shoulders.

Wrist stretch. Stretch your arm out in front of you with the palm up. With your other hand, grab your fingers and lightly pull them down to stretch your forearm.

Triceps dips. Put your arms behind your back, resting on your chair and slowly raise and lower yourself.

Elevated pushups. Lean on a sturdy piece of furniture and slowly push your body off of it in a sort of standing push up.

Hand stretches. Tense and relax the muscles in your hands. Make fists, spread your fingers and bend your fingers.

Flapping wings. Stretch both of your arms up and back, as far as you can. Bring them forward until they meet and stretch your arms out in front of you. Repeat.

Water bottle weights. Use a full water bottle as weight to increase the difficulty of your work out. You can do front raises, overhead presses and bicep curls with a water bottle.


Back twist. Sit up straight in your chair and place your right arm behind your right hip. Twist to the right and hold. Alternate sides.

Wall sits. Rest your back against a wall and move your feet away from the wall. The wall should be supporting the weight of your back and your knees should be bent. Hold the position as long as possible.

Gluteal Squeeze. Tense up the muscles of your rear end and hold for a count of 10.

Curls. Cross your arms over your chest and sit up straight. Tense your abdominal muscles and curl your shoulders towards your hips. Hold for a few seconds.

Abdominal stretch. Sit on the edge of your chair and stretch your arms out in front of you. While keeping your back straight, contract your abdominal muscles. Relax and repeat.

Neck rotations. Drop your chin and roll your neck. Raise your chin up and bend your neck to each side.

Full Body

Low-impact jumping jacks. Raise your right arm and tap your left toe to the side at the same time. Keep your right foot on the floor. Alternate sides for a full minute.

Pretend jump rope. Hop either on both feet at once or alternating feet.

Pretend jump rope, version 2. Move your arms as if you are turning a jump rope while tapping one foot in front of you. Alternate feet.

Chair dips. (Don’t use a chair with wheels.) Place the palms of your hands on your chair and your feet on the floor. Move your rear end off of the edge of your seat. Bend your elbows and lower your body. Straighten your arms to return to the starting position.

Chair squats. (Don’t use a chair with wheels.) Lift your rear end off of your seat and hold for a few seconds.

And Remember to VOTE every day until March 31st!  CLICK HERE....

healthy. LIFE.

Reader Comments (27)

This warmer weather makes it SOOOOOOOO much more desirable to move my body.

We went on a walk today, then in an effort to keep up my weights, I went to the gym to weight lift for 20-30 minutes. Then I was just feeling SO good about myself, I jumped on the bike for another 20 minutes.

I'm beginning to think I might need some professional help. The endorphines are taking over. ;)

March 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

I love those endorphins! I'm getting "highs" after my walks now. Today I walked to pick up my son, about 2 miles round trip. I now see what a slacker I am slouched at my desk, when I could be doing all those exercises! WOW! I have a great tip to use while you try out Davina's tips...(thanks Deb for Pandora). On Pandora, create a radio station called The Go-Go's. It is FUN! Boy those old days are getting farther and farther away. But in addition to endorphins, the music is a great pick me up!

March 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

I miss running! It has been raining here for several days and I don't have a gym membership, so I have been stuck with indoor exercising. I did some leg work today, and actually tried some of the deskercises. I prefer a mile run, but I will take what I can get!

Tomorrow afternoon is supposed to be sunny and 68 degrees...yee-haw! :)

I need to get an ipod to listen to as I run...

March 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike

you inspire me! thanks.

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermissy

So .... Erik wanted to walk, so we did the 30-45 minute routine. THEN I liberated my bicycle from the garage. Ok, so after being on the bike all winter at the gym ..... does anyone else find it hard to go to a road bike? I need to put the odometer on it so I know how far I go ... I tend to just explore/wander. Today I found a mini-vineayard in my city's limits! Exploring is especially important since I'm in a new town.

Oh, and instead of eating granola bars (carbs, carbs, carbs ... we were out!), I had an organic apple to snack on. :)

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

Wow, what a long day! I woke at 4am, was to work by 5:45am and just walked in the house 3 minutes ago at 11:45pm. I am beat, but had to come and see what you all have been up to. Karen, great job on the bike...I love to ride, but it is hard on the legs when I start out.

Today I avoided snacks (which is tough at work sometimes because none of them are healthy) and drank quite a bit of water. Unfortunately, an 18 hour day did not leave me a bunch of time to exercise, but I plan to do some pushups before bed. Keep up the good work, and I would love to hear what other people are doing this week!

March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike

Great job Karen, "wandering on the bike" sounds so fulfilling. Especially exploring a new town. Mike, you are always so positive, great going!

I was feeling lazy yesterday but did my strengthening exercises with hand weights. Squats, situps, stretches, etc. I also got up to 25 pushups! This sounds hard but really push ups are easy to improve on. Start with one, the next time you'll be able to do two!

Going off of wheat and dairy is already changing my body, mood and energy level for the better! It is not so hard once you figure out alternatives.

Thanks for all the motivation, Accountability, and encouragement!

March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

I've been lifting weights a few times a week for about 2 months now ... nice to see it paying off!

Oh, more bike and aerobic stuff today, too. And my 2-veggie dinner .... with some fruits on the side!

March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

Walked my two mile school pick up route. By cutting out the wheat and dairy I'm eating more veggies and salads too. It IS nice to see the payoff. Go Karen!

March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

so ... instead of having sour cream dip w/ chips, opted for guacamole ... it's veggies, right? ;)

Davina, I'm wondering what happens when you wind up w/ a tie this month.

March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

Oh my goodness...we have a few of you just battling this out! I love seeing you get more healthy. Awesome! I'm going to have to figure out what to do in case of a tie!!

March 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterDavina

Another long day at work, but I was able to do an arm workout tonight. I love the feeling of when I am done working out, but it is so hard to get motivated sometimes...Thanks for the inspiration Laura, Karen and Davina!

March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike

Mike, I hear you! I was visiting my parents yesterday and carrying my 5# weights around saying I was "going" to do my excercises. I kept offering to help my mom with dinner...she said...just do it!!! I was glad I did...afterwards. :) Great job keeping it up even after the long work days.

March 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

Mike, I don't know HOW you do it w/ long work days.

We've been walking almost every day. Awesome!

I broke down and had sour cream dip. Not so awesome ... but a little trick to the treat is getting a small bowl for the chips ... so I don't keep eating and eating and eating out of the bag. I need to find a dip-sized bowl so I don't eat as much sour cream dip.

BUT on a big plus, I rode my bike to hubby's work (abt. 2 miles), then we went to dinner together. Being outside is SO different than in the gym on a bike. 1) my seat isn't as cushy. 2) WIND. ugh. need I say more?

March 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

I finally got to run again! Ran a mile in 8:41, not bad for having not run in a while. I could feel the strength training I have been doing has paid off. For me, the cardio and strength is a great combination for losing weight. Now, if only I didn't enjoy food so much...

Way to go everyone! Keep up the good work...

March 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike

I was home bound with a vomitous child, so sad and sweet about it too. My other son wanted to play with me. So I got creative and did some weeding and trimming in the yard, while he searched for roly-poly bugs. Feeling tired today and just gave myself a break. It felt kind of cleansing to clear away the woody branches and fresh weeds still soft coming out of the earth. Meditative.

March 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

Laura, doing yard work IS such a workout! You weren't slacking off at ALL!

Today I had to cut it a little short at the gym to come home and boil beans. I tell you what, we've just started eating more black and white beans at our house ... they are so tasty and FULL of protein ..... and fill me up. :)

One thing I do when I'm just killing time (like brushing my teeth) is squats. It sounds silly. Laugh at me. But I do. I can get 5-8 squats in while I"m just standing around, doing nothing. Over the course of a day, it adds up. PLUS I am telling myself when wedding season resumes, my muscles won't be so sore the day after b/c I'm giving my muscles good conditioing now. :) (I like smiley faces ....) :)

March 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

Okay, thanks to Karen, I got my shoes on and did my 2 mile walk. Being home with a sick kid and a well kid made me kinda dim today. I kept staring out the window at the incredible weather...so I walked at dusk instead and it was perfect.

Tomorrow, early, I will walk seven miles with TEAM in Training. I'll let you know how I did. I have confidence my knee will do great!!!

Karen thanks for the support! And Great job on the beans. I've heard beans are one of the best things you can eat every day. :)

March 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

Mike? Where are you? :)

March 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

I'm right here, Laura...:) Just got back from a date with my sweetheart. This morning I did my leg workout. I want to run tomorrow, but have to get up early and go to work about the time the sun comes up...maybe tomorrow afternoon...

You didn't think I would miss a day, did you? lol!

March 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike

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