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morning. quiet.

Posted on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 02:45PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , , | Comments8 Comments

after everyone is gone.

I love the way the house is so silent once everyone has left for the day.  The hustle and bustle of the morning, coaxing sleepy children out of bed, spilled milk while lunches are made, laughing over silly things, anxious concerns about the day have been talked about, kids have made a run for it as the bus comes around the corner and now there are no voices.  Only calm after the storm of the beginning of day. 

When I get home from my morning walk before I sit down to write I usually walk around the house just pushing silverware and toothpaste drawers back into cupboards, picking up wet towels from showers, putting brushes back into bins, and starting laundry or putting away cereal.

I love to see the beds and blankets and pillows all jumbled up on the bed in a pretty mess.  It reminds me of nudging my warm and sleepy kids from their dreams and coaxing them into the new day as gently as I can.  I love the way my kids have that sweet smell and warmth from sleeping as they come down to eat breakfast and hug me.  I love mornings with my kids and Mike, they are a kind of routine crazy chaos that we go through every morning.

When I walk through our quiet house after everyone is gone and see unmade beds it reminds me of how much I love my mornings...even if they come earlier than they used to...

beautiful. LIFE.


Reader Comments (8)

My daughter has the same tissue paper flowers hanging in her room!

March 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKayleen T.

I just love the way you write about your kids, I feel the same way. There are some really crazy mornings around here and when everyone is where they are supposed to be, I just smile and thank my wonderful Lord for the blessings He has put into my life.

March 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterabby

I haven't heard that morning quiet yet- still have a 2 1/2 year old at home with me but once in a blue moon my husband will take the kids and I'll be in the house all by myself and I'm not quite sure what to do first- it's an erie feeling. Looking forward to those type of mornings someday.

March 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMandy Hank

I totally feel like you!!!! Crazy mornings...but the calm after the storm...oh pure quietness!

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOakstream Photography

Love the empty towel hooks with used towels on the floor... looks like our house! (except we don't have cute hooks like you do!)

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

I love the photos! Thanks!

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJen Duval

Kayleen, don't you love those? I love to hang pretty much any thing from all of my ceilings. I still have valentine hearts hanging above my kitchen table. At Christmas I had stars hanging above my mantel. There's something magical, a little funky, and very unexpected about hanging things from the ceiling.

I hear you, Abby!

Mandy, oh baby! This is the first year I've had those quiet mornings...and right now they are only 3 days a week (which I'm really glad about, I think I'm going to really miss Grace and the way she gabs and talks to herself while she's playing when it's just the two of us at home...I love it.). The day will come for you way to soon!

Alisha, it's amazing how crazy it can be one second and the next it's so peaceful!

Amy,that's real life here...at least that way you can see my cute hooks! lol

Thanks, Jen!!

March 12, 2009 | Registered CommenterDavina

I love your perspective. It is simply beautiful, perfect, and what I often wish I had.
Love Danita

March 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDanita

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