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Women and Business: Rebekah Westover

Posted on Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 06:53AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments14 Comments


**All images in this post are copyright Rebekah Westover.**

NEXT WEEK: Lisa Maksoudian

Rebekah, it's so wonderful to have you on my blog and part of the Women and Business series. I've adored you since I first met you and have always loved your easy going attitude. You've developed such a beautiful style and business and at the same time you manage to make time for things the other things that are important to you. I'm excited you are willing to share some of that with us!

You seem completely smitten with your husband, how do you keep that so alive when you are so busy?

Even when I'm busy there is always time for a movie night, a bubble

bath, or a date night. Sometimes I feel like I'm busy 24-7, but when

I really think about it I'm NOT! There is always time for making

relationships stronger. Bottom line is I have to MAKE time. I like

to try to get my work done on the computer by 5:30, put my daughter to

bed by 8:30, and then spend the evening alone with my husband. It's

so good for our relationship. In my busy season (the summer and fall)

this isn't always possible as I'm shooting most evenings. But even a

foot rub at bedtime, or just laying in bed at night talking keeps the

love strong in our relationship. I can honestly say that I look at my

husband everyday and think "I love this man." Apart from doing

things to keep the love alive, I truly feel that my husband is my soul

mate so being smitten with him really comes naturally.

What do you do outside of being a mother and photographer/business owner to have fun?

Always a girls night once a month, and a monthly lunch gathering with

a few fellow photographers. I love reading books and People magazine

in a hot bath. It is such an escape. Skiing, traveling, taking

pictures of my daughter, going for walks, eating good food, going to

the movies....oh the list goes on.

What is life like for you on a daily basis?

It really depends on the season. In the summer I'm at work on the

computer by 9 a.m. until 5:30. I will grab a quick bite and then head

out for an on-location shoot. I usually get home around 8 or 8:30.

I'd like to say I take it easy at this point but I don't. I usually

eat dinner, put my daughter to bed, and then hop back on the computer

to edit, design albums, fulfill orders, answer emails, etc. etc. I

finally go to bed around 1 or 2 a.m. It's a lot to handle at times,

but really it's only like this about 6 months out of the year. In the

winter and spring things are much more manageable and I have tons more

time to spend with my family. It's a good balance for me because I'm

not insanely busy the entire year.

What do you think are the most important things you do as a mom every day?

I like to give undivided attention to my daughter everyday. Usually

this happens at bedtime when it's just me and her reading stories,

snuggling, and singing songs. This is such an important time for me

and my daughter. I also really like to cook for my family, have sit

down dinners at home, and keep a clean and organized house. I feel

more at peace when I'm serving my family and have a clean home. It

truly makes me happy.

What do you think are the top three things you must do as a business woman every day?

1- Setting goals. I think it's so important to have goals for your

business. To have something to reach for. And then when you achieve

those goals, it feels so good! I always like to make goals for

myself. It lets me know how far I've come, and how far I want to go.

2- Be confident! I don't really know how to elaborate on this. I

just know from experience that if you are confident, then people trust

you and are confident in you as a person, a photographer, etc.

3- Make relationships. I think it's important to make meaningful

relationships in business. Not just "networking" and trite social

relationships. But REAL relationships. I can honestly say that I have

clients that I adore and truly care about. And some of the

photographer's that I've become friends with are amazing friends that

I truly lean on at times. I think it's important to have REAL friends

in business.

You have a wonderful sense of fun, playfulness, and humor. How do you keep that up when you're feeling stressed out? Or do you just not get stressed out?

The key for me not to get overly stressed is to stay organized. I

keep an ongoing "to do" list by my computer. I take the entire list

and then break it into "days." For example "I will edit this wedding

on Monday, on Tuesday I will fulfill print orders, on Wednesday I will

edit this portrait shoot" etc. It keeps things manageable for me. If

I look at the entire list I become too overwhelmed and don't even know

where to start. So breaking it up, and being organized is key.

I DO get stressed at times, and sometimes taking a walk with my

family, or taking the day off work helps relieve that more than

sitting in front of the computer working. I remember several times

this summer when I said "screw work, I'm going to the swimming pool

with my daughter." And I went swimming, and it felt really good!

Also, when I'm stressed I have to remind myself that I make a living

making pretty pictures. And then I feel immensely grateful and tell


What 5 tips do you have for women to help them maintain a balance in their lives between everything they have to do?

I don't really have any tips. I just remember something that Dr.

Laura said that I really liked. She said something to the effect that

there is no such thing as balance. Balance implies that you can have

it all. And you CAN'T have it all. If you choose one thing, then the

other thing loses out. So instead of "balance" think of choices. For

me I try to make good choices. Choices that allow me to be with my

family as much as possible. If this means turning away potential

clients, I will do it. And I CHOOSE to do it, because at the end of

the day, and at the end of my life I want to say that I chose family

over anything else in the world.

What brought you to photography?

I mildly worshipped my older brother when I was younger (okay, I still

do:) When I was in Jr. High, he was taking a photography class. He'd

show me the pictures he made and I was so amazed. So of course I

wanted to be like him. I started taking photography classes in jr.

high, got my first SLR for high school graduation, got a medium format

camera after college graduation and stuck with it ever since.

Is there anything you wish you would have done differently over the years as a mom/business woman? If so, what? And how would you do it if you had another chance at it?

I can't say there is anything I would have done differently.

Everything I've done in the past has brought me to where I am now. And

I really like where I am now.


To see more of Rebekah's work check out her website and blog.

**All images in this post are copyright Rebekah Westover.


Reader Comments (14)

Thanks so much for your segments! I really enjoy them! Rebekah is amazingly talented! Definitely something to aspire to!

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKayleen T.

Great photos. Great interview. I love this series! Rebekah, I love what you said about balance and choices. Great advice!

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSarah Q

Rebekah is an EXTREMELY talented, genuine person. Thanks for getting her thoughts because she ROCKS!

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOakstream Photography

Yay for Becky! Your sweet little fam is lucky to have you as wife and mother.. Thanks for your insight. :)

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHaley

The cool thing about Rebekah is that she is exactly who she says she is. But she's very humble. The girl's amazing. AND, she helps people. Like me. Who desparately need help. Davina--you're awesome for doing this. And Rebekah--you're awesome, because you're awesome!!

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLindsay

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February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSquarespace

Love that girl!

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKate Benson

It appears that some people may be having issues with posting.

Please let me know if you are having problems posting by writing me at: davina at davina fear dot com


February 12, 2009 | Registered CommenterDavina

Thank you so much for featuring Rebekah. I read her blog daily and absolutely love her work. I have a question-- how do you make photographer friends? I make friends easily in every other realm of my life but the photographers I've met seem so concerned that I'll steal their business(and trust me I won't!) that I haven't been able to find any friends or mentors. Do you have any ideas on how to remedy this?

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle Lehnardt

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February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSquarespace

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February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSquarespace

Michelle, Come to Love Affair Workshop! :)

Really. I know that's a shameless plug for love affair, it's true though. The women that came to love affair are still friends (10 of them are getting together and rooming at WPPI this upcoming week), they call each other, help each other, and some are on a forum together. I think every woman who has come to Love Affair has made at least one life long friend that they would never have met if it hadn't been for Love Affair. You can see more here: http://www.loveaffairworkshop.com/index.php
(check out the testimonials page for more info on friends)

If you aren't interested in Love Affair go to another workshop. Most people at workshops are totally open to learning and sharing. Hang out after classes and shoots with people. I'm still friends and keep in touch with people from all of the workshops that I've attended.

If you choose the right workshop for you they are fun and inspiring and worth every penny.

February 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterDavina

Kayleen, I know. Rebekah's work is gorgeous and I'm in awe of her album designs!! Wow!

Sarah, here, here. I totally agree.

Alisha, too true. I'm so glad she was so generous...as she always is. :)

February 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterDavina

I love that girl too!!! This was so fun to read, so many great reminders about what's important!

February 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSkye Johansen

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