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me. self portrait. two.

Posted on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 10:27PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , , | Comments13 Comments


sick missie.

ETA:  Stay tuned tomorrow (Jan. 15th) for the first installment of the Women and Business series!!

I was hoping to do a much more elaborate post of the self portrait work that I've been working on. However, the pictage ask and learn went longer than I planned and shortly after it was over my little Miss G woke up and was feeling her tummy rumbling again. In the past week and 1/2 or so she hasn't been feeling well.

Except the not feeling well is not consistent. Gracie hasn't felt sick for 10 days straight. Whatever she has just seems like it just keeps coming and going.  I can't figure out if she is really all of the way better.

Is my mom-sense totally off? 

She's thrown up a number of times and they don't seem to be linked to anything in particular.

We've spent a lot of time on the couch me holding her and her feeling miserable.

Then she'll seem like she's done with it.

She'll be back to herself, playing, laughing, reading, and going to school. This time she seemed like she was completely better. She hadn't thrown up since two nights ago. She went to school today. Had a great day. Said she felt great. And I was relived that everything looked like it was over.

Now...tonight something is back...not sure what.

We just spent a long time in the bathroom while she sat at the toliet waiting to throw up. Nothing except a lot of stomach gurgling and a lot of burping. Now she's sleeping on the couch next to me...and that took some coaxing. She didn't want to leave the bathroom for fear she may puke.

So...I'm not sure what they night ahead is going to be like. Or what is going on with Grace.

This is definitely a mom life...crouching by a toliet, holding someone's hair, and whispering sweet things in their ear.  Holding someone on the couch and hoping that your arms will somehow bring relief.

unsure. LIFE.


Reader Comments (13)

What a precious moment! Your family will be so thankful your doing these. Hope she's feeling better.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJackie P

Davina, I'll bet she has a minor food allergy! My mom's allergic to fish and coconuts, and we had no idea what was wrong with her at first, either. You can develop these minor food allergies literally overnight, which is why it often takes so long to figure out what's going on.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKelly Heasley

has she been swimming lately? my daughter was that way last year and it was the crypto whatever from swimming. just a thought. i hope she feels better soon! there is nothing worse then a sick kid!

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteramanda

I am so in LOVE with this shot. It warms me, makes me want to cry. Just gorgeous. Totally speaks motherhood.

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentershannon

Thanks for being up with Gracie and for being so sweet to her. I love you and we are so blessed to have you in our family!

January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike

Thanks, Jackie...I think she may be feeling better...hopefully...

Kelly, you know what? I was wondering about that the other day but I just don't want that to be the case!!

Amanda, nope. No swimming. Hmmm...what happened with the swimming???

Shannon, thank you. Even though Gracie is feeling terrible in that picture, I really love it, too...

Mike, thank you. Thank you for seeing all of the things that I do. I'm very blessed to have you.

January 15, 2009 | Registered CommenterDavina

this is beautiful. The photo but also the words. i think every mom feels what you are saying. Makes me realize I need to cherish these moments when they are young.

January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSofia

I've been reading your blog for a while but have yet to comment. I love your photos and your general advice and outlook on life.

I just wanted to say that I had an off-and-on stomach bug right before Christmas. It didn't last quite 10 days, but it was the strangest bug I've ever had. Since then, I've heard from other people who have had similar viruses. Maybe it's just what's going around?

I hope she feels better soon! It's miserable to feel sick.

January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKayla

This post made me tear up. I dreamt just last night that I was in a crowded room and laid on the the floor and said out loud to myself, " I miss my mom", then she appeared and said "what, honey?". Moms are so indispensable. The way they stroke our hair, their hands, their beautiful hands! Now I am the mom of two in college and a high school sophomore. They never grow out of ,"I want my mom". Last night my twenty year old begged me to stay up with her and hug her before I went to bed, as the college stress was getting to her again.
Thanks for sharing your heart.
Blessings, and I pray health is restored to your family.

January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMary Anne Morgan

I love my mommy because she helped me feel better. I love her very, very, very, very, very, very, very much!

January 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGracie

So like Kayla, I have had that same bug. It's a nasty one!

The picture of you and Gracie is just...oh man. So sweet. Made me miss my mom. :)

Thanks for the comments on my blog. I wouldn't say I'm "ready" but I am really ready to learn more and start a portfolio. Your "Women in Business" series is great! I had heard of things like Photographers Edit, but I didn't realize how easy they made it!

January 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa Oholendt

This is a really beautiful self portrait. So well executed and containing so much emotion. It is really very powerful. Nicely done.

January 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertsimpson

Sofia, thank you! I'm so glad to see you here. Thanks for stopping by.

Kayla, I think that must be what she had. I'm crossing my fingers that that is all it is. Thank you for taking the time to post and ease my mind!

Mary Anne, thanks so much for being willing to share something so beautiful and personal. I hope my girls will do the same when they are older. You must be a wonderful, caring mother.

Gracie, I love YOU!!!

Melissa, ugh! You are sick, too? I'm so sorry to hear that!!! I know! I just checked out Photographer's Edit. It sounds great. I'm so glad you're liking the Women and Business series. I'm SOOOO excited about the women that are coming up, too. It's going to be great!

tsimpson, thank you so much for your beautiful and thoughtful words to me. i really appreciate them!

January 17, 2009 | Registered CommenterDavina

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