My Grandma.

It has been quite a while since I've seen my Grandma. We saw her at my sister's wedding a couple of years ago. I love that we got to go through Indiana so that we could see her. When we found out we were moving our number one stop we wanted to make was to see my Grandma. We wanted our kids to have some time with her and talk with her.
I love seeing Grammy Louise (that's what my kids call her...). she says what's on her mind and you never wonder if she's holding anything back. I wish we could have had some more time with her. Hopefully, now that we're out this direction we'll get to see her more often.
**with gas going nuts and how many times we stopped for it...I had to have a picture! **
sweet. LIFE.

Reader Comments (2)
Davina these are beautiful. Love what you wrote about your can really feel the connection here. I hope you enjoy your new home and have more time to see her.
I love these. So sweet!!