Going with the Flow.

By the seat of our pants.
**totally not sure why these pictures look pixelated...anyone know? they look great on my computer but not when I upload them, I'm doing the exact same thing with them as usual...hmmm....**
We knew we were going to see Mount Rushmore. That was the plan. The Badlands…not in the plan. Staying at Mount Rushmore for most of the day…not in the plan. Getting out of Gillette around 11:30am…not in the plan.
So today pretty much 95% of our day did not go according to plan. We were mostly just spontaneous about the whole day. Once we realized the plan was pretty well shot we just kept doing whatever we wanted. We ate in Keystone at the DQ after being in awe over Mount Rushmore.
If you haven’t been to Mount Rushmore it will amaze you. When we saw it I was completely taken with the enormity of the project, how people carved those faces, and who it was that came up with and executed the idea. I couldn’t figure out how they knew where to start carving and creating in that mountainside. Curiosity got the better of us and we had to go to the artist’s studio that was almost 250 stairs away. We had heard that there was a presentation at 3:30 but knew that we wouldn’t be around by the time that happened; we just wanted to see the space. Well…we looked around and asked questions and looked at books about the artist and Mount Rushmore…until the presentation at 3:30. We still hadn’t eaten any lunch and we stayed.
Miriam got to be the helper when the park ranger talked about how they decided to start the carving. Ninety five percent of the work was done with dynamite. The other 5% was all carving and chiseling and jack hammering. The workers were suspended from the top over the face of the mountain. The amazing thing was that not one of the people that worked on the sculpture was killed. It was very inspiring to hear how the artist came up with the idea and the bravery and skill of the 400 people who worked on the project.
After getting on the road we were about to pass the Badlands…and at the last second we took the road out to the National Park. The Badlands are amazing…all of these places are! On one side the land is just rolling along and then out of nowhere and for seemingly no reason all of these hills and valleys and canyons are just there. There is grass just waving in the wind (that’s beautiful, too…the way the grass blows like it’s waves in the ocean…I love it.) and then there are these crazy Badlands. Mike and Emmett freaked all of us girls out by walking out on this precipice with a drop on three sides. I couldn’t watch. I had to walk away while Miriam yelled for them to come back. (I remember first realizing I was afraid of heights when I was pregnant with Emmett. Mike went out on this ledge at the Grand Canyon. I remember telling him, “Don’t you make me a widow with this baby on the way! Get away from that edge right now. You are totally freaking me out!”….is that a mom thing….to start worrying like that?)
The Badlands were freezing with that wind blowing. It’s the middle of July and Gracie was wrapped up in a blanket!
**The picture of Gracie laughing is because she couldn’t stop laughing after I totally biffed it on a stair and fell all over the place but kept my camera up in the air to make sure that it didn’t get hurt. I got hurt and I’ve got a couple of bruises on my bahookie (Emma’s word) to prove it. I couldn’t stop laughing either. I’m terrible about laughing when I fall or anyone else falls. It just keeps replaying in my head and it makes me laugh every time I think about it. Falling is so funny. Once I walked into a window at the college I was going to and shattered the whole thing (that’s a story for another time) …I still laugh every time I think about it.
Anyway. It was a great day of unplanned stuff.
spontaneous. LIFE.

Reader Comments (13)
Sometimes the spontaneous moments in life are the best kind. I will continue to pray for your family's safety as you travel east to your new home.
Roadtrips with the family. Nothing better. SO glad to see you enjoying the moving process!
Gorgeous photos! I love the one with your daughter and the red blanket and her in the field of tall grass. I ESPECIALLY loved the black and white with your daughter sleeping, it was precious!
Oh it's so exciting to see your trek across the country! I love the picture of the two girls sleeping.
I just can't say enough about the pictures! I could just sit and look at them all day long-over and over again! It's so neat to see your adventure east. Thanks for the update! The time is almost here!
Just look at all of you. What a perfect time and a fun move for them and YOU.
You are such a great mom and an excellent photographer
I would love that weather! It's toooo hot here in Florida!
Happy Trails :0)
Mt. Rushmore and the Badlands completely took my breath away when I visited them. It really is such gorgeous country and you've captured it (along with the excitement and life and youth!) perfectly.
don't look pixelated to me! What an awesome road trip. You inspire me to hit the road.
Looks like a fun trip - we will miss you here in Utah!
I see some pixel funkiness in the blues - this happens all the time when images are uploaded with the Adobe RGB (1998) profile, as these are. Web browsers aren't color managed and assume everything will be sRGB. So convert to sRGB and those blue skies should be happier. Automate this in your batch action from bridge, or Lightroom makes this really easy.
Did you go behind Mt. Rushmore?
Meridith, thank you for your prayers...they are totally helping us. Our air conditioning stopped working. And I'm sure prayers of those that love us are what made it start working again...
Lisa, roadtrips are fun. Over the last few years I've become a terrible roadtripper. So far, though, it's been wonderful! Yay!
Caroline, that's my fave, too. I have a picture of my sweet little twins looking very similar to that when they were about 5 days old. I love it. The sweet peaceful innocence of them sleeping..it makes my heart melt.
Courtney...I totally agree!
Carolyn, I'm so glad you're seeing us go across the country to meet you!
Karen, thank you for your kind words to me!
Steph, thanks! I agree. They are both so amazing. One the feat of people who combined together to make a miracle and the other painted by the hand of God. Both of them just incredible.
Ryel, You should totally take a roadtrip. It's the perfect time of year...well, except for the gas! haha.
Michael, thank you! I must have click something by accident in bridge. I always do everything in sRGB. weird. Thank you so much for the tip. I'm going to have to check it out. You can't go behind Mt. Rushmore...did you get to go behind it? But there really is a hall of records! They show it in the exhibit. I would have loved to have gone up there!
Your kids are so beautiful. Enjoy your trip and the spontaneous moments!
Oh my gosh Davina! Your little boy...he's not a little boy anymore. He is getting so handsome! Watch out, he is SOOO going to have the girls after him!
These pictures are so beautiful. All of them. I love that you take so many pictures of your sweet little family. They are so priceless.
And I haven't commented in forever, but I'm always looking. And always admiring. I wish you all the best in your move and I will REALLY miss you. You've been a great inspiration to me and I truly thank you for that. AND you have always been so incredibly kind to me, which means a lot:) Thanks for being so FABULOUS!
What an awesome journal for travel. Love the photos. Thanks for sharing.