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Day with Davina.

Posted on Thursday, June 5, 2008 at 12:09AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments2 Comments


angela. gerado.

I knew that my time with Angela and Gerado was going to be fun but I had no idea how wonderful it would be to hang out with them all day.  When the end of the day came I was sad to see them go.

We talked all day long covering so many topics.  They have 4 girls...and they don't want to miss any more time with them.  They've been shooting for over 10 years, in business for 5 years...but officially for one.  They have bookings coming in like crazy but they've lost their life somewhere in the middle of it all.  After looking over their questionnaire and some emails back and forth we decided that what would be best is a day all about taking their business and making it work better and more efficiently.  Their work is beautiful and they've really been getting gorgeous lighting into their portrait work.  We wanted to cover their website and portfolio but not do an actual shoot.  And it's so good we decided that since we were still talking business by the end of the day (and could have talked even more business). 

We went into detail doing a website critique and talking about branding and helping everything to be cohesive and sending the message that they want to send through their art and studio, financials, studio management, workflow, client information gathering, a studio bible, payroll, the hiring process and how to hire a great team, having a beautifully organized studio space and workspace, working with a team, balancing business and home, organization systems that free you to enjoy yourself when you do get to be home...getting it all out of your head, and enjoying the process of it all.

I'm so grateful for the time I got to spend with Angela and Gerado.  I'm so excited to hear from them every time they complete some thing from their 14 step program that we came up with just for them, their life, and their studio.  I'm looking very forward to hearing about where they are at in 6 months and a year from now!  It's going to be amazing! (At the end of the day Angela asked if they could do another Day with Davina after I move to NC...I would love to see where they are at then!)


Angela and Gerado left me these notes:


Wow Davina!  Every penny was totally worth it.  Thank you so much for  your time and talent and your willingness to share it with us.  Not many photographers go so in depth in the subjects you covered.  We know that we will implement the ideas you've given us to help our business grow, but more importantly to keep our family together and grow stronger.  We certainly feel we found an answer to our prayers when we were able to do this session with you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! -Angela.

I learned the importance of managing my time, that I can become a better photographer but more important a better dad and husband.  And it is ok to give responsibility to others to help me.  Davina, thanks for everything.  We love you tons. -Gerado.

(to schedule your Day with Davina contact the studio at info@davinafear.com .  we are almost full before leaving Utah and are already booking for when i arrive in nc.)

learn. LIFE.

Reader Comments (2)

how cool!!! im way exited... this is evelyn :))

June 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterevelyn eslava

Hey Davina!

We just got back to Texas and have officially implemented our first step. We sat down with the kids tonight and worked out a summer schedule that we all felt comfortable with. Our eight year old daughter said to tell you 'thank you! for giving her her parents back... WE LOVED spending the day with you and are planning on visiting you in NC. It was a life changing experience and we can't thank you (and Stephanie and Jessica!) enough...


June 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAngela

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