love. LIFE.

Hello Friends!

Over to the left you'll see all of the categories that you can check out.

If you're a photographer make sure to check out the For Photographers page.  I just launched the new Family GTKY kit and the NEW Insight Kits Blogsite!!!  Click here to see the new site!

    LOVE. LIFE. TIPS.  These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here)  Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here)

My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago).  You need this guide!


Easy as Pie.  Click here to visit Served Up Fresh. (affiliate link)

Thanks for stopping by...and don't forget to leave a comment...or two...I want to hear from YOU!

And make sure to TELL A FRIEND!


Entries by Davina (749)

Inspiration Book.

Posted on Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 11:13PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments9 Comments


ideas. ideas. ideas.

I have a feeling there are a lot of women out there just like me.  Things run around in your head endlessly. 

Ideas come in my head like crazy.  I get them hitting me sometimes 3 in one minute.  I get them hitting me at the least opportune times...I have ideas when I'm standing in the line at the grocery store, driving in the car, walking in the mornings.  All of these times I usually don't have anything to write on.  If I do find something to write it on, it gets lost and there goes my next big idea never could have been something that would have changed the world.

I got tired of having little notes scratched to myself on the back of receipts, on small pieces of napkin left on the floor of the van with a big mud mark on it from one of my kids, bits of paper that will probably end up with someone's gum in it, and other odd pieces of whatever that are the most convienient things to write a random thought on...never to be seen again.

I decided I need to contain my ideas and better even than that I needed to be able to access them easily.  I'm not a computer person when it comes to my ideas.  I don't whip open my laptop, power up,and create a document, etc.  I don't use my cell phone to do every thing known to man on it, and I don't carry a personal recorder (although, I've been really tempted lately to buy one and walk around with it talking to myself.)

For now, I have a pretty book.  This book came to me because my thoughtful and handsome husband bought a book he thought I would like at my favorite store, Anthropologie.  He bought it and just had it on hand in case of a moment that it may come in handy for a gift.  One night, I was telling him I just needed to find a beautiful book to start keeping all of my ideas in.  And right then and there, he said he had the perfect thing for me.  It was like he read my mind before I thought it.  (For some reason this is playing in my mind like a movie or sitcom from the 1950s...)

Now, I have this pretty inspiration book.  I've divided it into a bunch of different categories and given each category about 10-15 pages each.  Some of my categories are:  blog, business, kids, love affair, kits, and inspiration.  When I have an idea I put it into the pages of the category that it would go under.  That way later when I'm working on that particular project, it's all right there where I can use it, instead of spread all over tarnation with no way for me to access it.

I take my inspiration book everywhere and keep it close at hand so that I can write in it whenever ideas start going crazy in my head.

It works great except for when I go walking and when I'm in the shower.   I try to remember them all and write them down as soon as I get done walking or out out of the shower...sometimes that's not fast enough.  Any good ideas for capturing ideas while you're in the shower?  I want to hear them!

Keeping all of my ideas in one place and in a category has made it so much easier to actually do them!


inspired. LIFE.


Women and Business: Haley Warner

Posted on Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 04:55AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments12 Comments

***all images in this post are copyright Haley Warner***

NEXT WEEK: Joy Bianchi of Jules Bianchi Photography

{To nominate women you'd like to see in this series please list them in the comments-make sure to include your info in the comment fields so that I can get in touch with you- or write to me at:  davina at davinafear dot com }

Haley, thank you so much for being on the Women and Business series! I 've not met you in person but somehow found my way to your blog and felt an immediate connection when I read that you were pregnant with twins and you have three children already! I'm excited you've been so patient with all of my questions. I hope we meet in person someday and that I'll get to see those sweet twins!

How long have you been in business? I started photographing bath products for a bath and body company in 1998 and worked there until 2001, when myson was born. I took a few months off and then ventured into portrait and wedding photography, which was much more up my alley.

What has been the hardest thing about getting started? Worrying about not being "good enough,"lying awake at night dreaming up business plans AND sacrificing time with my family.

What did you do to manage those things that were hard for you? I'm really NOT an easily stressed out type of person so when I noticed that I was constantly stressing over my photography and feeling guilt, Iasked myself .. "Why am I doing this and am I enjoying it?" I then decided to take things really slow, keeping my family first, but building my business little by little through research, practice and trial and error. It relieves a lot of stress, pressure and guilt when you remember to ask yourself, "Why am I doing this and am I enjoying it?"

You just found out you are pregnant with twins. What are you doing to prepare for them in conjunction with your business? I decided at the end of 2008 that I would only be offering Wedding Photography to give me more time at home, so I am planning on shooting until about April. The twins are coming in June.

What are you telling clients and potential clients? I have a few backup photographers that will take my clients if anything unexpected happens before April, so everything will be covered until then. I am not shooting anything (except my twins and3 other kids:) until September so I've been referring clients toother great photographers that I trust.

What are your plans for your business after they are born? I haven't made any plans whatsoever. I'm just not scheduling anything until SEVERAL months after the babies. I've never had twins before so I have no idea what to expect. It's hard not to be able to plan and be in control.

So are you planning to just play it all by ear? I am totally flying by the seat of my pants on this one! I'm hoping I'll have good sleepers and eatersthat love to be on aschedule so I can have my schedule back, but that'sbest case scenario! I'm praying for asmooth adjustment to having 5 kids under the age of 7!

How long are you thinking you’ll take for maternity leave before you start shooting and taking clients again? I'mplanning on shooting again starting in September.

What do you think are the most important things you do as a mom and every day? The most important thing I do as a mom every day is to send my kids off to school with a prayer, an "I love you"and with confidence in themselves. I really do keep a prayer in my heart all day for my kids.. for me to know how to best help them in their own personal needs and to be ready to act on those "feelings." I try and listen and have conversations with them even when it's really really annoying and mostly focused around Indiana Jones.

You’ve just redone your website. What are the things you think are most important to consider when putting together a website? I think it's easy to fall into the trap of "copying"popular photographers and trying to emulate their style and logos and colors and design. Decide what YOU like, what colors and light and lines and form.. You are trying to stand out, not follow behind.

How did you decide and figure out what you like and how you stand out from other photographers? I've had 3 different websites in 7 years and it has really taken me that long to feel completely comfortable with my style and who I am now. I've always been a simple person. Less is more.So the photographs I take are less about props and backdrops and lots of equipment, they are about the subject. Simple.

How did photography find you? I was on the yearbook staff in high school and LOVED it. I really got into photography in high school and still keep in contact with those friends from yearbook and photography classes. Professionally, I just got lucky andlanded the perfect job to help build my skills.

Why did you decide to go into business? After Cole, (my oldest) was born, I knew I didn't want to work full time outside the home, so I quit my awesome job (which was one of the hardest things I've done.) I knew I would never be able to give up photography completely as itis such a big part of who I am.. so I slowly, slowly, slowly started to build up my business.

What did you do to slowly build up your business? I took it nice and easy by studying and researching (pricing, style, business plans, etc.)and not taking on hundreds of clients at once. I also didn't go into debt buying equipment. I saved forever to buy my Canon 10D body, (which I still useas a backup)a cheap flash and a Sigma 24-70mm lens. Over the years I've added lenses, lights, umbrellas and reflectors and with each purchase, I take months to practice and figure out how to best utilize my new "toy."

What do you think has given your business the biggest boost over the last 18-20 months? I think confidence.. I finally feel confident and know I can create awesome photos for my clients, no matter the situation! I've always second guessed myself and clients can sense that.

What are some of your best ways to bring new clients in? I have solely relied on word of mouth and referrals. I did a Bridal Fairabout 5 years agoand vowedto never put myself through that again! I have had several weddings published recently which has helped me meet new clients. Blogging and Facebook are always fun too, and a great way to network.

What are you most proud of as a business woman within your business? I am proud that I've never had anything completely fall apart within my business. I'm really not the most organized person alive, but I've somehow managed to keep everything flowing and moving along with no major glitches. (I have learned, however, toALWAYS have backups at ALL times of ALL photographs.:)

What is your number one tip for someone just getting started?Don't feel pressure to be as amazing as all the photographers who have been in the business for years and years. You won't be as good as them right off the bat.. it will take several years and a lot of practice. It is very discouraging to think you will never be where you want in your business, but it will come.. someday! Keep going and push forward, no matter how discouraged you get.

What are you most proud of as a mom? That my kids know they are truly important and loved. I am so blessed to even be able to be a mother and I never want to have regrets ofputting my kids second.If yousay"yes" tosomething, it meansyou are saying "no" to somethingelse.

***all images in this post are copyright Haley Warner***

Build a Bear Workshop

Posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at 06:06PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , , | Comments15 Comments

Christmas wish.

One of the things Miriam wanted for Christmas was a gift card to the Build a Bear Workshop.  A few weeks ago we ventured to the mall and when she walked in the store it was Christmas morning all over again.

Miriam's eyes were big, her mind whirled, and her hands felt every thing as she ran around the store looking at each of the bears, bunnies, tigers, and frogs that she could invite home to sleep with her, cuddle with her, and pretty much get worn out with love.

The store also has all kinds of clothes, sunglasses, hair (yes, really!  little mini wigs!), underwear, bags, and anything else a child could imagine putting on a stuffed animal.  This, obviously, means:

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions. 

Sweet little Hoppy, the bunny, made the cut.  She's the one that came home with Miriam to get her very soft ears rubbed endlessly and eventually have holes worn in her that will need to be mended.

And, of course, Miriam had lots of help.

sweet. LIFE.

(as you can see, I'm messing around with some colors and post processing in these images...what are your thoughts?  love it, like it, hate it? do tell, in the comments...)


Move it Monday.

Posted on Monday, February 23, 2009 at 12:42PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments11 Comments


Here is another tip I got in an email from Joann.

Healthy snacking between meals can be a good habit if you choose the right foods. So here are some tips to help:

• Snacks can curb your appetite so you don’t overeat later

• Healthy snacks give you added nutrients that you might miss in your meals

• Snacks can supply you with enough energy for your daily activities

• Preparing snacks in advance will help you make healthy choices when you feel hungry

• Wash and cut fruits and vegetables and pack them into small snack-sized plastic bags

• Easily grab a healthy portioned snack by pre-packing individual servings of crackers, pretzels, cereal, popcorn, nuts, and seeds

Try to choose whole, natural foods instead of processed snacks. Select a variety from the main food groups, and watch your portion sizes!

Snacks have been one of the things that I think have helped me alot over the last 4-5 months. It keeps your metabolism up to have your body not go into famine mode when it gets hungry. Instead it keeps processing instead of shutting down. Two of my favorite snacks are:

1. Triscuits and medium cheddar cheese sliced super thin.

2. Fresh strawberries and vanilla yogurt. Yum.

What are some of your favorite healthy snacks? Tell us in the comments.

To win this month:

February Contest:

Post help, advice, recipes, exercises...anything that helps you to stay motivated to make the changes that you need to make to have a more healthy lifestyle...put them in the comments each week. I'll pick the top ten comments/help and you will all get to vote on your fave. If you haven't particpated yet, it's not too late. Decide to make a change for yourself and give into a healthier lifestyle. Click here to see details about the contest for the whole year.

The winner will get:

Your favorite magazine subscription and $75 to your favorite shop. You want to have things around you that give you positive feelings and reminders about the awesome choices that you are I want to help!

healthy. LIFE.

Women and Business: Lisa Maksoudian

Posted on Thursday, February 19, 2009 at 07:11AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments7 Comments


**all images in this post copyright Lisa Maksoudian**


Lisa, thank you so much for being on the Women and Business series! I haven't actually met you and was introduced to you by someone on a forum. I went to your website and just loved your work and branding. I'm thrilled you've been so generous with this interview. I certainly hope we meet in person someday soon!

You’ve been in business full-time for [a relatively short time]. What has been the hardest thing about getting started?

well, i've been in business for about 4 years. however, what i consider to be my 'launch'--with a cohesive vision, branding, etc.--was just a year and a half ago. before that, i was only working about 20 hours a week as my children were small.

for me, the hardest part about getting started was reallydiscovering where i wanted to go! you know, that whole ' establishing your vision' thing. for someone who has a Business Degree & who's spent 7 years marketing albums and artists in the music & publishing industry you'd think i'd be more on top of my game. but, creating a business of my own has been a COMPLETELY different experience.

i was carried along by the current--random work that fell at my feet--for several years before i put my oars in the water. it didn't dawn on me that i could (and should) DECIDE where i wanted to go. i started out taking jobs. and then jobs started taking over my life! i needed a business plan, a solid vision and some policies in order to create a business with longevity. once i pulled it together, it really was a turning point for my business.

You’re obviously doing very well for being in business for such a short time. What 5 things do you think you’ve done right this year?

--hired a housekeeper and a gardener--takes extra work off my plate so i can spend more time with my kiddos

--partnering with a local children's boutique--their clothes + cute models + my pictures all over the store = great exposure!

--committed to blogging--even tonight, my bride-to-be said 'the first thing i do EVERY DAY is check out your blog'. and that just makes me smile!

--upgraded my computers...faster is ALWAYS better!

--gotten involved with local charities and fund raisers--not only offering auction items, but also services to the charities themselves

You have 2 boys, right? What does a typical day look like for you?

a typical day...haha! that's entirely dependent upon having a 'typical night' & 8 hours of sleep!

my boys go to school (Kindergarten & Preschool), sothe day starts between 6:30-7:00....unless i have a sunrise shoot. my amazing husband often lets me sleep a little extra if the boys are up early...otherwise, we're off to school around 8:30.

i try to do as many sessions as i can on weekdays. in addition to children, i also do commercial work & architecture so most days there's some kind of shoot. when i'm not shooting, i'm working with a framer, processing, answer emails, and processing orders. usually i spend 3+ hours in the studio each day. and i try to end the day by 6:30. there are come nights, however, that i kiss my boys in bed and head back to work until the project is done.

in all of this, i have to mention that i'm so blessed to have a nanny who has been with us for nearly 6 years. i wouldn't be where i am today without Miss Sara and my husband.

last but not day a week i take off completely (this is new in 2009) i can just be a mommy, a wife, a person.

What do you think are the most important things you do as a mom and every day?

delight in my kids. i want my kids to know that not only do i adore them and love them passionately, but that i also ENJOY them! that my best times are with my boys (hubby included). it's way to easy to tune out the extra noise and miss the cute little sayings and expressions....but those are the little magic moments of life.

i find time to play with i play with my clients. (it was a sad day when i realized i was much more playful & forgiving with my little clients than with my own little guys). i listen to their musings, their theories, their stories and their crazy jokes....that always happen to be about poop.

and i volunteer in their classrooms so i can be with them, get to know their friends & teachers, and evaluate what we need to work on a bit more at home.

( is not on my list. i have many other skills and Trader Joes is, for me, anacceptablesubstitute for everyday dinners. :)

Your branding and packaging and marketing materials are just wonderful! It’s difficult in a field that, in the past has been dominated by men, to find fun and funky and colorful boxes and things. Women want something that looks beautiful. How did you come up with your colors? Where did you find those awesome chartreuse boxes and your other pieces? How did you make everything look so beautiful and simple and feminine at the same time? Did you hire a designer? Do tell all! Lol J

absolutely, i hired a designer! that said, i completely drew out (traced is more like it) what i wanted. i'm sure designers HATE that! but i knew exactly the shape and the layout, as well as the colors. i think it's important to look polished, and not 'crafty'/homemade...that's where a professional graphic designer comes in.

while i have many male clients (grooms, fathers, husbands), my 'look' is targeted at women and i have to look hard to find packaging that is contemporary and fresh. i think women want to be seen with something that looks beautiful, fresh, and or funky. even a shopping bag is an accessory. soi'm always checking out newboxes, ribbons, etc. online. (nashville wraps, ribbons and bows oh my,, DHL) as for colors, i find inspiration in magazines and catalogs: Domino, Potterybarn, Boden. and i love the color selection at PaperSource i use their little 5x7 boxes (the only size available).

How did photography find you? And why did you decide to go into business?

so, in my first life as a Marketing Director i worked around the clock. nearing a burnout a the ripe old age of 25, i made a bold move and took a 3 month leave to attend a small school in Europe. a bit of R&R turned into a 2 year adventure. i bought a backpack and walked/eurailed through 13 countries with my point and shoot Yashika & Canon AE1 cameras. i'd never taken a class in photography and just started firing away. when i returned to the States, i pulled together a portfolio from my pictures and applied to the Art & Design school at a University. i was so surprised to be accepted and soon began a second degree in Fine Art Photography.

i was a Canon/Hasselblad shooter for my first few weddings...and shortly thereafter made the change to digital. i don't remember a point where i 'decided' to go into business. things just fell into place. deciding where to take the business, now that's another matter. it's easy to take jobs as they present themselves. but being a mother and a wife i have to weigh the opportunities with the costs.

Are you married? If so, what do you do to keep your love fresh and fun?

yes, i'm blissfully married! my husband is my greatest champion and my best friend. that said, we both own business, entirely different from eachother. admittedly, it's so easy for us to be caught up in the ins and outs of keeping our respective businesses going. to always talk shop and to never play together.

to keep things fresh and fun we have to turn off our busy minds and play! our most favorite times are with the kids and our dog at the beach. the kids dig. the dog runs. we cuddle up like we're in some little movie of our own! cheesy, but oh so wonderful! usually our date night is Monday....but i'm not going to lie: we've gone months (during the busy christmas season) where we are ships passing in the night.



It looks like you are very busy…and it’s happened very quickly. What are you finding about how to manage a growing business and family life? What specific things are you doing to make sure both get your time?

yes, life is busy. last year it got TOO busy and it forced the question: am i working to live or am i living to work. i'd like to be able say that i am working to i've made changes in my business plan to become more balanced.


--i don't answer the phone or emails on weekends...of course there are some exceptions...but 90 % of the time i deal with inquiries and questions during 'normal business hours'. weekends are family times (i only shoot once or twice a month on a sat or sunday)


--family trips, birthday parties, etc. are put on the calendar several months in advance, then i fill in client work on the remaining days.

the balancing act is really about flexibility and i don't ever expect that i'll get it down perfectly. but i hope to gracefully keep my family first while serving my clients with the best images and service possible.

also, i met a gal at DWF/WPPI three years ago. we live about 3 hours apart and met in the middle after the convention. three years later and there's not a day that goes by, sometimes not even a 6 hour stretch, that we are not chatting, conferring over marketing ideas, proof reading a brochure, problem solving, and generally encouraging eachother. we call eachother 'BPFF' (best photographer friend forever), and cheesy as it sounds she has meant the world to me on so many levels. it's like having a business partner. we even do 'work-weekends' in our busy season....with the 4 Seasons Spa trip followed by a 24 hour editting marathon.

(the last time we were both nerve-wracked as we proofed our un-related celebrity clients!)

**all images in this post copyright Lisa Maksoudian**


To see more of Lisa's work go to: