love. LIFE. Hello Friends! Over to the left you'll see all of the categories that you can check out. If you're a photographer make sure to check out the For Photographers page. I just launched the new Family GTKY kit and the NEW Insight Kits Blogsite!!! Click here to see the new site! LOVE. LIFE. TIPS. These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here) Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here) My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago). You need this guide! Easy as Pie. Click here to visit Served Up Fresh. (affiliate link) Thanks for stopping by...and don't forget to leave a comment...or two...I want to hear from YOU! And make sure to TELL A FRIEND! |
Entries by Davina (749)
Women and Business: Michelle Anderson

***All images in this post are copyright Michelle Anderson***
{To nominate women you'd like to see in this series please list them in the comments-or if you have a question you'd like to see in the interviews--make sure to include your info in the comment fields so that I can get in touch with you- or write to me at: davina at davinafear dot com } As always make sure to leave comments for the women who are featured. They like comments as much as I do I'm sure...let them know if you have questions or just to say thanks! for their insight and wisdom... Make sure to check out the rest of the series by clicking here. Tell a friend!
How long have you been in business and how did you get started? When my first child was born, I left my job in marketing to stay home with my kiddos. But about three years ago, I realized my clock was ticking and I was eventually going to have to go back to work. I was working part time at a department store and I hated it. One day, I called my mom in the parking lot and just bawled, "I have a degree in Communications. What am I doing with my life?????" She asked me what I really wanted to do in my heart and I told her that I wanted to be a photographer. So, I put in my notice and within a month, I had bought my first SLR and started a business.
You have two businesses, two kids, and a new baby, what do you do to keep things simple in your life and studio? I'm NOT very good at managing it all. Baby number three really made me take a step back and examine exactly how and why I was functioning and managing my time. Truth be told, I realized I'm NOT very good at managing everything at it all. So, every day I streamline more and more. I'm constantly trying to think of ways to make processes more efficient and still building in time for my family. Because I don't have a studio, I found I was working round the clock with no dedicated time for the different aspects of work and life. So, I recently instated office hours (duh! Why didn't I do that before??). I still do work more than a typical 40-hr a week job, but my kids know that they have me all to themselves on Tuesdays and Thursdays and when I'm done shooting on the weekends.
What do you think are the top three things you must do as a mom and wife every day? Laundry, laundry, and laundry. ;-) I think as a mom and as a wife, I need to practice being a good my kids/husband their full attention when they need me. I try to multitask too much, but at least once a day, I need to sit down with each of them individually, give them my undivided attention (even if it's just for a couple of minutes) and really engage in what they're telling me. There is one other thing I try to do every day. This advice comes from a good photographer friend Lyndsay: take pictures every don't necessarily have to edit them or print them right away, but at least the moments have been snapped forever.
What three products or things help you stay organized? They all come from google: Google, Google mail, Google Calendar. These are always open on my computer. Always.
For women who are thinking of starting another business in addition to their photography (shooting) business, what 3 tips do you have for them? It can and will pull you away from your shooting time and time with family, so seriously consider if you have the time and drive to do it all.
With so many things on your plate, what do you do to market your businesses? How does that fit into your busy schedule? My blog drives my business. Truly, my online presence is the driving force of it all.
What does your workflow look like? How do you keep all of your clients straight and deliver products on time? I'm actually in the process of typing out my complete workflow for members of my photography resource site ( It's taken me about a year to iron this all out because each day, I discover new things to help make things more efficient and secure. (When it's finally ready, I will put a notice up on the PT4P blog.)
What plans do you have for your business this year? How will your plans impact your family? Actually, I have big, big plans for big, big changes in my business that will greatly affect how I do things and how we operate as a family. One big change is that my husband recently left his job to homeschool our children. But that is only the tip of the iceberg for Pinkle Toes 2009...
What did you do when you were pregnant and getting ready for your baby’s birth to get your family ready as well as your businesses? Truth be told, my baby girl took us quite by surprise and so I was very, very, very shocked and unprepared for what to do with my business that had just exploded. With severe morning sickess and then the aches and pains that came later on in pregnancy, physically, shooting and keeping up with the work demand got really tough. I was just very open and honest with my clients and the closer I got to my due date, the fewer sessions I was taking on. The last 6 weeks or so, I decided to not take sessions with children under the age of 5 because I couldn't promise kind of pictures I like to take of the little active kiddos.
How much time do you spend on the computer? WAAAAAAAY too much. I'm working very hard to cut down on the internet surfing and photographer browsing and constant e-mail checking.
Are there times that you feel overwhelmed? What do you do? I get overwhelmed at least once a day. Sitting down with my baby girl or visiting with my husband outside or wrestling with my boys gets me back in check.
To see more of Michelle's work:
***All images in this post are copyright Michelle Anderson***

Big Summer KIT sale.
get in on the summer kit sale!
So...summer is finally here and it's time to get out the lemonade and games and vacations. It seems like a fun time for a kit sale.
Our kits are usually $99 each. We're running this summer sale especially for our blog readers! You can get a special limited time price on all the kits grouped together or on just one kit. The sale will only be going until Friday June 12th at midnight eastern time.
These kits will be sent to you within 24 hours of ordering via email as a downloadable PDF file.
Important: When you are purchasing more than one kit make sure to tell us which kits you are ordering in the section called: instructions to merchant.
For more info on each kit just click on each kit picture at the top of this post.
*ONE kit: $89
*Choose THREE kits: $250
*Choose all FOUR kits: $325
PPA. Studio Management Services
really great.
I've been in Atlanta for the last few days at a PPA workshop. I've been completely immersed in all kinds of indepth business and marketing and selling talk. It's been amazing...and I've gotten to learn from two very successful women that I'm now just in awe of how they've managed to do so much.
Ann Monteith and Lori Nordstrom were so warm and approachable and funny and just...real. They weren't afraid to say that they'd made mistakes...lots of them. They weren't afraid to say that they worked hard and that what they were telling us was going to be hard work. These women are great teachers and share so graciously. They are business people that run their business like women...passionately and with a gorgeous strength and confidence. I love it!
If you've not been through the PPA Studio Management workshops I strongly reccommend it.
I'm at a place right now where I am about to start all over least that's what it's felt like. After taking a hiatus and being at the point where I'm looking forward to the fall and thinking..."what the heck am I doing?" I knew I wanted some seasoned photographers to just give me the nudge that I needed and remind me that I'm really excited about the process of getting a studio up and running again.
The thing is, I've run a studio. I loved it when I was doing it. I've been on a break now and I've really loved the break. I've loved the time with my kids and I've loved almost no worries about keeping a business afloat. And you know how when you get out of the habit or routine of something...even like losing LOVE it when you're doing it. And then life gets going and get away from it and you forget how much you love it and how great you felt and how you couldn't wait to get to your walking? I've gotten comfortable with my life.
Now, it's getting time to get started again. I know very well the amount of work and effort and time that goes into a studio...the amount of hours...and everything else that goes with it. It's been almost paralyzing to consider.
After being here this week it's been a great reminder that I can totally run a studio and that I love working with clients and I LOVE the synergy that comes in collaborating with a couple or a family for an incredible shoot. I've been filled with excitement about connecting with beautiful, amazing, artistic, and giving couples and partnering with floral designers and wedding stylists that get as excited about all of these things as I do. It sounds so FUN!
There's a long road ahead and it's going to be fabulous adventure. Now, I'm so anxious and full of ideas that I can't wait to share and put into action.
Thank you so much Ann and Lori!!
And a big thanks to Beth...what a great job coordinating the event! I'm looking forward to talking to you more...
PS I'll be here in Atlanta until the end of the week...
learning. LIFE.
Love Affair Scholarship Winner
Make sure to head on over to the Love Affair Blog to check out the winner of the Scholarship. We had so many women participate and it was wonderful. I hope you won!
Move it Monday.
healthy eating.
Congratulations Laura! You won the May Move it Monday Contest. Contact me for your gift card. Way to go!!
Here are some tips on Healthy Eating from the Mayo Clinic that I received via my health insurance.
Healthy Eating: 10 Ways to Add Pizzazz
Mayo Clinic Staff
Healthy eating doesn't have to be boring or tiresome. Flavorful food combinations, new cooking ideas and an inventive spirit can add pizzazz to your meals and snacks and keep you motivated to meet your goals for healthy eating. Here are some ways to keep you on course toward healthy eating:
Get out of the rut. Experiment with new foods and combinations. Try mango or peach slices on whole-wheat toast with a little peanut butter and honey. Or toss some mandarin orange or peach slices into a salad.
Think beans. Add chickpeas (garbanzos) or black beans to your lunch or dinner salad. If you typically buy a salad at work and no beans are available, bring a container of beans from home.
Try tofu. Stir-fry with extra-firm or firm tofu rather than meat in Asian-style dishes. Freezing and then thawing tofu before use gives it a firmer, chewier texture.
Go short. Make a nutritious snack rather than a full meal when time is tight. For example, try low-fat corn muffins with apple and cheese slices, or fat-free refried beans mixed with salsa, a small amount of low-fat sour cream and baked tortilla chips.
Be sneaky. Add crushed bran cereal or unprocessed wheat bran to baked products, such as meatloaf, breads, muffins, casseroles, cakes and cookies. Also, use bran products as a crunchy topping for casseroles, salads or cooked vegetables.
Go greener. Vary your salad greens and enjoy the multitude of flavors and textures that are available besides plain iceberg lettuce. Choices include arugula, chicory, collard greens, dandelion greens, kale, mustard greens, spinach or watercress. Buy a different variety each week or just mix and match.
Multitask. Choose a dish that serves as a full meal for quick and simple cooking. Healthy examples include beef, barley and vegetable stew; chicken, vegetable and rice casserole; turkey and bean casserole with tomatoes; or vegetarian chili with diced vegetables.
Spice it up. Use salsa for more than just chips. Whether it's mild, fruity, hot, smooth or chunky, salsa is a great companion for potatoes, vegetables, fish, chicken, meats and even eggs.
Go herbal. Use herbs and spices to add color, savory taste and sensational aroma. Add cilantro to rice or bean dishes. Sprinkle rosemary on roasted potatoes or grilled meats. Add freshly chopped chives to omelets or pasta salads.
Explore the world. Discover and enjoy foods from around the world: Mexican, Latin American, Indian, Greek, French and Asian cuisines, just to name a few. Some of the world's most intriguing ingredients — quinoa, edamame, bok choy, bulgur — are as healthy as they are delicious.
healthy. LIFE.