love. LIFE.

Hello Friends!

Over to the left you'll see all of the categories that you can check out.

If you're a photographer make sure to check out the For Photographers page.  I just launched the new Family GTKY kit and the NEW Insight Kits Blogsite!!!  Click here to see the new site!

    LOVE. LIFE. TIPS.  These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here)  Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here)

My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago).  You need this guide!


Easy as Pie.  Click here to visit Served Up Fresh. (affiliate link)

Thanks for stopping by...and don't forget to leave a comment...or two...I want to hear from YOU!

And make sure to TELL A FRIEND!


Entries by Davina (749)

Kelly Moore Lens Bag

Posted on Monday, October 5, 2009 at 11:21AM by Registered CommenterDavina | CommentsPost a Comment

If you are looking for a stylin' lens bag...look no further.  To get on Kelly's email list to be the first to hear about this super cool new over to her blog and sign up.

You know you can't resist....

Move it Monday.

Posted on Monday, October 5, 2009 at 11:02AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | CommentsPost a Comment


Hello Move it Monday friends...

We're having a very rainy day here...hope you're having sunshine!

I'm going to post our September winner and our new contest Tomorrow. 

I have some things that I'm trying to get out the door today here at the studio and I'll be back with fun new info.

Have a happy Monday!

good. LIFE.

Studio Sneak Peek 2

Posted on Friday, October 2, 2009 at 03:06PM by Registered CommenterDavina | Comments6 Comments

So...I've almost gotten my studio finished.  I have some things to hang on the wall and there's a table I really want that I'm trying to decide if it's worth the money to me.

I am totally in love with my new studio and I can't wait to show you the whole thing!

Women and Business: Carey Schumacher

Posted on Thursday, October 1, 2009 at 07:33AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments5 Comments | References1 Reference

***All images in this post are copyright Carey Schumacher. ***



{To nominate women you'd like to see in this series please list them in the comments-or if you have a question you'd like to see in the interviews--make sure to include your info in the comment fields so that I can get in touch with you- or write to me at: davina at davinafear dot com }

As always make sure to leave comments for the women who are featured. They like comments as much as I do I'm sure...let them know if you have questions or just to say thanks! for their insight and wisdom...

Make sure to check out the rest of the series by clicking here. Tell a friend!

Carey, You are so much fun, you tell it how it is, and you are so generous to photographers and anyone who wants to know about photography.  I love that you seem to keep a sense of humor about things and that you have a great feel of play about your life and work.  Thanks for being on the women and business series!


What 5 things do you do to keep your sanity while being a mom, photographer, business woman, and expert advice giver on forums?

Expert advice giver?!  HA!  I don’t accept that label!!  And the “sane” label is questionable, too, but I’ll take a crack at answering anyway.

Five things to try to keep insanity at bay:

1)       I don’t do weddings.  I cherish MOM time, and my family has too many weekend activities, so even though I know I could rock a wedding, I don’t take them on. 

2)       I keep my sessions short.  No multi-hour “lifestyle” sessions for me!  I love going to the beach, meeting a family for an hour or so, and going back home.  My clients are awesome, and I’m sure I’d love hanging out with them for hours and hours, but I love my family more.  I need to be home so I can get stuff done before my kids get out of school at 3pm every day.  I like to think that such a family-centered commitment makes my family photography even more heart-felt.  Maybe I’m just trying to rationalize & glorify my urge to keep my sessions short, though (HA!).  Either way, I keep my sessions short, and I work best that way.

3)       Let some stuff go!  Not everything HAS to be done.  The world will continue to rotate on its axis and my kids will survive if I don’t do everything for everyone.  Like #5 on this list for example… I’m gonna end at 4, and the world will somehow go on.

4)       I keep my computer really close to the kitchen & family room.  I debated putting my “office” in a den or a spare bedroom, but I realized that having my work computer close to the hub of family activity really helps.  In the afternoon, I can jump onto the computer and knock down my inbox a little bit while the kids are doing some low-maintenance homework.  While water is boiling for the evening’s pasta dinner, I can sit at the computer for a minute or two and work on a future blog post.  I know it doesn’t work well for everyone, and some people find that an “office with a door” works best for them, but not for me.


What does a day look like for you?

A weekday…

6:45:  I wake up at 6:45, get dressed (I like to shower at night because mornings are too busy), brush my teeth, make sure the kids are up & getting dressed.

7am: Get kids breakfast ready and make school lunches (NO IPHONE OR COMPUTER!!!!)

7:20:  leave to take the kids to school

7:45:  Kids go into their classes, and I get back to my car, and I find the nearest Diet Coke distributer (Chick Fil A drive through, or the Target cafeteria if I’ve got stuff to buy at Target).

8am:  I get back home (unless I went to Target), and start working… email, pictures, Lightroom, photoshop, the occasional (ok, more than occasional) Facebook or Twitter distraction, more email, blog posts, soccermom stuff, house stuff, figure out what’s for dinner, remember to feed myself some breakfast & lunch, and work until 2:45.

2:45: pick up kids from school.  Homework and afternoon family stuff until soccer practice or dinner.

If I have a photoshoot on a weekday, I’ll get my Diet Coke, and head off to my session, get home, work some, then pick up the kids at 2:45.

A weekend…

I schedule my photo sessions around my family’s activities (usually soccer games) and try not to let work interfere too much with the family stuff.   

What are the most important things you do in your business every day?

I’ve been trying to be really good about replying quickly to inquiry emails and making sure I put something on my blog at least once every few days.


What do you think has given your business the biggest boost over the last 18-20 months?

My new website launched Jan 1 this year, and it’s been a HUGE promotional tool.  I used ShowItSites and hired a designer to work on it for me (Spilled Milk Designs).  I LOVE the new site because it’s original, the images are HUGE, it resizes to fit each visitor’s web browser, and it really fits my brand & style.

ShowIt site

Keeping my blog fresh also really helps.  I just completely re-did my blog, moving to a new WordPress design, and I really like the new change.  It’s a departure from the current trend of single-column photography blogs, and I think it’s a good move.  The new blog style I’m using shows more of a “depth of work” than a single-column blog can ever do. Visitors have a first reaction of  “There’s so much to look at! What do I click on FIRST!?” instead of having to scroll down down down down to see a variety of posts & pictures. 

New blog

Share your take on ‘keeping it real’ as a woman in business.

I’m not sure I have a “take on” that topic.  I just go about my life as a mom, wife, and photographer.  I don’t spend a lot of time on photography forums or looking at other photographers’ websites/blogs.  I used to do a lot of that, but I found myself constantly comparing myself to others, and it’s just not healthy.    Is that “real” enough?  I don’t know, but oh well….


What do you think are the most important things you do as a mom every day?

Drop off my kids at school and pick them up on time every day.  They know I’m there, and they have me with them every afternoon to help with homework and spend time with them.  No daycare.  No babysitter.  No “after school care.”  When they’re teenagers, they’ll probably resent me being so “there,” but too bad! 

I feel very lucky and blessed to be able to do that, but it’s not all luck.  My husband works hard, we work hard as a team, and I’ve worked hard to build my business over the years to be able to be there for our kids every day.


What do you see women in business doing that you wish they would stop doing?

Spending so much time on photography forums and spending hours and hours looking at other photographers’ websites.  There are things to be learned from forums & websites/blogs, but only in moderation.  Getting sucked into “drama” on forums doesn’t help their families or lives at all.  Staying up until past midnight looking at other photographers’ websites, convincing themselves that they suck, doesn’t help at all, either.  (I call it “I-Suck-itis”  it’s a nasty disease).  Looking at other sites is great for sparking creativity (only sparking, though, not copying!!!), but unhealthy “I SUCK!” hours on the computer are an unhealthy waste of time and energy.

What three products make your business life simpler?

1)       My 5D cameras.  I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:  Cheesy 80’s love songs (usually Survivor or Journey) play in my mind when I think about how much I love my Canon 5D cameras.  I don’t have to do all of the Photoshop work I used to have to do with other cameras.

2)      Zenfolio for client galleries.  Easy easy easy.  And so pretty!!!!  (zenfolio discount here:

3)      Diet Coke.  (from a fountain, not a can)

What three products make your life simpler?

1)       The soccer goal I bought for my son’s team.  It’s awesome.  I love it.  I would marry it if I ever lost Jason.

2)       Does hiring a cleaning lady count?  It’s my interview, so I say it counts!  She’s awesome!!!  I will make dinner every night instead of going out so often before I get rid of her (for people who don’t know me, that’s like saying something really really dramatic, trust me)

3)      Diet Coke. 

What do you think was the turning point in making your business really take off and blossom?

Getting on TV & radio in San Diego.  That, and launching a really clean, fresh, flash website with my waves theme/branding.

 When you started getting more busy how did you keep your personal life yours and not taken over by business?

I shortened my “mini” sessions to 2-3 families in a row instead of 5-8.  Why on Earth did I think I could meet 8 families in a row & keep my sanity!!???  Some would argue I lost my sanity, but for this answer’s sake, let’s say I’ve still got at least a tiny desperate grasp on the last thread of my precious sanity. 

Years ago, I started do “mini” sessions (which are not all the rage, it seems), where I’d meet a bunch of families in a row, starting a new session every 30 minutes.  When they got really popular and were selling out in minutes, I raised the price and only took 2-4 families instead of 8.  I make more money and work a fraction of the time.  It’s awesome, and the best move I made 

How did you gain confidence in your work and as a business woman?

Who’s the wackadoodle that said I’m confident???

OK, I fake it really well. 

But I’ve always been that way (maybe it’s part of being a Leo).  I always seem to have a leadership role, I’m always taking on new things with a (stupid) fearlessness, and I seem to be able to discover pretty quickly if I’m going to suck at something.  If that happens, I quickly drop it and move on to something that won’t bring out the sucker in me. 

What do you think are the 3 most important marketing things to do to get started?

1)       get on radio

2)      get on TV

3)      I did a print ad in a local parenting newsletter & did playgroup sessions for that parenting group.  (a bunch of kids at the park, really cheap, they each got a few prints & could buy more if they wanted)


What do you do to have time to yourself aside from being a mom and business woman?

I play indoor soccer, which is SUPER FUN.  I try to get out with friends to see movies every now & then, or just to go hang out.  Nothing fancy, just a life outside of photography (I know!  Crazy talk, huh!?)


You’ve become very well known in the industry in the last year or so, how did you make that happen?

I introduced myself to my favorite vendors at tradeshows and the muckeemucks of WPPI.  I made sure to meet them in person, got to know them, made sure they knew who I was (without being pushy), and followed up with emails & phone calls.  Once I got to know them a little better, I invited myself up to have lunch with the bigshots at WPPI’s offices up in LA, and I drove up there to meet with them all for a fun lunch of just chitchat.  Nothing fancy, just dog-with-a-bone determination, but as subtle as I could be.  (and there were fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies & ice-cold milk involved) 

 To see more of Carey's Work:



My Fun Camera

My Fun Camera Workshop

WPPI 2010 Master's Class

***All images in this post are copyright Carey Schumacher. ***




Move it Monday.

Posted on Monday, September 28, 2009 at 01:33PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments16 Comments

family and fitness.

Getting family on board for eating right can be a challenge.  This morning I had a mom's group come to my studio for a "How to take better pictures of your kids" mini class.  After it was over I was talking to a mom about getting our kids to drink milk and eat veggies...especially the ones who are 100% against the idea.   I wish I could say we had some fantastic ideas after a completely enlightening brainstorming session...but no such luck.  If you have ideas PLEASE put them in the comments so that we can all benefit from your wisdom!

**Don't forget the contest challenge this month!  It will go thru next Monday.  The top 4 people who log the most miles of walking/running/biking will win a $30 gift certificate each to the store of their choice.  You can still win!  Make sure to post your miles everyday here on this blog post...**

In the meantime, here are some tips from my health insurance lady that will get your family more active:

* Laughter:  Activity has to be fun to keep the interest and imagination of young ones.  Whether it’s tag, ring around the rosy, or a game of catch, it all counts as exercise.  Active play helps kids learn that it’s fun to move.

*Family time:  Evenings and weekends are great opportunities for walks,  hikes, and bike rides.  Enjoying exercise together speaks volumes to your children – they learn that activity is a natural and positive part of life.

*Freestyle fun:   Sometimes the best activity is the one they make up.  Spontaneous running, kicking, throwing, and jumping strengthen young bodies and help them burn off steam.

*Moving vacations:  Make a point of including active fun in your travel itinerary.  Enjoy water parks, the zoo, and other attractions that involve physical fitness.

*Fitness friends:  Build exercise into your family social time.  Get together with other kids and parents to enjoy active time together.  Enroll your kids in community or school sports teams/games. 

*Role model:  Making fitness a priority in your own life encourages your kids to do the same.  Show them how cool it is to be active and healthy.

*Less screen time:  The more TV and computer time your kids have, the less active they’ll be.  Set clear limits and stick to them. 


fit. LIFE.