love. LIFE.

Hello Friends!

Over to the left you'll see all of the categories that you can check out.

If you're a photographer make sure to check out the For Photographers page.  I just launched the new Family GTKY kit and the NEW Insight Kits Blogsite!!!  Click here to see the new site!

    LOVE. LIFE. TIPS.  These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here)  Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here)

My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago).  You need this guide!


Easy as Pie.  Click here to visit Served Up Fresh. (affiliate link)

Thanks for stopping by...and don't forget to leave a comment...or two...I want to hear from YOU!

And make sure to TELL A FRIEND!


Entries by Davina (749)

Move it Monday. Chocolate and headaches.

Posted on Monday, January 25, 2010 at 08:43AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments33 Comments

I love chocolate.


Recently, I've wondered if chocolate has been contributing to my nonstop 24/7 headaches.  I wake up every morning with a headache.  I have for many years now.  I've just come to the point where I live with them.

I've been to the doctor about them and they just say, "You have too much stress in your life.  You need to learn how to manage your stress."  I just took a year off of business, felt pretty relaxed, and for the most part didn't worry too seems like that would mean that I would have stopped waking up in the morning with headaches.  Not so.

I decided that this past week I would go for a chocolate free week.  This has not been easy.  As many of you know, even as I've been losing weight, I treat myself every day after dinner to a little piece of Dove chocolate.

Going a week without not one piece of chocolate was a challenge...and totally NOT worth it!

I still have headaches...and they've been worse than usual.

So...I'm thinking, it's not the chocolate.  Right?  Please say it's not the chocolate...

I googled chocolate induced headaches and the results are inconclusive.  They don't know if chocolate causes headaches.  For some people chocolate may cause headaches but across the board it usually doesn't. 

Some research has found that dark chocolate consumed in small portions can be good for your health and your mood...I like this research.

So...what now?

Does anyone out there suffer from daily headaches?  Have you been told it's just a matter of managing your stress better?  Or have you discovered other cures for you headaches?

Please help a girl out and give me your thoughts in the comments.

not so stressed. LIFE.

Women and Business: bobbi of bobbi + mike

Posted on Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 09:10AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments13 Comments

*All images in the post copyright Bobbi of Bobbi + Mike*




{To nominate women you'd like to see in this series please list them in the comments-or if you have a question you'd like to see in the interviews--make sure to include your info in the comment fields so that I can get in touch with you- or write to me at: davina at davinafear dot com }

As always make sure to leave comments for the women who are featured. They like comments as much as I do I'm sure...let them know if you have questions or just to say thanks! for their insight and wisdom...

You can check out the rest of the series by clicking here. Tell a friend!

Bobbi,  you've been in business for four years and made huge strides in that time.  You have a very loyal blog following and your work is ful of energy and fun.  You are admired by many photographers.  You work together with your husband and you are great at being true to yourself.  Thanks so much for being here!


How long have you been in business?

A little over four years.

What brought you and Mike together? How did you decide to have a photography business together?

We’ve been dating since college… he’s my everything! When I decided to take on this idea of being a full time photographer he was a pilot (hot, huh?!). And for those that knew us back then… That’s why the business was originally named Photography by Bobbi.  However, as we were building the business, he still shot EVERYTHING with me… after a while, it became something that we BOTH loved.  Soon after, he quit flying and bobbi+mike was born.

What is it about you and Mike shooting together that makes your images so great?

Without Mike, I’m not confident in myself… I really do NOT like shooting alone.  I lean on him for everything…. Too much probably.  I know that if I’m struggling with something, he’s picking up my slack.   I’m SOOO incredibly lucky to have him in my life.

What’s the BEST thing about being a married couple and being in business together?

I can snuggle with him until 10am on a Monday if I’d like…. And often do!

What’s the WORST thing about being a married couple and being in business together?

That our lives are ruled by our careers…. And even when we ARE snuggling until 10a on a Monday… we’re probably talking about our business.

What does your workflow look like?  Do you outsource or keep everything in house?

We keep EVERYTHING in house… We once tried to outsource our editing and found out the hard way that I’m WAY too much of a control freak.  As far as our processing workflow: Mike edits through the images… checks for sharpness, I then do another round of edits… then process them all in Lightroom.  I write the blog entries and design albums, he handles emails and scheduling, wedding day logistics and all accounting.  See, told you I was lucky to have him!

What do you do to help your clients be so comfortable with you during a photo shoot?

To get genuine reactions… you have to be genuine.

What do you recommend women do who are just getting started in the industry?

Don’t try to be anyone else.  Quit comparing yourself and your successes to other photographers… We all start somewhere!

What do you do for fun…that has nothing to do with photography?

Honestly, we’ve been so focused on our business for the last four years… I’ve sort of forgotten what I like to do for fun… We’re hoping to change all of that in our VERY near future.  Lately I’ve really enjoyed cooking.  In my past, I enjoyed painting. 

What are you most proud of as a business woman?

I’ve always been an incredibly determined and driven person. If I wanted something, I worked my butt off until I got it.  In this life, we are owed nothing, we have to make it happen.  It’s because of my drive that we have a flourishing business in an overly saturated market.

What do you do to keep your marriage fun?

Mike and I LOVE to make each other laugh. If I’m in a bad mood… he will stop at NOTHING to get me to smile.  Also, there isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t dance, at least once.

How do you keep your marriage safe from the stresses of your business?

These last two years have been especially hard for me.  Stress and pressure have absolutely gotten the best of me too many times.  So, to answer your question, it’s not something that I’ve fully mastered. Luckily for me, I’m married to THE most patient man in the world.  Three things that ALLLLL husband+wife teams need: separate offices, headphones and instant messenger.


What is the best thing you’ve done to make your business successful?

We’ve always been focused on having a strong brand.  I come from a marketing and graphic design background… so that part was a no-brainer for me.  I think it’s a huge mistake when new photographers are more concerned with buying a new lens rather than investing in their brand… Just sayin’

What have you done to get clients that you really love that want what YOU do?

I recently read this quote shoot and it really encapsulates how we run our business, “Let your work determine your clients. Don’t let your clients determine your work.” -Marc Climie

You are such a fun person.  What keeps you going?

HA! I’ve always been hyper, happy and full of energy!  I also come from a happy/loud family… I suppose it’s “in my genes”.  Aunt Karen always told me that if you’re not happy, smile anyway… and eventually you’ll forget why you weren’t happy to begin with.

What have you done to have such a strong blog following and have so many people that comment?!?

I genuinely don’t know. It’s pretty fun, though. We do have the best blog readers around.  They motivate me.

What three products or things help you stay organized?

In no particular order: Entourage, Mike, my sketchbook

What do you do to get such great color in your images?

I get this question more than any other question… and it’s quite the easy formula: good light, a nailed exposure and good lenses.  People think they can take an awesome photo with a funky background and add a crazy action… but that’s SO far from the case.  I’d take good light over a fun background ANY day!  Anyway… I process all photos in Lightroom, then for photos that are printed/blogged, I apply a LIGHT dusting of Photoshop…  BADABOOM BADABING! 

To see more of Bobbi's work:




*All images in the post copyright Bobbi of Bobbi + Mike*

Women and Business: Lauren Clark

Posted on Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 07:01AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments6 Comments

*All images in the post copyright Lauren Clark*


NEXT WEEK: Bobbi of Bobbi + Mike


{To nominate women you'd like to see in this series please list them in the comments-or if you have a question you'd like to see in the interviews--make sure to include your info in the comment fields so that I can get in touch with you- or write to me at: davina at davinafear dot com }

As always make sure to leave comments for the women who are featured. They like comments as much as I do I'm sure...let them know if you have questions or just to say thanks! for their insight and wisdom...

You can check out the rest of the series by clicking here. Tell a friend!

Lauren,  You are a fun person, full of energy and a let's do it now attitude.  I love that you are always up for living life to it's fullest, no holds barred.    You get ideas and charge ahead making your dreams come true.  You started your business very young and have become extremely successful.  Over the last 9 months you've made some big decisions and changes that have changed your life and business. You are a fantastic friend, smart business woman, always a Jesus loving person, and loving wife. Thanks so much for being here!

You are moving to Oklahoma soon, what made you make that decision?

As cheesy as this may sound I have had a personal awakening thanks to the Love Affair Workshop. I was the only one who didn’t really care much about the time-life balance part of the workshop. I knew that my life was not balanced and I didn’t really think that I needed to fix it. Over 4 workshops of hearing Davina speak on it I think it finally sunk in. My life was being counted away by the number of weekends I had filled with weddings, which averaged in the 40s each year. I took on sessions anytime and any day. My dreams had vanished and my life had been overtaken by a greedy, overworked monster. I began to think about what I really wanted my life to be like other than photography.

I had always dreamed of living on a farm and live like the Amish, simply and self-sustaining, and over a few months of contemplating where to choose our landing spot, Stillwater, Oklahoma became the perfect place to build a business and live my dream.


You have made some big decisions in the last 6 months.  What changes have you made?  What inspired those changes?

It’s funny how movies always teach you a lesson. I watched Julie and Julia a few months ago and seeing her blog her life away and get so involved in the people out there who read her blog and commented that she forgot who was most important… her family. I have paid less attention to my blogging and only read other people’s blogs about once a month. It was like a strange burden lifted. I no longer had an urgent desire to check blogs every morning. I could wake up and get started on my day. I always let myself have a few fun breaks throughout the day so that I don’t go cross eyed staring into this computer screen or too bored with work.


What does your workflow look like?  Do you outsource or keep everything in house?

I keep everything in house, but let my husband and sister do most of the work. My sister is my part time employee and she culls through weddings and color corrects them. Josh does all of the album orders and print orders for me. They are my life savers.


What do you do to help your clients be so comfortable with you during a photo shoot?

I talk… A LOT. I tell them exactly what to do so that they aren’t guessing and getting awkward. I feel like a director on my shoots and I love it. I think it’s the bossy, dominant side of me getting its hour in for the dayJ


What do you recommend women do who are just getting started in the industry?

Brace yourself. There are so many people out there starting new photography businesses that it makes my head spin. People who I would have never thought would be photographers are all of the sudden becoming one. It is an awesome career, but education, balance and charisma are what you need to beat out the other new photographers.


What do you do for fun…that has nothing to do with photography?

I bought a horse in July and it has been the most fun thing I have ever done. I have always loved animals and wanted a horse like most girls did when they were little. I took lessons last year as part of trying to recover from burnout and it was the coolest thing ever. I keep my horse, Rev, out at this cute little nostalgic stable and in the warmer months I would spend a good 3 hours a day out there away from all of the media. I would come home smelling like a sweaty horse, but was fully recharged!

What are you most proud of as a business woman?

I am most proud of how far I’ve come. I believe that God has a plan for it all and that he allowed me to keep getting better for a reason. Who knows what tomorrow will hold? I would have never thought 7 years ago that I would be a full time photographer and about to start a farm!


What do you do to keep your marriage fun?

 We watch movies and play the wii. Sounds a bit boring to the old me, but now that I’ve been married to a movie buff for almost 5 years it is super fun. We have wii contests where I beat him pretty badly and then he will practice for hours just to prove that he can be better. Nothing beats a bit of friendly competition. We have also come alive in our marriage since purchasing the 20 acres in Oklahoma. We are able to dream about something together and build our lives with the dreams.


How do you keep your marriage safe from the stresses of your business?

I have a pretty laid back husband and luckily he travels with me to all of my out of town weddings. I wouldn’t say that it isn’t a bit stressed during the busy season, but at least I have him by my side throughout it all!


What is the best thing you’ve done to make your business successful?

I couldn’t pin point it to one thing. It would be a long list of people I’ve met and places I’ve been. It really isn’t what you know (not exactly but it helps), but really is all about WHO you know!


What do you do to keep from feeling overwhelmed?

I take a day off. When I start feeling overwhelmed I make a long list of small tasks to do throughout the day and I mark them off one at a time. Once I feel like I’ve got about half of them marked off I take a break and do something fun. It makes me feel so much better! I usually stay up late that night after my fun break and finish the tasks all to realize that there wasn’t really that much to do anyway.


You are such a fun person.  What keeps you going?

 Chocolate ice cream :)


What three products or things help you stay organized?

Bludomain’s backend calendar, my Raid Zero server system and my sister!


What do you do to get such great color in your images?

I use Totally Rad Actions in secret way! I watch the lighting and make sure that I pick the right light to make the colors pop.


What is something that you think women in the industry should not do?

 Buy a ton of equipment and things only because someone else does. I’ve bought thousands of dollars worth of junk that I bought because I saw someone else do it. Rent it first!


What is something that you think women in the industry should do?

Make time to find your real creativity. Shoot what you love. I quit doing large family portraits because I hated them! Now I only shoot things that I know I will be good at and send the rest along to someone else.


What five suggestions do you have for women who are trying to have a more balanced life?

Find a hobby.

Get a pet.

Schedule a day or two off each week.

Take a non-photography related vacation.

Hire someone to work for you to do your dirty jobs.


You recently came out with a Photoshop tutorial, UNO, with all of your secrets to great images.  How did you fit that into your already busy schedule?

I took 2 weeks off to make it. It only took me 2 full tries and about 8 hours to finish the recording since I outsourced the production of it all. I was so nervous about making it that I think I waited until the last free day to make it!


Why did you decide to put all of your secrets on a DVD?  Where can people purchase UNO?

I wanted to be able to share my post processing secrets with people so that they could have a head start in their business. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t for the money, so let me just get that out. It was for the money. My farm dream was much too expensive to not come up with something. It took me about 4 years to learn all of this in Photoshop and I knew that if people could jump that learning curve for a price then they would!


To see more of Lauren Clark's work:



Uno by Lauren Clark

*All images in the post copyright Lauren Clark*

Move it Monday:  Winner(s)

Posted on Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 11:38AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments6 Comments

too close to call.

Over the 2009 year we had a contest every month, lost weight, gained weight, made new Move it Monday friends, had old Move it Monday friends stop in, received hints, tips, and advice, created friendships, and tried new recipes...

one thing remained the same...

Laura and Karen.

Every month they would battle it out to see who would win the contest prize.  One of the two of them won about 80% of the contests.

Move it Monday began because life changes and lasting fitness and weight loss happen when you consistently make the healthy choices your body needs.  I knew it was working for me and I wanted to share that with others.  I also wanted to have friends that would keep me on track and keep  me honest with what food I was putting in my body and help me measure how consistently I was exercising.

I knew I could count on Laura and Karen every week...and many times...every day.


Laura embodies the change that I was hoping for at the end of the Move it Monday 2009 year.  She started with a lot of stress and a lot going on in all aspects of her life.  Over the past year as she's exercised, journaled, and even decided to stop eating sugar she has lost weight and jean sizes. She kept going through difficult times, the loss of her father and a knee injury.  She never quit and never made excuses.

The thing that I love most about her transformation is the sweet confidence, awareness, caring, and loving kindness that has replaced so much of the sadness and loss that she's experienced over the year.  I've been blessed to be in touch with often via email and I've seen a butterfly come out of her cocoon.  It's been beautiful.  I’m in awe of the beauty that she's inspired in her own life and the lives of those around her. 

I know it's not because of Move it's because of her.  I'm just glad I got to witness the change.


I love Karen.  She's fun.  She's competitive, she finds ways to work exercise into her everyday life, and she has a talent for crazy kid jokes. 

Karen has been part of every contest, every month.  She's been enthusiastic, consistent, and ready to win.  Karen tied with Laura on the amount of contests that she's won and in the December contest she really ramped it up and posted close to 100 corny jokes!  Karen kept things light, fun, and competitive.

I'm so glad that Karen has stayed with Move it Monday.  I have loved reading her comments and the funny things that she does through out her days.  She's committed to eating less, journaling, and doing some type of exercise 3-4 times a week almost every week of the year.


I've come to love these two ladies and the effort they put into this past year getting their bodies back and making their health a priority.  They've blessed my life and I want to bless their life.

Laura and Karen you both win the Grand Prize!


Move it Monday 2009

    Grand Prize:

A Day with Davina. 

All of my Insight kits

Photo Shoot: You know this is going to fun!


Thank you Karen and Laura.  You are beautiful ladies!

wonderful. LIFE.

Women and Business: Jasmine Star

Posted on Thursday, January 7, 2010 at 06:18AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments11 Comments | References2 References

***All images in this post are copyright Jasmine Star.***


NEXT WEEK: Lauren Clark

{To nominate women you'd like to see in this series please list them in the comments-or if you have a question you'd like to see in the interviews--make sure to include your info in the comment fields so that I can get in touch with you- or write to me at: davina at davinafear dot com }

As always make sure to leave comments for the women who are featured. They like comments as much as I do I'm sure...let them know if you have questions or just to say thanks! for their insight and wisdom...

You can check out the rest of the series by clicking here. Tell a friend!

Jasmine,  You are a genuine, caring, and beautiful person.  Throw into the mix a quick learning and photography skills and you've become one of the fastest rising photographers in the industry.  It's been crazy and amazing to watch you and your business metamorphose into what it's become.  You have thousands of photographers following you and hoping for the chance to talk to you and no one can say enough good things about how wonderful you are.  You are always pushing yourself and your business and you do it with a wondrous graciousness.  Thanks so much for being here! 


How do you know that you need to take a break from business?  What do you do when you need a break?

I know when I need a break when I can't think clearly.  When thoughts and my emotions are at odds with each other, I know it's time to take a step back and breathe deeply.  My usual escape is with my husband and my dog...we'll head to Laguna Beach and just spend the afternoon at the beach.  Or, if I just need a quick release, I'll grab a book and read for a while.  Reading somehow puts my mind at ease and peace.


What do you think was the catalyst to becoming so widely known?

Without a doubt, my blog was the biggest catalyst for my business.  Far before I was a photographer, I was a girl who was just trying to follow her dreams.  And I blogged about it.  The fear, the triumphs, the trials, the failures.  I was real and documented my life as it happened.  Somewhere along the line, people started following the journey.  These people were random strangers who came across my blog and became supporters of my goals.  Some might have been brides, but most were people who passed my name along when they heard someone was getting married.  This was how my business grew.


You are very busy.  Relationships are very important to you, what do you do to make time for your husband, family, and friends?

This might be a totally lame answer, but I make time by making time.  Most entrepreneurs learn early on how to make, create, carve time.  Yes, it's a juggling act, but if you think in advance where you can skimp and splurge, it makes life easier.  Because I value my relationships, I keep a strict schedule.  I wake up early, I email from specific times in the day, I work out at a certain time, I have lunch and go on walks with my husband everyday, I close my computer at 6pm every night.  Time can be your biggest enemy or your best friend.  The more your schedule your life, the more control you retain.


What do you think are the three keys to your success?

1.  Support.  I have the most insane support structure.  Ever.  My husband is quite possibly the most amazing person on the face of this planet!  He's my biggest supporter and challenges me to new levels.  My family and friends have become pillars though this crazy journey as well and they help keep me grounded and focused.  I'm so blessed.

2.  Feedback.  I don't make big decisions without asking for help from peers and mentors.  Hearing from multiple perspectives really changes your thinking and I heavily suggest this when possible.

3.  Humility.  My dad always told me to never forget where I came from...the minute I forget my roots, the branches will never look the same.  


You have become successful in a short period of time.  What have you done over the last few years to keep from being overwhelmed?

During my first year of shooting, I booked 37 weddings...all which took place between May-October 2006.  It was quite possibly the most stress I've ever experienced in the life of my business.  Ever.  I vowed to never repeat it.  Since then, I balance bookings via price (determining price primarily via a supply/demand model) and outsource wedding post production and wedding album design.  By doing so, I'm freed to focus on client care, foster my online presence, and shoot....which are all things I love!


What are you most proud of as a business woman?

I'm most proud of sharing.  Sharing my ideas, my beliefs, and my knowledge with other photographers.  When I first started, I desperately wanted knowledge from photographers I looked up to, but it was hard to come by.  I made a promise to myself that if I was ever blessed with an audience, I'd share ideas and knowledge freely.  I'm proud to say this has come to life and I'm so lucky to be a part of such an awesome community!  If you're interested in reading FAQs, you can find them here: Jasmine's FAQ's


What do you do that your clients rave about most?

This is SUCH an interesting one has ever asked this before!  I had to think a few minutes before I answered and the one word that kept appearing in my mind was fun.  FUN!  Yes, clients are happy with their images, but most often I hear they had fun during their shoot.  That is the biggest compliment!  I've discovered that if I can make people have fun, I've done more than I could ever dream with my camera alone.  This makes me feel like the luckiest girl alive.


You have thousands of followers on your blog.  What do you think are three keys to having a successful blog?

During high school, my best friends and I coined the following term:  K.I.R.  Keep It Real.  Often times I come across blogs where the writer talks so highly of himself/herself, and I blush at the self-flattery.  It's disconcerting.  The best way to reach people is to be real...the good, the bad, and the ugly.  We've shaped our beliefs to think we--as photographers--should come across as overly professional, artistic, and, well, amazing.  But if we were honest with ourselves, I'm not sure that's the case.  At least entirely anyway.  The best rule of thumb is to blog the way you'd talk with your grocer.  Would you tell your grocer you just took the most amazing images that are buttery and creamy and will make your eyes pop out from awesomeness?!  I sure hope not...and if you would, then maybe you have a pretty awesome grocer!  :)


How do you post on your blog so often?  Do you have a system for quick blogging?

I WISH I had a system for quick blogging!  I'd sell it and become a millionaire!  :)

I blog 5-6 times a week and, yes, it's so hard at times.  Sometimes it's hard because I lack time...lack content...lack creativity...other times, I'm just lackluster!  :)  I, however, have worked blogging into my daily routine because I know it's a defining part of my brand, business, and online presence.  It's become the largest point of differentiation in a saturated market and pushed demand, regardless of the economic downturn.

I usually try to plan my blog topics 3-4 days in advance so I'm not left striving for content day-of...that's always frustrating.  I also have bi-weekly topics such as Kisses+Disses and FAQs, so this helps keep things fresh and fun!  Overall, I'd definitely say it's a discipline and something anyone can do if they put their mind to it!  :)


What do you recommend women do who are just getting started in the industry?

Follow your heart.  

Don't let anyone tell you, You Can't. 

If you come across negativity (oh, and you will!), don't ignore it...use it to fuel your inner desire to prove the nay-sayers wrong.  When you want to quit, don't....quitting is too easy and nothing good in life is easy.  

Don't be the best, be different.  

Be you.  

Love yourself...the flaws, the wrinkles, the OCD, the extraness around your belly.

When all else fails, take a deep breath, open a pint of Ben&Jerry's, and enjoy life.

To see more of Jasmine's Work:



***All images in this post are copyright Jasmine Star.***