love. LIFE.

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Entries in G & G (97)

First Day of School

Posted on Friday, August 24, 2007 at 12:33AM by Registered CommenterDavina in , , | Comments14 Comments




This year.

This year is the year that I've been wanting to avoid for quite a while now.  When I first hold my sweet babies after they are born it's days like these that I think of...the days I will have to let them go.  This year is the year that I send two girls off to school-all day--and I've not ever been ready for it.  I'm still not ready for it.  I love summer with my kids.  I love having them home with me.  No matter what I do.  No matter how much I try to slow down the time or make more's just never enough.  There's just never enough time to hug, hold close, smell their sweet skin, look into the eyes full of wonder, hold their hand before it's not cool anymore, take pictures of them when they go to school...  I want them to stay little so badly and at the same time I know that it can't be. 

I figure I'll go through this every year but this year it's been different.  It's more of a milestone for me even than kindergarten was last year.  I can't believe my sweet little missies that I brought into the world weighing so little are now so big and gone all day long.  It's all so bittersweet for me. 

To my three sweet kids going off to school this year I say, I believe in you.  There are so many wonderful things that make you each so unique.  I'm so glad that you are in my life, you've made my life sweeter and more worth every minute.  There's no one in the world like you and I'm so blessed to get to love you.

I always need to keep myself busy after I take the kids to school on the first day.  After I took Emmett to his new program at a different school this year (because he's so stinkin' smart!) and didn't get to go INTO the classroom to take pictures of him; Gracie and I had some fun.  We went to breakfast with Dad and did some painting. I'm so lucky to get to hang out with Gracie...she knows how to make a cloudy day very sunny.


blessed. LIFE.




































Slushie Night

Posted on Friday, July 20, 2007 at 02:08PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , , , | Comments7 Comments



The Joy of Free Slushies!

So every year 7-Eleven has a  free slushie day.  We went last year and by the time we got there at one in the afternoon they were completely out of free slushies so we just ended up buying them.  This year we got to 7-Eleven at 10pm (yes we're doing a really great job on the bedtime this summer...) so we thought sure we'd be purchasing our free slushies again this year.  Much to our surprise they still had some free ones and all kinds of people coming in to claim theirs.  As you can see our kids were in their pjs with boots (quite the fashion statement)...we had good intentions of getting them in bed but the promise of free slushies could not be denied.  I mean really! it only comes once a year.  After we had gotten our slushies no one wanted to hop right back in the van (yes, I do own a mini van. lol)  so we hung out eating at 7-Eleven.  (I love the way Gracie is trying to do exactly what Mike is doing in the seventh picture.  Cracks me up!)  The whole evening was quite the treat.

Thanks 7-Eleven!!!

tasty. LIFE.























Harry Potter Opening Night!!!

Posted on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at 02:31PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , , | Comments18 Comments
















 this is probably saying a little too much about us! lol.  The title should proabably read: 'Irresponsible mom lets her kids stay up until 3am!!' OR  'We're crazy Harry Potter Fans'. lol.

In the past on Harry Potter Opening Night we've felt our kids are too young to go to Opening Night.  We've all read every Harry Potter book a few times and we like to sit around and talk about what's going to happen in the next book.  The kids like to dress up and play Harry Potter and since we have an Emma she is always supposed to be Hermione. 

Yesterday on a spontaneous whim we decided this was the year to go for it.  The kids and I all huddled around the computer for about an hour holding our breaths and trying to get tickets.  Every time I'd hit the select seats tab there would be a collective intake of air and crossed fingers that by some miracle we'd land some good tickets.  It finally happened and the minute it did my ten year old son threw his arms around me and said, "I LOVE YOU, MOM!!!"  So...that was the beginning of a long and fun evening.

We ended up eating a spagetti dinner that we all made together at 10pm, a quick clean up, then the dress up time to be in the Harry Potter Opening Night spirit, and jumping in the car (with a pit stop for candy).  We made it to the Megaplex where 13 theatres were showing Harry Potter.  It was so exciting and the movie was COMPLETELY worth it.  We decided it's the BEST Harry Potter movie so far.  You have to go see it.

We had wanted to stop on the way home for breakfast but had three sleeping girls and decided to go when we woke up this morning.  Well, as you can see at 11:30 this morning Gracie was still sleeping! (So sweet...)  We did finally make it out to Moore's Family Restaurant for breakfast (at about 12:30 this afternoon) and had a great time.  It's been a super fun last 24 hours! 








































































































































Fourth of July Party

Posted on Monday, July 9, 2007 at 01:06AM by Registered CommenterDavina in , , | Comments8 Comments


It's finally here!

The morning of the Fourth of July Gracie woke up and ran into our room and shouted, "It's the July Party Today!!"

I love the Fourth of July!  It's a great holiday and it makes it seem like summer is really going strong.  We had great food, great friends, and great fun.  From the dunk tank to the movie after dark everyone had a great time. The kids helped get all of the decorations and food ready.  We had a fun day of getting the party ready and then a fun night of playing.

Check out all of our fun day....

fun. LIFE. 

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July 4th Party Time

Posted on Wednesday, June 27, 2007 at 05:11PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , | Comments6 Comments



















A few years ago we had a super fun Fourth of July party and we had planned to make it an annual event...this year the kids decided it would be a great idea to revive the idea.  They were so excited to get the planning going and we keep coming up with more things to add to the upcoming party.  We started with some awesome invitations.  We designed an idea and then everyone gathered around the table in the coolness of the indoors to get them made.  Emmett took the responsibility of designing the uber cool envelopes for the invitations since we couldn't find the perfect fit for our way too awesome invites.

We had so much fun doing the invites we could just not have the party...ummm..well, maybe the kids think we should still have the party. lol...we ARE having a dunk tank (the most highly anticipated activity at the party).  Anyway...check out our fun and the great design work they each did.



























