love. LIFE.

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Entries in Lifestyle Portraits (102)

Legos and Blue Hair.

Posted on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 06:58AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | CommentsPost a Comment



big fan.

When I walked into this family's home I knew they were a great family.  There's a wonderful feeling of love and kindness that pervades every nook and cranny.  

There are always lots of hugs and kisses and each of the parents spend valued time with each of their kids.  Dad and son and Grandpa love to build all kinds of lego ships and buildings.  They're huge Tarheels fans and they want their alligence to never be doubted. :)

Fun times.  i loved getting to hang out with this sweet family.  

beautiful. LIFE.

big sister and little sister.

Posted on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at 04:51PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , | Comments3 Comments

the sweet moments.

I adore the first few days of having a baby at home.  We're all safe in our cocoon of warmth, safety, and newness.  If feels a little off kilter and at the same time there's a serenity and loveliness about the first days of having a newborn.  You've completely stepped out of the world and for now your entire world exists within the confines of the walls of your home.  And in those days it just feels right.

Usually, it's before your brand new little baby realizes that she doesn't have to sleep 22 out of 24 hours.  She sleeps well while she recovers from her birth's peaceful even in its chaos.

I'm so grateful that this beautiful little family welcomed me into the sacred first few days of their blissfull unknown.  After being at the birth and then getting to see them all as a whole family brought back all of those happy feelings of a new baby...their sweetness with each other, big sister testing out the big sister waters, the scent of a newborn, and beauty of family life and the love it holds.

deeper. LOVE.

Dump trucks and books.

Posted on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at 04:50PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments1 Comment

busy. busy.

Going from one thing to another is what's on the a true two year old...

Dumping dump trucks, racing cars, jumping off fridges, sliding on slides, eating raspberries, riding on a bike, pushing a bike, getting a drink of water, running, getting a drink of water, jumping some more, eyeing airplanes...

and more.

It was so fun to be get to see this couple become parents...and they are really fantastic, caring, wonderful parents.  I love that.

full. LIFE.

sneak peek: Josh

Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 10:36PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | CommentsPost a Comment

energy and more.

Spending an evening (and morning...we got rained only 20 minutes into our session...and I mean flash flood kind of rained was incredible) with Josh was so much fun.

Josh has so many expressions, energy, and excitement I knew we were going to get some fantastic images.  We went from one location to the next and stayed with in about 100 yards of his house because there was so much that we was willing to put in front of the camera.

We photographed his wonderful 80s record collection, belted a bit of Broadway, sang a Requiem, and had a little Bible study.

great. LIFE.


books and hugs.

Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 10:21PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | CommentsPost a Comment

a lot of reading.

I cannot believe how much this little missie has grown since I last saw her.  She is so independent and loves to run around naked.  She couldn't get enough of showing me all of the big girl things she could do. We read stories, played in her tent, road her rocking horse, ran around outside, played at the park, raced up hills, and did ring around the rosy...she likes to stay busy.  No sitting on the sidelines of life...

Her parents are so loving and attentive and genuinely wonderful.  They read some fantastic books that I'm going to have to find so I can read them to my kids.  Spending time with this gracious family was a gift.  I'm so blessed to know them.  

sweet. LIFE.