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Move it Monday: Get motivated

Posted on Monday, March 8, 2010 at 10:24PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments25 Comments

move it.


I've been scouring the internet trying to find ways to get my self motivated to get exercising and eat less.  Just a year ago I was so motivated and completely on a roll.  I ate less.  I ate healthy. I walked every day.  I did free weights every other day.  I found reasons to be active.

Now...I'm really focused on getting my business up and running.  I want to do it all of the time. 

In my mind I tell myself, "you should really get outside and get some fresh air..."  but I just keep on working.  I'm on a mission.

I want to be on a mission to be healthy.  I loved the way I felt last year.  I want that back.

So here are a couple of ideas to help you get motivated if you're experiencing the same feelings.

1. Get off your butt.  Get outside.  Listen to the voice in your head.  It will be good for you to step away from the computer.  You may be surprised at what creative inspiration may come to you when you're not constantly thinking and working...oh! and it'll get your metabolism going...that would be nice....

2.  Eat smaller portions.  Take a little less.  Leave some on your plate.  It makes me feel like I'm making conscious decisions.  That's a little step.  That's how it started for me last year.  Being conscious.

3.  Measure and weigh yourself every week.  It helps to know where you're at and gauge your progress or lack there of.  It's not meant to depress...but to encourage and motivate.

4. Have a couple of friends that keep you honest.  Someone you have to report to (thanks ladies!  you've been on my mind all week and it really has helped...) so that you are accountable for what you put in your mouth and how often you get off your couch.

5.  Remember that real change takes time.  Losing the weight you want to weight is something that can take a  year or more....and it will be worth it.

6. Think about how great you'll feel.  You'll be able to walk up stairs and not feel like you may die, your knees won't hurt, you'll feel less achy, you'll sleep better, you won't feel like your gut is going to explode after going out to dinner....there are all kinds of reasons for losing weight.  Everyone is different.  Decide on what it is that will make it worth it for you and remind yourself of it everyday.

7.  Think through your week and know when you'll be out and about and be tempted to eat something unhealthy.  Make plans ahead of schedule to help you make good food choices.


So...what do you do to get and stay motivated?  I'd love to hear!  I need all the help I can get!


motivated. LIFE.

Reader Comments (25)

137...it just does that!

While I sit here typing this post, I am waiting for mini-pies to finish baking! Oh good! More temptations! It's PI day tomorrow for all you Math Nuts! And it's one of my boys 18th birthday. (yes, I am that old!)
He gets mini-pies on his PI birthday. So I have been baking most of the evening and trying to stay away from it all! Tough!
Watch 'em!

March 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLee Ann

141. vitamins

having frozen blueberries on my steel cut oats this morning. delicious!!!! add walnuts for extra goodness!

March 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

136 Weird! Mini pies and crazy activities? Who knows, really? Still trying to get better at drinking water. It's so hard! Even taking water with me doesn't mean I will drink it, even if I am thirsty! Had an activity today at a local high school for my son---kudos to their concession stand! They were serving a small garden salad (lettuce, tomato and cucumbers)! Awesome! I didn't have to get the standard low fat pretzel that is way too big for one serving! It helps to be able to make good choices when you are out and about!
Watch 'em

March 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLee Ann

141. vitamins + veggies :)

March 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

136. Salads, fresh veggies, walking....gave up having cream in my morning coffee! whew!
Watch 'em

March 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLee Ann

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