Move it Monday. Chocolate and headaches.

I love chocolate.
Recently, I've wondered if chocolate has been contributing to my nonstop 24/7 headaches. I wake up every morning with a headache. I have for many years now. I've just come to the point where I live with them.
I've been to the doctor about them and they just say, "You have too much stress in your life. You need to learn how to manage your stress." I just took a year off of business, felt pretty relaxed, and for the most part didn't worry too seems like that would mean that I would have stopped waking up in the morning with headaches. Not so.
I decided that this past week I would go for a chocolate free week. This has not been easy. As many of you know, even as I've been losing weight, I treat myself every day after dinner to a little piece of Dove chocolate.
Going a week without not one piece of chocolate was a challenge...and totally NOT worth it!
I still have headaches...and they've been worse than usual.
So...I'm thinking, it's not the chocolate. Right? Please say it's not the chocolate...
I googled chocolate induced headaches and the results are inconclusive. They don't know if chocolate causes headaches. For some people chocolate may cause headaches but across the board it usually doesn't.
Some research has found that dark chocolate consumed in small portions can be good for your health and your mood...I like this research.
So...what now?
Does anyone out there suffer from daily headaches? Have you been told it's just a matter of managing your stress better? Or have you discovered other cures for you headaches?
Please help a girl out and give me your thoughts in the comments.
not so stressed. LIFE.
Reader Comments (33)
I had the same problem and it turned out it was a part of my fybromialgia. However, many people in my family have suffered from it and the minute they stopped eating processed foods and more healthy food and working out they stopped about 90% of the time. They do on occasion still enjoy sweets, but they are 90% cacao based, non-fat frozen yogurt and more natural sweets that you can get without all the extra preservatives. It seems to help a lot, but every case is different.
Also, lavender oil rubbed on your temples or a neck massage with it helps too. trust me. ;)
So nice to see you open up this topic based on your personal experience and then to see how many other folks have similar issues! I, too, started the same a while back and with the stress of the business, working crazy hours, etc., I thought it had to be that or I chalked it up to my sinuses and weather but they would happen regularly and not necessarily feel like they were sinus-related. So then a friend of mine said it is very often times related to hormones and with me being in my early 40's now and body changing (hate it!!) so much on all levels, I started searching around for what would work so we started this new program called 7 Principles of Fat Burning. I need to lose weight as well anyway, have hypo-thyroid and it has always been a struggle. Anyway, not wanting to necessarily put a plug in for this thing, it is based on controlling hormones by food intake, lowering sugar based on your body type. Dr. Berg was recommended to me by my chiropractor and although he is in Virginia, he has a great, easy-to-read book, so I read it in December, joined his FB Fan page and he answers all questions and we've been on it for a while now. Well, wa-la, no headaches for a few weeks since starting this plan!! I also have more energy and I have lost a few pounds so far! For me, it is trying to get back into a healthy, good lifestyle and although these first few weeks haven't been easy, they haven't been hard at all either -- just different. And the WEIRD thing is that I have no cravings whatsoever anymore! Evidently, when you are eating a "balanced" intake, it not only helps your hormones balance but controls so much more! Anyway, just wanted to share -- just in case it might help anyone else!
I don't have headaches but for years I've had muscle tension. Probably my whole life. Nobody really took it seriously and often it was dismissed as stress which is a typical cause of muscle tension. It turns out I actually have a condition with a name that is physically, not emotionally caused although stress does make it worse.
I know you wanted comments about headaches but I believe that if you believe something is going on with your body that isn't caused by stress it's good to trust your instincts. It could be chocolate, it could be something else. But if you've reduced your stress without change it's definitely worth looking to.
Are you certain they are headaches and not migraines?
I don't share the headache problem with you, but I would suggest visiting a kinesiologist. They can take care of your allergies without having a million needles stuck in your back, it is very interesting and not so painful. So maybe if it is an allergy a kinesiologist could help, we've even taken our boys to one for allergies last summer and he fixed them right away. Jed had some health problems in high school that multiple doctors couldn't figure out, then he went to a kinesiologist and he said Jed had a yeast infection in his stomach, changed his diet and now he's fine! Regular doctors wanted to remove his gallblader because they thought that was the problem. Anyway, hopefully you can find one out there, if you were still here I'd say go to the one in Roy!
I never realized how common chronic headaches were until I started talking about them! I've had them for 10 years now, if not daily then at a minimum every other day. I became so frustrated with the doctor approach (4 years of narcotics, mri's, physical therapy, over the counter meds when I couldn't deal with the hardcore stuff, muscle relaxers, exercise, food tests, etc) that I haven't been back except to address the occasional headache. I'm not sure there is a great answer but know that you are definitely not alone. I know how isolated headaches can make you feel - if you need to talk, I'm always here.
oh, you might also want to have your thyroid level tested .... consider reading "hypothyroidism, the undiagnosed illness"
I get very frequent headaches too, pretty much daily... It almost always responds well to coke and motrin (caffeine combined with the medicine makes it more effective... Excedrine makes me jittery, and the coke is more fun!)
I don't know if it's that I've become addicted to the caffeine and get withdrawls and need it more, but my mom gets them as well and I've kind of just accepted it as a way of life (as long as it responds and goes away!), though I'm planning to see a doctor about it in the near future to rule out other possibilities.
I hope you can find the answer to solve this problem. Headaches really are the worst.
thinking some more... I know part of my headache issue is hormonal. First few days of my period are guaranteed headache days. If your iud has progesterone, that might be part of the problem.
Do you drink enough water each day? A lot of headaches are linked to dehydration. Perhaps if you start each day with a glass of water you'll notice a difference? I tend to get migraines if I don't drink enough. Caffeine from the chocolate can dehydrate you, but I doubt just 1 piece of dove a day would do much harm. Plus it's sooooooo good!
Hi - I've just stumbled on this blog after typing chocolate solving headaches in to Google! I've been getting headaches (doctors have prescribed them as migraines - but I can function, so I know they're not) and I'm waiting results of scans & blood tests. It's good to know I'm not the only one - I feel like I'm going crazy with all these tests.
I've got a list saved of the things I've tried, I think I'm up to about 30 things now, so far, no good. Good luck with yours Davina
I have to say, every time I come to your blog there is another interesting post to read. I
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As you mentioned, chocolate may lead to headaches. It has a lot of sugar which gives you a state of energy. That energy is totally opposed to a state of calm. Your headaches became worse because your organism already developed an addiction to sugar.
Read more about frequent headaches here
I only post this out of compassion. I suffered with headaches for many, many years. They would often wake me up at 3 in the morning and not let up until 5pm that day. I used to think it was due to caffeine/coffee. It turned out that it was the MSG in Campbell's soups. One of my staples was chunky Campbell soup. I'd have a can most days at one time or another. I give GOD the credit for the cure, as msg popped into my head during a prayer time about the headaches. I knew virtually nothing about msg until then. I started researching it and found that of all the things I ingested, Campbell's soups had msg in it. I stopped eating Campbell's soups entirely, and in a day, all the headaches stopped. Oh my goodness! I suffered for like 30 years because of it.