love. LIFE.

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Entries in Move it Monday (115)

Move it Monday:  Metabolism

Posted on Monday, January 31, 2011 at 09:49AM by Registered CommenterDavina in , | Comments2 Comments

burn baby burn.

Metabolism  involves your body's ability to burn calories and fat ..... It can be raised by exercise but ALSO by eating enough  healthy calories consistently throughout the day.
Try and eat every 4 hours. The best way to accomplish this is to keep easy-good-for-you-snacks on hand. Eating every 4 hours will keep your metabolism charged and your energy level HIGH
These are some easy on the go snacks - for the days that we feel like we  "live in our cars"
How to get started- 
A quick trip to the grocery and a portable snack box or small cooler that fits right in the front seat.  Count out and measure the portions so you know how many calories you are consumming. Having the whole box of crackers in the car and eating them all in a day will not give you the results you are looking for! Get your portions ready, pack your box, put it in the car and you are on your way to healthy snacking.
Bananas and almonds(1 piece of fruit and 15 almonds)
10 mulitgrain crackers and 1 TBSP of peanut butter or 1 square of cheese
2 TBSPs Hummus and fresh vegtables(carrots, cucumbers, celery) , mini whole wheat pitas or organic blue chips


Move it Monday! This is the day your metabolism gets revved up.


Michelle is a certified personal trainer with over 15 years of experience. She helps individuals successfully optimize thier fitness potential through personalized programs that combine the latest exercise techniques, nutrition, diet analysis and coaching. Michelle comes to you with all of the equipment needed for your workouts, so making time for yourself around a busy schedule is easy.
email:  phone: 704.277.3713

moving. LIFE.

Move it Monday: Shoulder Stand

Posted on Monday, January 24, 2011 at 02:57PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments1 Comment | References1 Reference


a new angle.

Sometimes a small shift in perspective can make a huge difference in your life.  So why not try the view from upside down in shoulder stand?

Lay on your back, lift your legs up to the ceiling, arms by your side.  You can stay here, in a modified version of the pose.  Or you can lift your behind off your yoga mat, place your hands on your lower back to support yourself, palms pressing into your lower back, fingers pointing up toward your feet.  Walk your elbows in close, keep your neck nice and long, gaze at the tops of your toes or the ceiling.  Be very mindful of your neck in this pose, don't turn you head to the right or left, just keep it steady, chin lifted up slightly so you can breathe and swallow.

Shoulder stand brings oxygenated blood to your brain: promoting clarity and creativity and massages your thyroid: getting nutrients flowing through your body.  It also helps keep your legs looking supple by draining the fluid that collects in your feet.  All that and you get a fresh new perspective!  You just might experience that a problem that has been bothering you has now shifted into a challenge.

Make it a wonderful Move it Monday!


Lisa Brownstead is a former TV news anchor who believes in the transformational power of yoga and helping young and old alike find more balance, self esteem and joy in their lives through yoga. She also believes that yoga (and a little bit of humor) leads to a significant decrease in stress and keeps those practicing looking and feeling young! As a mom of three kids who love yoga, Lisa has followed her passion teaching yoga to both kids and adults. Lisa is the founder of Pretty Postures.  For more information on private in-home instruction, classes, and yoga parties check out

friend Lisa on facebook

stress-free. LIFE.

Move it Monday: The 'no motivation' answer

Posted on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 10:38PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments4 Comments

motivate me.

If you've said this to yourself...or maybe you've said, "I just wish I could get motivated to get out and exercise."  I have the answer for you.

This is her. Cocoa.

She'll make sure you get walking and burn all of those computer sitting hours off your hiney.

She requires at least two good long walks a day.  She wants to have the frisbee thrown to her at least 100 times in a row.  She may or may not bring it back to you.  She'll think about it.  You may have to walk down the hill to get it yourself.  She wants to go outside to go pee or maybe poop as often as you'll take her.  And then she'll consider relieving herself.  She may just want to walk around the cul de sac and see what's new. There might be a bird out there. Or she may just want to get scared to death by the trash truck.  And then she'll want to play catch-this-stick.  And she'll probably love the stick so much that she won't bring it back. But she'll want to chase you with it.  She can run much faster than you so you need to run fast.

Get moving.

So...if you are wanting to get in shape a dog will help to motivate you because she doesn't want a couch potato for an owner.  She'll whip you into shape faster than a drill sargent or one of those exercise boot camp intructors that yell at you.

And we're you're done with your exercise program she'll love you and kiss you and tell you what a great job you did and how thin you're looking.

Okay. Maybe she won't do that last bit but it will feel like she's telling you that.

Or maybe you can just keep your New Year's resolutions. Good on you! Pass some of that discipline my way, won't you?

motivated. LIFE.

Move it Monday: Peaceful Warrior.

Posted on Monday, January 10, 2011 at 05:10PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments3 Comments

new yoga pose.

If you find yourself among those falling off the New Year's Resolution commitments don't worry, you are not alone.  I recently read an article that says 4 out of 5 of us bail on our New Year's resolutions.  The good news is you don't need a new year upon you to commit to a healthier you.  Start today, start right now.  In yoga we get through the struggle of a challenging posture by focusing on breath and breathing slowly, one breath at a time. 

Big changes begin with one small shift.  You can shake up your own health and wellness routine with one small step.  Don't get bogged down by thinking that you have to exercise for 30 minutes or 60 minutes straight.  If you can, great.  But if you don't have that much free time do 10 minutes of exercise here and then another 10 minutes there and then another 10 your body and your mind will feel the benefits.

Try this pose today: Peaceful Warrior.  Find Warrior 1 on the right side, move into Warrior 2 and then lift up your front arm, straight out of your waist and reach it over your head and back while your other hand slides down the back of your straight leg.  While you hold the posture for 5 deep breaths commit to making exercise a daily part of your routine.  Switch sides and hold Peaceful Warrior on the left side for 5 deep breaths.  This time find gratitude for the ability to move your body.  You are sure to  feel more energized and a bit more peaceful.


Lisa Brownstead is a former TV news anchor who believes in the transformational power of yoga and helping young and old alike find more balance, self esteem and joy in their lives through yoga. She also believes that yoga (and a little bit of humor) leads to a significant decrease in stress and keeps those practicing looking and feeling young! As a mom of three kids who love yoga, Lisa has followed her passion teaching yoga to both kids and adults. Lisa is the founder of Pretty Postures.  For more information on private in-home instruction, classes, and yoga parties check out

friend Lisa on facebook

new. LIFE.

Move it Monday: The Holidays.

Posted on Monday, December 13, 2010 at 10:17AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments10 Comments

holiday stress.

While the holiday season can easily be the most joyful and festive time of the year, it can also be an especially stressful time for many of us.  We can get caught up in the pressure to buy the perfect gift, the stress of preparing for out of town guests and the hustle and bustle of getting it all done. 

When you feel overwhelmed take a moment to stop and take a deep breath.  Reflect on this quote:

“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work.  It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. “

Yoga and yoga breathing can help you achieve that calmness.  Sit down in a cross-legged, or lotus, position.  Make your spine nice and tall, suck your belly button into your spine, close your eyes and take several deep breaths in through your nose, exhaling out with a sigh.  Do this five times.  Then sit quietly for a few breaths.  Let your eyes flutter open and notice how you feel more relaxed.

It might surprise you, but if you take the time to take care of yourself this holiday season, to get centered and to move your body and get oxygenated blood running through your veins to your brain, you will find that time expands.  You will have more energy to get your tasks done.

Taking some time out this holiday season to give back to yourself may be the best gift for yourself and your loved ones.  Because when you fill up your own well, you can give freely to those you love.  It's not about being selfish, it's about being centered and calm, and at peace.

Lisa Brownstead is a former TV news anchor who believes in the transformational power of yoga and helping young and old alike find more balance, self esteem and joy in their lives through yoga. She also believes that yoga (and a little bit of humor) leads to a significant decrease in stress and keeps those practicing looking and feeling young! As a mom of three kids who love yoga, Lisa has followed her passion teaching yoga to both kids and adults. Lisa is the founder of Pretty Postures.  For more information on private in-home instruction, classes, and yoga parties check out

friend Lisa on facebook

holiday. LIFE.