love. LIFE. Hello Friends! Over to the left you'll see all of the categories that you can check out. If you're a photographer make sure to check out the For Photographers page. I just launched the new Family GTKY kit and the NEW Insight Kits Blogsite!!! Click here to see the new site! LOVE. LIFE. TIPS. These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here) Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here) My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago). You need this guide! Easy as Pie. Click here to visit Served Up Fresh. (affiliate link) Thanks for stopping by...and don't forget to leave a comment...or two...I want to hear from YOU! And make sure to TELL A FRIEND! |
Entries by Davina (749)
waiting. waiting. waiting.
are we EVER?
My girls have been in their costumes since they walked in the door from school.
They think they will NEVER get to go trick-or-treating at this point and that they will probably turn into pumpkins before it happens...if it ever does. Are we leaving yet? Can we go?
This is one of the best days of the year...they just can't take it much longer...
funny. LIFE.
johanna. jeremy.
apples. bikes.
I know...that sounds like it's the first day of school. Really, it's Johanna and Jeremy hanging out together...and it feels like you are hanging out with a couple of kids. They are so relaxed, full of fun, and acceptance. There's no worrying about what someone else might think of's all right there.
Every time I spend time with Johanna and Jeremy the time just flies by so quickly. We end up talking about anything and everything and before we know it we've been gabbing for hours.
I'm so grateful that for a brief time...too brief...I got to see Johanna, work with her, and have her in my life. I miss her and I miss sitting around chatting while time passed us by (now, we've both moved to opposite sides of the country...she to California and me to South Carolina).
I miss you!
blessed. LIFE.
harward. family.
It's Stef's birthday today so I wanted to make sure that I got these pictures posted for her! I had such a fun time with Stef and her little family. When I arrived we started off chatting. We had already talked about some fun ideas I had from reading their questionnaire, I always like hanging out a little before I start shooting.
It's so obvious how much everyone in this family loves each other. They were so excited to get to be together and it shows. Stefanie's husband Jerry plays chess with his kids...four games at once! He does it for a challenge, going from game to game making his moves. The kids love it! Each member of this sweet little family cares about all the others and there is such a spirit of love, fun, and acceptance in their home. It was a blessing to be with them.
We played with the horses, climbed mounds of dirt, sat by Grandma's roses, baked cookies, and read scriptures. Also, Sarah loves to have her hair played with...just like me. I can feel that look of being in heaven on her face.
Thank you, Stef, for letting me come and spend time with your family.
I miss you...Have a fabulous birthday!
sweet. LIFE.
Move it Monday.
One of the biggest things that I think makes me hold on to my weight and also makes me not eat well is stress. Here are a few things that I like to do when I'm feeling stressed out:
*Get up from my computer and DO SOMETHING ELSE.
*Lay on the floor reach my hands above my head and point my toes. Reach as far as I can with my toes and fingers and then bring my hands down to my side like I'm doing a snow angel. Do that a few times in a row. On the last time just let your toes relax out and your hands rest at your side. Let them fall naturally where they will. Now just take a breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Lay there and think about relaxing the corners of your eyes next to your nose into your eye sockets. Let the outer sides of your eyes relax. Now just lay there and think about your breath. In and out. In and out. If a thought comes into your mind just watch it float into the stage of your mind and across like a cloud in the sky. Don't think it just watch your thoughts come and go. I do this until I feel losened up. When I get up I feel much less stressed out. Emma loves to lay on the floor and do this with me.
*Stop doing things for myself and do something for someone else...that is living and breathing next to you...a friend or a family member or a next door neighbor.
*Take a walk.
*Turn the TV off. Really, I think I'm less patient when I am or have been watching TV.
*Journal. This always helps me to get some perspective.
*Take a bath.
*Sex. (Probably the most fun of the group...)
*Take a break from whatever is stressing me out and do something that I enjoy. Read a novel, go for a hike, call a friend.
Taking the time out to relieve stress totally helps weight to come off. To read more about how stress may be keeping you from losing weight check out this great site: click here. It's worth it in so many ways to reduce your stress.
relaxing. LIFE.
freda. matt. sneak. peek.
sneak. peek.
Freda and Matt's wedding day started off with one thing after another going a little haywire while Freda and Matt just tried to go with the flow and stay relaxed. By the time the ceremony rolled around every thing was going perfectly. I'm very excited about their pictures and just wanted to post something really quickly. Make sure to check back very soon and there will be more to see of Freda and Matt.
If you want to see more fun pictures of Freda and Matt here on the blog click here.
Wedding Guests and Family and Friends click here to see all of Matt and Freda's wedding pictures. Make sure to sign the guest book to receive an email when all of the pictures are ready. Also, to get updates when pictures are posted to this blog, including when Freda and Matt's wedding pictures are posted, subscribe to this blog. Just scroll down a little and put your email address in the subscribe box to the left.
perfect. LIFE.