love. LIFE. Hello Friends! Over to the left you'll see all of the categories that you can check out. If you're a photographer make sure to check out the For Photographers page. I just launched the new Family GTKY kit and the NEW Insight Kits Blogsite!!! Click here to see the new site! LOVE. LIFE. TIPS. These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here) Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here) My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago). You need this guide! Easy as Pie. Click here to visit Served Up Fresh. (affiliate link) Thanks for stopping by...and don't forget to leave a comment...or two...I want to hear from YOU! And make sure to TELL A FRIEND! |
Entries by Davina (749)
Women and Business: What's coming.

fun features coming soon.
There are some really fantastic women coming up over the next 4 months. I'm so excited about these women, their willingness to share, and their open and honest way about business and life. I can't wait for you to see these interviews. You're going to love them. I know that they are inspiring me!
We've had over 25 insightful, wonderful women already...Bambi Cantrell....Elizabeth Messina...Dawn Davis....Nichole Van...Susan Stripling...Angela Anderson...Jaclyn Kaiser {Image is Found}...Sarah Petty...Millie Holloman...Wendy Whitacre {Blue Lily}...Julia Woods...Melanie Mauer...Amber Holritz (the very first feature!)...and soooo many more.
You have to see the entire Women and Business series here.
November 26: Happy Thanksgiving!
December 3: Storey Wilkins
December 10: Liz Banfield
December 17: Chenin Boutwell
December 24: Happy Christmas!
December 31: Merry New Year!
January 7: Jasmine Star
January 14: Lauren Clark
January 21: Bobbi {Bobbi + Mike}
January 28: Sam Puc
February 4: Emilie Sommer
February 11: Mary Marantz
February 18: Jenn Bebb
February 25: Jesse Chamberlain {Our Labor of Love}
March 4: Christine Hall
March 11: Jessica Kettle
March 18: Eliesa {Photogen Inc.}
March 25: Amy Smith
April 1: Sarah Rhodes
April 8: Rachel LaCour
April 15: Shannon Sewell
April 22: Melanie McClellan
April 29: Laura Cottril
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'd love to hear what you're thankful for...
real. LIFE.
Insight kit: CONTEST WINNER!
so many heroic women.
I knew when I decided to do this particular contest that it would be a very difficult decision for me to make about who should win. I can't imagine going through what some of these strong, tender, caring, gracious, and giving women have been through. For some of them, life hangs in the balance every day and for others they know all too intimately the value of the life that surrounds them.
Thank you all for your nominations. The beauty and struggle of each of them is not unnoticed and I wish there were a way for me to give this gift to all the women that were nominated. Thank you for sharing with me the love and heartfelt words about the women that are in your life.
I was tempted to have all of you vote for the person that should win but couldn't do that. I have no idea how any of you would be able to measure one of these women against another...I wanted you to vote so that I wouldn't have to choose. And then I decided I couldn't do that to you or to these sweet women.
And so...I've been sitting and wondering who to give this gift.
...and a long time later...I still haven't published this post...
I decided to narrow the nominations to 4 women. After going back and forth, I decided to put the four women in a hat and choose.
The winner is:
Jana Kofford.
I would like to nominate my friend Jana Kofford. Jana tragically lost her four year old son Cooper this summer, something that as a mother I cannot imagine experiencing. While going through the many difficulties that attended the tragedy of her son's death, Jana has been a beacon of hope, thoughtfulness and strength. Jana is a brilliant business owner, a thoughtful friend, a loving wife and a fantastic mother of six! If anyone needs a night of pampering it is Jana Kofford and her sweetheart Quinn.
Ashley, please send me an email at davina at davinafear dot com so that we can let Jana know she's won.
The other 3 women:
Rachael Schirano.
I nominate my beautiful wife Rachael Schirano who day in and day out, sacrifices her personal needs and sanity to ensure that our family of six (including teenage daughter and 2 yr old triplets) is happy and healthy. If that isn't enough, she has battled several large obstacles in pursuing her passion for photography, and I feel that she could use a little light at the end of the tunnel for all that she does for us.
I'd like to nominate my sister, Nancy. She has given of herself for a year and a half to take care of her daughter with leukemia, as well as be there for our dad who recently died of cancer. She has rarely had time for herself or alone time with her husband since this all began.
Ginger Coates.
I nominate my wife, Ginger Coates. She has been working full-time as well as helping to care for my daughter (her step-daughter), Melinda that has the begining stages of MS. In her spare time she has been volunteering her time at her church's girls group so we can spend more time with Melinda that has kept her very busy that she needs a break.
To those who nominated the above three women, please send me their mailing address. I would like to send them a little something.
I've also decided to send a kit to Marta as a gift because of this nomination:
I am nominating Marta, a woman I don't even know. She responded to my blog and this really tugged at my heart. These two sentences say it all:
"I recently started doing photography for experience and extra money, but it took off faster than I was prepared for. I was soon pulling all nighters (once I stayed up over 38 hours, skipped 2 classes just to get caught up) and booking up to 6 photo shoots a weekend.... it started interfering with my relationship with my husband real fast, my 3 year old daughter was going to bed at night crying that she missed me and she didn't want me to do pictures anymore."
*Marta, I feel the pain that you are going through and I want to say that things will get better….
Thank you to eveyone who participated in this contest. I've been moved by the stories of these beautiful women and the lives that they are heroically living.
beautiful. LIVES.
GYLB kit Contest: Do you love a Bed and Breakfast?

NOTE: This contest has been extended until Tuesday, November 24th at 11am ET. The winner will be announced on Tuesday afternoon right before we launch the Get your LIFE back kit!
a night away and a get your LIFE back kit.
The get your LIFE back kit is about helping women take a break and rethink the the chaos and overwheming aspects of their's time to breathe. And breathe deeply. SO this contest is going to help someone do just that!
I want to encourage women to live life fully and with awareness. Stop the break neck speed that you're currently running at and notice the lovely view, the beautiful deep blue sky, the smell of bonfires in the air, the star filled sky, the crisp air, the smell of a warm child just up from a nap, the cuddle of a loved one, the blessing of good food...drink it in and love the moment.
What do I do?
Nominate a woman (or person) that you think deserves a night away at a bed and breakfast, where breakfast is made for her instead of by her. In the comments section of this post (or send me an email at davina at davinafear dot com) name the person you nominate and in 2 sentences or less why she (or he) needs a night away. Give as much detail as you can in the two sentences or less.
What will the winner win?
The winner will receive a night away at a bed and breakfast that she/he chooses (value $200) and a Get your LIFE back kit (value $120). (Total value $320)
When does the contest end?
The contest ends tomorrow, Monday November 23rd, at 5pm ET (this contest has been extended until Tuesday, November 24th at 11am ET). Make sure to be quick to get your nominations into the comments...this is going to be a fast contest!
**See the winner of Contest #1 in the post below.**
sweet. LIFE.
Contest Winner!
get your LIFE back contest 1 from davina fear on Vimeo.
and the winner is...
Elaine Jones entered into the contest by Cat Warren!!
Congratulations Elaine! You've won a $100 spa treatment from Massage Envy or your local spa.
Cat please get in touch with me so we can get Elaine scheduled for her relaxation session...
(make sure to see the video below...if you're seeing this in rss or facebook make sure to go to my blog)
I'm announcing another contest tonight that is even bigger than this contest. Make sure to enter!!
relaxing. LIFE.
NOTE: This contest is CLOSED. See the winner here. Make sure to check back on Tuesday. November 24th for the launch of the Get your LIFE back kit!!
this is for you.
Getting your life back means taking some time for you...a moment to rejuvenate and listen to your heart. In the spirit of the get your LIFE back kit that will be launching on Tuesday I want to give away $100 spa treatment to Massage Envy (or a local spa near you). You must know someone who is in need of a pedicure, manicure, relaxing facial, or a massage...
Here are the rules:
1. Enter a woman or person you know that needs a day at the spa. Everytime you enter someone else, you are automatically entered as well. (Make sure to tell the women that you've entered them in the contest...they may want to enter you, too!)
2. To enter a woman or person, just put their name (and yours) in the comments or send your entry to davina at davinafear dot com.
3. If you facebook, blog, twitter (@insightbydavina or @davinafear), or link to the new INSIGHT kit prelaunch post about the GET YOUR LIFE BACK kit, you will receive another entry for yourself. (just email me and let me know)
4. The last entries will be taken at Midnight ET on Saturday, November21st, 2009.
5. The winner will be drawn from a hat...or something like that.
6. I will announce the winner and another CONTEST on Sunday. So be ready!
NOTE: Please put your email address in the comment section so that I can contact you if you or your friend wins the spa gift. VERY IMPORTANT.
On your marks, get set, go!
fun. LIFE.