love. LIFE. Hello Friends! Over to the left you'll see all of the categories that you can check out. If you're a photographer make sure to check out the For Photographers page. I just launched the new Family GTKY kit and the NEW Insight Kits Blogsite!!! Click here to see the new site! LOVE. LIFE. TIPS. These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here) Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here) My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago). You need this guide! Easy as Pie. Click here to visit Served Up Fresh. (affiliate link) Thanks for stopping by...and don't forget to leave a comment...or two...I want to hear from YOU! And make sure to TELL A FRIEND! |
Entries by Davina (749)
Women and Business: Jessica Kettle
***All images in this post are copyright Jessica Kettle.***
NEXT WEEK: Eliesa of Photogen Inc.
{To nominate women you'd like to see in this series please list them in the comments-or if you have a question you'd like to see in the interviews--make sure to include your info in the comment fields so that I can get in touch with you- or write to me at: davina at davinafear dot com }
As always make sure to leave comments for the women who are featured. They like comments as much as I do I'm sure...let them know if you have questions or just to say thanks! for their insight and wisdom...
You can check out the rest of the series by clicking here. Tell a friend!
Jessica, You are a fantastic photographer. You've grown and great deal and you are an excellent business woman. You are very laid back and you're letting that roll over into being pregant and managing that with your business. You have a wonderful attitude and an easy way with people which really comes through in your images. I'm so excited to have you. Thanks for being on Women and Business!
You just found out you're pregnant (yay! Congratulations!), what are you doing to prepare for your baby? What plans do you have for the future of your business?
Honestly, I really didn’t know how pregnancy and a new baby would effect my business and I was reeeeeally sick throughout my whole first pregnancy, so it was a little scary going into it again the second time! Luckily I haven’t been nearly as sick this time though. =) Anyway, I decided right away that to lighten my workload and stress level, I would only be shooting weddings during pregnancy and take a break from portraits. Most people would probably do the opposite, but I really enjoy weddings and it’s much easier for me to take on a few weddings a month than deal with 10 sets of parents (and all the scheduling, orders, e-mails etc.). It feels a lot like having a couple of big school projects vs. lots of homework assignments for some reason. Much more manageable.
After the baby is born, I am just going to have to play it by ear! I have never been the mother of two before and I wasn’t in business when Max was a new baby. I think sometimes its better just to let nature take its course than to try to control everything before you understand the situation.
What does your workflow look like? Do you outsource or keep everything in
I shoot raw and do all my proofing for clients in camera raw before I put them up in online galleries. Then I only fully retouch images that go on my blog or that the clients order. This saves so much time and allows me to show my clients so many more images as opposed to fully editing and showing a small number of images. I definitely think it has increased my print sales as well.
What do you do to help your clients be so comfortable with you during a photo shoot?
In general, I am a much laid back person. I feel like I can pretty much be friends and hang out with anyone and find something to talk about and relate to. I make a big effort to get to know my clients first during a bridal consultation, and then just pick up where we left off at our shoot! Also, I am not afraid to tell someone they look silly or uncomfortable. I usually make a joke about a fake smile or something, and inevitably, they laugh with me, relax, and settle into a natural look. Then they also know they can trust me to make them look good and that I will let them know when we need to change something.
What do you recommend women do who are just getting started in the industry?
Spend more time learning how to use your camera and less time obsessing over Photoshop or trying to recreate the looks of the people you admire. I know I was that way at first and it seems to be a common trend among people who are getting started. Do what YOU think is beautiful and unique, not what is already popular in your community. Someone else is already known for that look and has created a niche for themselves, and chances are, you are never going to be better at being that person than they are.
What do you do for fun...that has nothing to do with photography?
I love love love to travel. I love just hanging out with my family. I was also a pretty hard core gymnast in my former (pre photography) life, so I love keeping up on that world when I have time.
What are you most proud of as a business woman?
I think I am just proud that I HAVE a business! I really never thought I would be a “working mom” at all, and business is soooo not second nature for me. I have always been a creative person, so the idea that I can have a creative outlet and actually make a living working part time doing something that I love is SUCH a thrill for me!
What do you do to keep your marriage fun?
We try to go on dates at least once a week and take little trips with friends or just the two of us. We get so caught up in running businesses and raising a child that it’s so nice to just be alone together!
What are the top three things you did when you were first getting started in business to bring in clients?
Blogging, blogging, more blogging. And honestly, that is STILL where a lot of my business comes from aside from referrals! Mommy blogging is really big in my market so I have a personal blog and a photo blog - both have brought me a lot of business. It was a great way to reach my target market- young hip moms (I only shot kids and families at first). Plus, many of my clients followed my blogs already, so they feel like they knew me and that we were friends on some level before we even had a session. I also think having a personal connection increased my referrals quite a bit. And really, all it takes is ONE awesome client (you know, the family that is stylish and knows everyone!) to really make your business take off!
How do you keep your marriage safe from the stresses of your business?
My husband owns a real estate office, so BOTH of us owning our own business can DEFINITELY be stressful! We really involve each other in our businesses so that we can collaborate when possible, which is so fun. I love that my husband knows what’s happening in my business and helps me make decisions, or strategize marketing, or analyze what camera to buy next, and I do the same for him!
What is the best thing you've done to make your business successful?
I mentioned this before, but blogging has really been huge for me. But I think it’s more than just sharing images from sessions. My blog is pretty personal and I really try to let my readers in to my life and my business. I also try to give back by doing q and a’s and helping people as much as I can. I have gotten such a great response from that and I feel like it allows me to develop rapport with clients and fellow photographers. It’s just as important to market yourself as a person as it is to market your photographs. Having a connection with your clients brings in more business, allows greater emotion in your photographs, and ultimately increases client loyalty and referrals. Jasmine star is an amazing example of this, and Dane Sanders has a whole book on the topic basically.
You are a mom, how old is your little boy? What do you do to help him feel part of your business life?
Max is 3, and basically he just knows that I take way too many pictures of him!
What do you do to keep from feeling overwhelmed?
I am still a long way from finding the perfect balance, but sticking to a schedule, having a to do list and not working too much at night help a lot! I also decided that I can not do EVERYTHING and do it well. I don’t do much outsourcing in my business, so I outsourced CLEANING. It takes me all day to deep clean my house, so we decided to hire someone to do bathrooms, mop, vacuum, and dust etc. twice a month. I would rather work doing something I love so that I can pay someone to do the things I hate!
What is something that you think women in the industry should not do?
Be sneaky, competitive and secretive! There is plenty of business out there for everyone; I wish we could all realize that we each offer something unique and that there is no need to get snarky.
What is something that you think women in the industry should do?
Value yourself as an artist, value your time and don’t be afraid to expect to be compensated for it. Treat your business like a BUSINESS. You can be or do whatever you choose, but you can’t do everything. If you really want to have a business, there are sacrifices. You can’t expect yourself to shoot, edit, place orders, care for your children, keep up the house, cook balanced meals, and do everything else in life perfectly without some help. We need to make priorities and stick to them, and allow ourselves to be content with the outcome.
To see more of Jessica's work:
***All images in this post are copyright Jessica Kettle.***
100 Faces of Clover: Jody
all his life.
Jody has lived in Clover nearly all of his life. When he was just 16 years old his cross-country-trucker-father occasionally took Jody on the road with him. On those trips Jody discovered that being on the road was in his blood. He loved the long stretches of road, the quiet hum of tire to pavement, and the country side reaching out around him.
The road called to him for many years after that. In the meantime he married, joined the police force, and started raising a family.
And still the road called to him.
After many years on the force he decided to heed the call. The life of arrests, domestic violence calls, and drug bust were not the life he was meant to live. He yearned for the freedom that long drives through midwest golden cornfields and snow topped mountains gave him.
He would be on the road for weeks at a time, cooking his dinner under the hood of his huge 18 wheeler engine. Packing foil dinners, driving for hours until the clear juices gave way to mouth watering smell, and then stopping at a truck stop to lift the hood and pull the steak and potatoes out from next to the engine. He'd get out his lawn chair and cooler and enjoy his homecooked meal.
For miles and miles....
Eventually, his heart would call him home...and it always would...
Until finally, his heart brought him home permanently to stay with his sweet wife and family. He gave up the long and open road so that he could be where he really wanted to be. Home.
He now drives locally in Clover and is glad to be near his family...
and sometimes in a distant whisper he hears the call of the open road...
fulfilled. LIFE.
Move it Monday: Get motivated
move it.
I've been scouring the internet trying to find ways to get my self motivated to get exercising and eat less. Just a year ago I was so motivated and completely on a roll. I ate less. I ate healthy. I walked every day. I did free weights every other day. I found reasons to be active.
Now...I'm really focused on getting my business up and running. I want to do it all of the time.
In my mind I tell myself, "you should really get outside and get some fresh air..." but I just keep on working. I'm on a mission.
I want to be on a mission to be healthy. I loved the way I felt last year. I want that back.
So here are a couple of ideas to help you get motivated if you're experiencing the same feelings.
1. Get off your butt. Get outside. Listen to the voice in your head. It will be good for you to step away from the computer. You may be surprised at what creative inspiration may come to you when you're not constantly thinking and working...oh! and it'll get your metabolism going...that would be nice....
2. Eat smaller portions. Take a little less. Leave some on your plate. It makes me feel like I'm making conscious decisions. That's a little step. That's how it started for me last year. Being conscious.
3. Measure and weigh yourself every week. It helps to know where you're at and gauge your progress or lack there of. It's not meant to depress...but to encourage and motivate.
4. Have a couple of friends that keep you honest. Someone you have to report to (thanks ladies! you've been on my mind all week and it really has helped...) so that you are accountable for what you put in your mouth and how often you get off your couch.
5. Remember that real change takes time. Losing the weight you want to weight is something that can take a year or more....and it will be worth it.
6. Think about how great you'll feel. You'll be able to walk up stairs and not feel like you may die, your knees won't hurt, you'll feel less achy, you'll sleep better, you won't feel like your gut is going to explode after going out to dinner....there are all kinds of reasons for losing weight. Everyone is different. Decide on what it is that will make it worth it for you and remind yourself of it everyday.
7. Think through your week and know when you'll be out and about and be tempted to eat something unhealthy. Make plans ahead of schedule to help you make good food choices.
So...what do you do to get and stay motivated? I'd love to hear! I need all the help I can get!
motivated. LIFE.
Women and Business: Christine Hall
***All images in this post are copyright Christine Hall.***
NEXT WEEK: Jessica Kettle
{To nominate women you'd like to see in this series please list them in the comments-or if you have a question you'd like to see in the interviews--make sure to include your info in the comment fields so that I can get in touch with you- or write to me at: davina at davinafear dot com }
As always make sure to leave comments for the women who are featured. They like comments as much as I do I'm sure...let them know if you have questions or just to say thanks! for their insight and wisdom...
You can check out the rest of the series by clicking here. Tell a friend!
Christine, You are a long time pro at being a photographer and business woman! You started a photography business when you had no children and now you are married with a little girl. Things have become more compliciated and yet you seem to have a great sense of calm and ease about you. I love what you've said about being yourself with your clients...especially since the majority are children! Thanks for being on Women and Business!
Were you always in a retail space? What made you decide to have a retail space? I started in my home and had it there for about four years. One of my clients five or so years ago had a space that he was having trouble renting and he offered it to me fairly cheap. At the time I did not think I could afford it, but slowly he raised it over the years and as my business grew I decided to buy my studio in October of 2008. I am very thankful for him because he helped me take the first step and my business has grown because of it.
What does your workflow look like? Do you outsource or keep everything in house?
I do both. I am just changing the way I do my workflow. I did have a color corrector, but am now going to outsource that to Lavalu , I have a graphic designer that does the albums and cards and I have a studio manager that answers phones, does the books and the sales.
What do you do to help your clients be so comfortable with you during a photo shoot?
I talk a lot! I used to be really shy and worried that the parents would think I was crazy. Since I have been doing it so long I find the more I let go and act silly, (I am not above licking my shoe to get a 5 year old to laugh) the more relaxed clients are.
I also gage what the child is comfortable with, some like it when you come and tickle and bounce around and others like a more subtle approach like asking them questions like if they like bugs on their ice cream or If I should wear my shoe on my head. I just ask a lot of crazy questions.
What do you recommend women do who are just getting started in the industry?
Keep track of your numbers. The biggest mistake I made when I first started out was not knowing my numbers and just going with the flow. It is super important to know your cost of sales and to also make sure you are paying the appropriate taxes. I would also recommend to build relationships with your clients and with the owners of business that your clients frequent. But numbers numbers numbers !
It is great if you can take a great photo, but that is about 10% of the business.
What do you do for fun...that has nothing to do with photography?
I love to spend time with my husband and daughter.
What are you most proud of as a business woman?
I am the proud that I am able to support my family and have my husband stay at home with our daughter. He comes and does the framing but it has allowed us flexibility. I am also proud of my studio I purchased and redid. It was a goal of mine a couple years ago and to see your goals become real is amazing.
What do you do to keep your marriage fun?
We try to go on dates , but my favorite time is sitting in the backyard with him and a glass of wine.
What are the top three things you did when you were first getting started in business to bring in clients?
1. I did not have any children, I was like 21 at the time. So I met a mom that was in a playgroup and photographed some of the kids for Easter and sold them photos. Some are still my clients today 13 years later.
2. I did free sessions for owners of clothing stores. When I first started you have to remember that I did not have a website or seo or any of that stuff. So it was all based on relationships I created.
3. Word of mouth goes a long way in Savannah! I spread it that way since we did not have websites back then.
How do you keep your marriage safe from the stresses of your business?
It does get stressful at times. I handle all of the bills and work a lot , but always remind myself what my dad tells me and that is God is in control. Not to say it has not put stress on our marriage but luckily he is a very patient man!
What is the best thing you've done to make your business successful?
Treat people the way I would like to be treated, be honest, and doing the kind of work that I like to do.
You are a mom, you have a little girl. What do you do to help them feel part of your business life?
She is five, so she is not that interested yet in my business. She does like to take photos of her peanut butter and jelly and dolls.
What have you done to create great family portrait clients?
Treated them as friends.
What do you think you do best? What steps did you take?
I think I put people at ease, the steps I take are just being myself and not try to be anything I am not.
What do you do to keep from feeling overwhelmed?
I feel overwhelmed at times , I try to step back and see what I can do about it. I also write in my journal, recently I have been trying to exercise. I am still waiting to like that, but it does seem to take away some tension.
What three products or things help you stay organized?
A white erase board for albums
Spread sheets for shoots
And Ruth my studio manager!
What is something that you think women in the industry should not do?
Copy, give away everything, and not value what they do.
What is something that you think women in the industry should do?
Charge appropriately, get a business license and treat it as a business not a hobby. If it is a hobby…treat it as that, but if you are doing it to make money then do it right.
To see more of Christine's Work:
***All images in this post are copyright Christine Hall.***
belmont ballet: sneak peek.
Emma's ballet school, The Belmont School of Ballet, is getting ready for the Royal Dance Academy Exams, Hansel and Gretel, and many of the school's dancers are also going to be in the full ballet of Alice in Wonderland.
Coming up soon, I'll be posting some images of their daily dancing...
To see belmont ballet images click here.
dance. LIFE.