love. LIFE.

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Entries by Davina (749)

Move it Monday.

Posted on Monday, September 29, 2008 at 03:14PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments9 Comments


just a little.


I'm hoping I've finally found the secret to the way my body loses weight!

I must say I've been highly tempted to buy some Alli and lose 50% more weight by taking it.  I heard that you shouldn't wear white pants because of the oily discharge that is a side effect.  That kind of grossed me out and so I've changed my mind.  I'm going to try to just be more disciplined.  (Did I already post about Alli?)  Anyway, I also started to wonder if it gives you bowel issues....hmmm....that does not sound appealing!!!

This week I lost almost 5 pounds!  I think that's the most I've ever lost in one week.  I think it's because I'm finally giving my body what it needs....5 small meals a day.  I've been given the gift of inheriting hypoglycemia and so you would think I would have started eating 5 small meals ages ago....but no...I have to wait until I'm 40 pounds beyond what I would like to be to get a clue.

I eat my normal 3 meals a day, just a very small portion, of what's on the table.  (A friend of mine also recommended using a smaller plate so it feels like you're eating more.)  Mid-morning I have elevensies...usually 3 triscuits and a very thin slice of cheese for each cracker or a small handful of fruit.  I've also had vanilla yogurt and strawberries...that's so stinkin' good it should be considered a dessert (or maybe it is!).  Around the time the kids get home from school I have another little snack.  I love nuts (I know they have a lot of fat but protein is what you need when you have hypoglycemia) so I'll have a small handful with some water, a string cheese, or some veggies.  I'm also going to try having a small smoothie occassionally.

Speaking of dessert, I didn't have ANY dessert AT ALL last week...and anyone who knows me knows that is extremely impressive.  I LOVE dessert.  (At least in my estimation of dessert I didn't have dessert.)  I did have on small piece of dove chocolate (1g of fat and 40 calories)  after almost every dinner and a few lunches but that's it in the dessert department.  Pretty impressive, I think.

One very unfortunate thing I've noticed though is that I get an almost immediate headache after I have one of those sweet and wonderful little pieces of chocolate.  I know that means I should probably not eat them... but really?????

So...I'm happy to report that I'm down 4.5 pounds.

How are you doing?

healthy. LIFE.

Look around.

Posted on Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 07:50PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments8 Comments


So when we first moved in our house here in South Carolina I knew it would feel more like home if I just had some flowers.  I love flowers.  I love to pick them up and Mike brings them home quite often.  Flowers just make a home feel like there is a touch of nature and creativity, that God is in the mix,  and attention to the details of life. (I really do love them!)

Things were very hectic when we moved in between being moved in the day before school started, trips to the emergency room, and boxes everywhere there was little time to remember to pick up some flowers.  Besides, I reasoned, they'll just get lost in the mess.

One morning after the kids had gone to school I was sitting out on our deck writing in my journal.  I felt the breeze and stopped what I was writing and looked up at the trees and just felt the winds play on my skin and smelled the forest in back of our home.  I sat there thinking how amazing and surreal that moment was being in a new home in South Carolina, how majestic those trees were, and how much I loved sitting out on our deck.  Suddnly, I realized that I could bring some of that inside.  So instead of waiting for the right moment to buy those flowers I decided to do what I normally do with flowers... except with the leaves in my yard.

It was beautiful.  I set them up around the house, in my bathroom, in window sills, and on tables.  Then I walked around the house looking at how wonderful it looked and being very happy with the outcome.  And, to make it even better, when the girls came home from school they ran inside and said "Oh! Mom those look so pretty!".   It's starting to feel like home here and we're loving it!

P.S.  Yes, in the picture below:  those are my sweet, little twin girls hand and foot prints.  We made those when they were about 6 months old...they obviously loved squishing their feet in the plaster and felt it was much better than making their prints look perfect. :)  I love it!

beautiful. LIFE.

Back in Utah.

Posted on Tuesday, September 23, 2008 at 01:42PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments2 Comments


Next month (in October) during the week of the 20th I'll be back in Utah!

Would you like to schedule a photo shoot, family session, Business 101 Workshop, or Day with Davina?

Please contact the studio as soon as possible at

See you soon!

real. LIFE.

Thirst Relief.

Posted on Tuesday, September 23, 2008 at 01:24PM by Registered CommenterDavina in , | Comments1 Comment

exciting developments.

After arriving home from the Pictage Partnercon I'm so excited about the exciting developments for the next Thirst Relief Mentor Benefit Auction.  Jim was approached by a great group of people who are interested in using their knowledge, expertise, strengths, and talent to help us pull off a great auction experience. 

I'm so thrilled about the possibilities.  We have tried some different approaches and have checked into a number of ways to do the auction.  We've found that we have so many people logging on at once and trying to bid on the same people that it's easy to overload almost any server that is willing to help out Thirst Relief for little to no fees.  This opportunity is a wonderful ray of hope for a great cause.

Already together we have saved thousands of lives.  The Thirst Relief Benefit Auctions have raised over $35,000!!  Children, familes, and villages have been saved by all of those who have given their time, money, and resources to help people around the world to have clean drinking water.  It's such a simple thing that makes a huge difference.

If you'd like to be part of this cause or to help out on the technical and logistical end of things please email me at

If you'd like to save one life or just want to know more, click here.

blessed. LIFE.

Am I the only one?

Posted on Monday, September 22, 2008 at 01:31PM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments7 Comments

move it monday.

...that thinks chocolate molten cake at Chilis tastes a lot better than a bowl of veggies?  ugh.

What do you love to eat that is healthy, too?  I need ideas! (tell me in the comments)

I'm so back on this Move it Monday thing!  I've been wanting to get back into a routine and hoping that I would get the bug.  I did get out and get moving this morning on a 40 minute walk with a few sprints thrown in to make me feel like I was getting my heart rate up.  When I got back I unpacked my free weights and did a few strength training exercises on my arms.  Yay! you can see (above) from today and yesterday I have some big time work to do in the eating department.  Hello!  I've eaten enough fat today for an entire week.  Why does food have to taste so good...especially the fattening food?  Why can't the healthy food taste that good?

Here's to getting down to my target weight of 115lbs.  That means losing 40 pounds.  Yes, you read that right. Forty Pounds.  I mean it.  By March 1st  I'm going to make it happen.  Is everyone still with me?

I'm still going with the plan of being consistent.  Eat less, put less on my plate, and then leave a little there.  Exercise at least 20 minutes every day, and no eating after 7pm (I'm totally guilty of sitting at my computer working and eating).  And just thinking about how I can get moving.  (No more asking my kids to run upstairs and grab something for me...I'll just bring my own squishy butt upstairs and get it myself....)

it's time.

fit. LIFE.