love. LIFE.

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If you're a photographer make sure to check out the For Photographers page.  I just launched the new Family GTKY kit and the NEW Insight Kits Blogsite!!!  Click here to see the new site!

    LOVE. LIFE. TIPS.  These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here)  Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here)

My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago).  You need this guide!


Easy as Pie.  Click here to visit Served Up Fresh. (affiliate link)

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Entries in women and business series (96)

Women and Business: Michelle Anderson

Posted on Thursday, June 11, 2009 at 10:32AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments3 Comments


***All images in this post are copyright Michelle Anderson***


{To nominate women you'd like to see in this series please list them in the comments-or if you have a question you'd like to see in the interviews--make sure to include your info in the comment fields so that I can get in touch with you- or write to me at: davina at davinafear dot com }

As always make sure to leave comments for the women who are featured. They like comments as much as I do I'm sure...let them know if you have questions or just to say thanks! for their insight and wisdom...

Make sure to check out the rest of the series by clicking here. Tell a friend!

Michelle, you are a very busy woman!   You have a photography business as well as a thriving design business. You also havea little girl and boys.  You know what it's like to try to juggle so many things and it's wonderful that you're here to share with women who are possibly thinking they are the only ones trying to keep everything in the air and not come crashing down.  Thanks so much for being on Women and Business.


How long have you been in business and how did you get started? When my first child was born, I left my job in marketing to stay home with my kiddos. But about three years ago, I realized my clock was ticking and I was eventually going to have to go back to work. I was working part time at a department store and I hated it. One day, I called my mom in the parking lot and just bawled, "I have a degree in Communications. What am I doing with my life?????" She asked me what I really wanted to do in my heart and I told her that I wanted to be a photographer. So, I put in my notice and within a month, I had bought my first SLR and started a business.

You have two businesses, two kids, and a new baby, what do you do to keep things simple in your life and studio? I'm NOT very good at managing it all. Baby number three really made me take a step back and examine exactly how and why I was functioning and managing my time. Truth be told, I realized I'm NOT very good at managing everything at it all. So, every day I streamline more and more. I'm constantly trying to think of ways to make processes more efficient and still building in time for my family. Because I don't have a studio, I found I was working round the clock with no dedicated time for the different aspects of work and life. So, I recently instated office hours (duh! Why didn't I do that before??). I still do work more than a typical 40-hr a week job, but my kids know that they have me all to themselves on Tuesdays and Thursdays and when I'm done shooting on the weekends.

What do you think are the top three things you must do as a mom and wife every day? Laundry, laundry, and laundry. ;-) I think as a mom and as a wife, I need to practice being a good my kids/husband their full attention when they need me. I try to multitask too much, but at least once a day, I need to sit down with each of them individually, give them my undivided attention (even if it's just for a couple of minutes) and really engage in what they're telling me. There is one other thing I try to do every day. This advice comes from a good photographer friend Lyndsay: take pictures every don't necessarily have to edit them or print them right away, but at least the moments have been snapped forever.

What three products or things help you stay organized? They all come from google: Google, Google mail, Google Calendar. These are always open on my computer. Always.

For women who are thinking of starting another business in addition to their photography (shooting) business, what 3 tips do you have for them? It can and will pull you away from your shooting time and time with family, so seriously consider if you have the time and drive to do it all.

With so many things on your plate, what do you do to market your businesses? How does that fit into your busy schedule? My blog drives my business. Truly, my online presence is the driving force of it all.

What does your workflow look like? How do you keep all of your clients straight and deliver products on time? I'm actually in the process of typing out my complete workflow for members of my photography resource site ( It's taken me about a year to iron this all out because each day, I discover new things to help make things more efficient and secure. (When it's finally ready, I will put a notice up on the PT4P blog.)

What plans do you have for your business this year? How will your plans impact your family? Actually, I have big, big plans for big, big changes in my business that will greatly affect how I do things and how we operate as a family. One big change is that my husband recently left his job to homeschool our children. But that is only the tip of the iceberg for Pinkle Toes 2009...

What did you do when you were pregnant and getting ready for your baby’s birth to get your family ready as well as your businesses? Truth be told, my baby girl took us quite by surprise and so I was very, very, very shocked and unprepared for what to do with my business that had just exploded. With severe morning sickess and then the aches and pains that came later on in pregnancy, physically, shooting and keeping up with the work demand got really tough. I was just very open and honest with my clients and the closer I got to my due date, the fewer sessions I was taking on. The last 6 weeks or so, I decided to not take sessions with children under the age of 5 because I couldn't promise kind of pictures I like to take of the little active kiddos.

How much time do you spend on the computer? WAAAAAAAY too much. I'm working very hard to cut down on the internet surfing and photographer browsing and constant e-mail checking.

Are there times that you feel overwhelmed? What do you do? I get overwhelmed at least once a day. Sitting down with my baby girl or visiting with my husband outside or wrestling with my boys gets me back in check.

To see more of Michelle's work:


***All images in this post are copyright Michelle Anderson***

Women and Business: Melanie Mauer

Posted on Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 05:38AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments6 Comments

***All images in this post are copyright Melanie Mauer***


{To nominate women you'd like to see in this series please list them in the comments-or if you have a question you'd like to see in the interviews--make sure to include your info in the comment fields so that I can get in touch with you- or write to me at: davina at davinafear dot com }

As always make sure to leave comments for the women who are featured. They like comments as much as I do I'm sure...let them know if you have questions or just to say thanks! for their insight and wisdom...

Make sure to check out the rest of the series by clicking here. Tell a friend!

Melanie, you have been a joy to know.  You are always encouraging, personal, and have such a southern vintage feel to the way you treat people.  The way you run your business and life is inspiring.  Thanks so much for being on Women and Business.

How long have you been in business? And how did that come about? 10 years - unbeknownst to me when I chose photography as a field of study in college, my grandfather and great-grandfather were both photographers …I feel like photography is woven into my dna just like hair & eye color.

How many children do you have? one oh-so-spirited toddler who delights me endlessly J

What do you think are the most important things you do as a mom every day? For me, establishing a routine that incorporates the things close to our hearts is important - it helps my life mirror what we hold dear. I see the look on Audrey’s face when I say “I’m so so very happy to be your momma”, so I tell her that often when we’re enjoying a lovely moment. And snuggling…can I list that, too? :)

What do you think are the top three things you must do as a business woman every day? 1) create beautiful images of my clients’ lives 2) lovingly craft a business that delivers those images in a way that delights 3) keep that little business in check with my other life goals

You always seem so calm, pulled together, and genuinely interested in others. What’s your secret? Merci, sweet Davina! No secrets here - I just adore people. They are completely fascinating! I can think of few things I enjoy more than a conversation with a friend!

What 5 tips do you have for women to help them maintain a balance in their lives between everything they have to do?

I find it really helpful to acknowledge that we are creating our lives. Certainly there are circumstances outside our control but there are so so many situations where we can make choices. Make sure that you’re creating a business that works in a way that enriches your life - and set boundaries. Personally, I’ve chosen not to work on Sundays - and I think that it’s so very helpful to have that day just with your family to recharge and refuel every single week. Pay attention to how you work best and create a schedule that considers that. It sounds so silly but make sure you’re getting the appropriate amount of sleep - if anyone is feeling so so tired, I think Spent  is a great book. Years ago on an email list Julie Valentine shared this really great checklist...

- - - - - - - - MONTHLY LIFE BALANCE CHECKLIST - - - - - - - -

Am I Nurturing My Relationships?
[_] Is there anyone that I owe a phone call, letter, email, etc. who I
need to be in communication with?
[_] Do I have any broken promises I need to apologize for or complete?
[_] Have I gossiped about anyone?
[_] Is there anyone I need to acknowledge or thank?
[_] Am I nurturing or creating romantic relationships?
[_] Am I nurturing family relationships?
[_] Am I supporting the endeavors of others? attending receptions,
graduation, openings?
[_] Am I remembering life events by sending cards or calling for
birthdays, anniversaries, holidays?

Am I Expressing My Creativity and Sense of Play?
[_] Have I scheduled a vacation?
[_] Have I created something original from my heart?
[_] Have I scheduled a local adventure to discover a new place,
restaurant, museum, etc.
[_] Have I set aside time to dream and vision my future? (Keep a
journal, etc.)
[_] Have I spent time in silence?

Am I Honoring My Body?
[_] Have I scheduled a physical with a doctor and/or OBGYN?
[_] Have I moved my body through physical activity?
[_] Do I have sufficient health insurance?
[_] Are my hair and nails in good condition?
[_] Am I getting sufficient sleep?
[_] Are there any differences in the look and texture of my body that
I need to deal with?
[_] Have I scheduled an appointment at the dentist office?
[_] Am I drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day and completing my
meals by 7pm?
[_] Have I scheduled an appointment with an eye doctor?
[_] Am I putting an effort into my appearance?

Am I Managing My Home?
[_] Is my check book balanced?
[_] Is my house clear of clutter?
[_] Which areas need attention?
[_] Are my taxes paid?
[_] Are my bills paid or scheduled to be paid?
[_] Do I have a long term financial plan in motion ?
[_] Do I have a sufficient savings and a savings plan?
[_] Do I donate to charity?
[_] Do I have sufficient home insurance?
[_] Are my home appliances in working order?
[_] Are my plants watered?

How's Work? Am I Sharing My Gifts and Talents with the World?
[_] Is my work place clean?
[_] Are there any communications I need to make with my contractors,
vendors, customers?
[_] Am I showing up for work on time?
[_] Is my performance at work up to par?
[_] Am I holding people to account for our agreements?
[_] Are my bills and/or business expenses paid?
[_] Are my business taxes complete?
[_] Are my business license current and complete?
[_] Are my business systems helping me progress with efficiency?
[_] Are sales meeting or exceeding targets?
[_] Is my business supporting me and enhancing my life?
[_] Am I happy with my salary?
[_] Do I have gathered an extraordinary team of employees or
contractors to assist in production?
[_] Have I created a marketing strategy to keep my products alive in
my customers minds?

via Julie Valentine of Divine Goddess Designs

What do you do to keep from feeling overwhelmed?

* I have a terrific set of employees - I adore and cherish them! I owe a large part of my ability to have a semi-balanced life to them.

* I’m thoughtful about the things to which I say yes.

* My schedule goes through constant fine-tuning but I’ve found that I prefer to bundle shoots two weeks out of the month (the exception being weddings) so that similar projects like proofing, etc are also bundled. I heard the analogy from Julie Morgenstern that our daily/weekly schedules could be thought of as a you put pants next to pants and then dresses next to dresses? It creates so much more order and actually allows the closet to hold more! In a similar way, I like having days at the end of the week devoted to shoots (and I find that it’s a little easier for families to do shoots on Fridays when perhaps they can make it a long weekend) and Mondays devoted to various business tasks, Tuesdays devoted to proofing...and so on. There’s flexibility but it has created a really nice rhythm to my week. I started this in a more conscientious way after my daughter was born and I was feeling like my ‘closet’ was a huge mess with tasks scattered everywhereJ

* I borrowed an idea from a friend, Shannon Ho, who limits herself to no more than 3 weddings a month - I really like that each month, even during the busiest times of the year, there’s a chance to picnic, go to the zoo or just hang out at home.

* Yoga - I started going earlier this year and am amazed at the feeling of mental clarity it provides. You know that blissed out feeling you have after a massage? That’s how I feel after every yoga class with my amazing instructor. It’s one hour completely for me and it makes a world of difference.

* When I feel like I’m on the edge of being overwhelmed, it’s the perfect signal to go on a short walk…get outside, listen to the birds, admire the clouds...and then settle in for some concentrated work.

You are in Kentucky. What have you done to get your business established there?

I’ve done very little advertising - my goal from each shoot is to have extremely happy clients and I feel really fortunate that they share my name with friends.

You’ve been to some workshops. Will you tell me about them and what you felt like you got out of each of them?

a lovely workshop with elizabeth messina - this is the workshop I’ve most recently attended…it was nothing short of a dream! elizabeth is so very kind and makes everything she touches sing with beauty. she had such a strong vision of the kind of experience she wanted to create; as a participant I was absolutely flabbergasted by the detail, richness and loveliness of the event. I walked away completely inspired - I also used it as a chance to share time with a friend, shannon ho in oklahoma, so we could talk business and I think it’s such a smart thing to do…travel to a workshop with a friend!

love affair 1 - oh my, even though a full year has passed, i’m still singing love affair’s praises. has anyone who is reading this blog not gone…please please do!! you will *love* it! again, an event crafted from a place of total love and care - I still feel so connected to the other workshop participants, we email, we see one another when we’re traveling nearby, we collaborate...the value has gone far far beyond what I paid to attend. Love affair continues to be a total help to me as a business person... it’s really the place where everyone can learn so much.

You have clients like Bella Bliss. How did you land that opportunity?

Bella Bliss is a really wonderful children’s line based in Lexington - very classic in its sensibility...for a moment can I just say hurrah for something not loud, or with sparkles? I’m oddly anti-glitter on clothing :) For years I’ve had children wear their clothes at shoots and I really appreciated the timelessness that it added. Gratefully, our paths finally crossed. I really couldn’t be happier about being their photographer...I adore the group of people who bring the line to life. Note: the images on their current website are another photographer’s.

I love your romantic and authentic approach to your blog and clients. What’s your general philosophy and how does it look in action?

I love the conversation with clients that a blog allows...and I’m totally smitten with my clients. To the point of restraining myself from sending them pretty postcards of our state on a regular basis in hopes of woo-ing them back if they move! So yes, I gush a little over them...what we do is to very personal, and I appreciate the intimacy of photography and so very glad that somehow, the nicest and most darling people on the planet seem to find me.

What three products or things help you stay organized? - this allows my too-sweet office manager to telecommute while she’s in grad school becoming the bluegrass’s best speech therapist (I sound like a proud mother sometimes - but I’m just so very impressed with her!) - I really like the iPhone app

MachForms - I love these…the replies come in a cute email in your inbox - they’ve just recently added a fee for this service but I love being able to occasionally video chat with friends who I feel continually help keep my business sharp

That’s 4, sorry!

To see more of Melanie's Work:



***All images in this post are copyright Melanie Mauer***


*tell a friend*


Women and Business: Jodie Allen

Posted on Thursday, May 21, 2009 at 06:42AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments10 Comments

***All images in this post are copyright Jodie Allen***


{To nominate women you'd like to see in this series please list them in the comments-or if you have a question you'd like to see in the interviews--make sure to include your info in the comment fields so that I can get in touch with you- or write to me at: davina at davinafear dot com }

As always make sure to leave comments for the women who are featured. They like comments as much as I do I'm sure...let them know if you have questions or just to say thanks! for their insight and wisdom...

Make sure to check out the rest of the series by clicking here. Tell a friend!

Jodie, I first learned of you because women here had nominated you.  When I went to your blog, I couldn't stop laughing.  You see life for what it is, laugh at it, and enjoy guilt, no should haves, no wishing it away to be something else.  You see the fun in whatever is happening.  We all need at least a little of that.  Thanks so much for being on Women and Business.


How long have you been in business?

In August ’09 it will be two years!


Your blog just placed 3rd in a huge contest with PPA. What have you done to help your blog get so popular?

I think that people relate to me. At the end of the day I am just a mom. A mom with three kids ages three and under who tries desperately to balance work and kids and life while showering every once in a while and drinking way too much caffeine. So although I show my recent sessions and talk a lot about work, I also talk endlessly about my struggles and joys of being a mommy. I am always real and brutally honest. That is why I think people come back to my blog. The other thing, I think, is that I blog almost every single day so there is always something new to see or read. People want new content; at least I know I do, so I work hard to keep up with my blog daily.


What blogging tips do you have for women who are bloggers?

I can’t stress this enough… be honest. Blogs that I read that are only about photography or that make the writer look perfect turn me off eventually. Even incredibly talented photographers can have a boring blog. I really think the key is to find something that connects you with your audience, and for me, that is other moms, photographers or not. And the benefit is that while you are blogging you are creating a circle of support… other women who will leave encouraging comments or emails when you’ve opened up about your frustrations, struggles or fears. The more honest I am the more my blog blesses me with good friends and support.


In what ways do you market and what do you think is the most effective?

Word of mouth has been the most effective form of marketing, but I really think it’s the blog that keeps people coming back. What is so amazing about putting yourself out there on your blog is that your clients or future clients feel like they know you before they’ve even met you. Almost all of my clients feel like they are friends with me before meeting me so they feel comfortable immediately… it makes my sessions fun and easy! It also has helped create lasting friendships with most of my clients. Can I say it again? BLOG! HA!


Also, Facebook has been a huge tool as clients post their photos and then link to my website. I’ve booked a lot from FB referrals!

What do you do when your kids beg you to get off of the computer?

I’m not sure if this is a good thing or not, but b/c my kids were so young when I started they really don’t know life without me on the computer all the time. That being said, I work mainly at night once they’re asleep. During the day, if it’s just the kids and I (my mom watches the kids a lot during the week to help me), I will check emails or get a blog post written but other than that I am focusing on them and the housework. I try really hard to keep it balanced.


What do you think are the top three things you must do as a mom and wife every day?

1. Spend time individually with each kid; even if it’s just a minute, I want them each to know they are special.

2. Teach my kids. I try really hard to do some kind of Montessori activity each day, as I believe strongly that we, as parents, are their first teachers. We also do an art project every day so that they learn to love the mess of creating!

3. Make sure we all have clean underwear.


What three products or things help you stay organized?

1. My notebook, as in, my spiral notebook where I keep every TODO list known to man.

2. Google Calendar. I love getting my day emailed to me every morning.

3. Client folders. When I book a new client I start a client folder and on the front of each folder is a checklist I created so I can see where each client is from start to finish. I keep emails printed in there, release forms, copies of their checks, their print order, notes about the family that I want to remember (like NO sugar allowed so I know not to bring suckers as bribes next time!), etc.


What does your workflow look like? How do you keep all of your clients straight and deliver products on time?

Do you really think I keep things straight? HA! I wish I could say that I am totally on top of being organized. My workflow is basically… shoot on the weekends (mainly), edit late at night (I work from about 8pm-1am), answer emails during the day, and then everything else like ordering prints and mailing packages and creating albums and design work happens whenever I can fit it in… during naps or late at night or while I put a movie on during the day b/c I’m so behind I just have to work while the kids entertain themselves!

What do you do yourself (as far as album design, editing, bookkeeping, answering phones, marketing, etc.) and what do you outsource?

I do everything and wish I could afford to outsource SOMETHING!

What plans do you have for your business this year? How will your plans impact your family?

We have three children, 11 months, 2 years and 3 years. My husband is a teacher and coach, an incredible teacher, but his pay scale only goes so far. I hate to admit this, but my goal is to make more money. If we are ever going to afford to buy a home or go on vacation or put more away for savings it is because my business is doing well. My goal is to stop discounting so many things and believe in my work. To not feel bad charging people what I am worth. I need to make enough money to help my family and that is exactly why I work so hard. My lack of sleep (I average 3-4 hours a night) and crazy work load is hard on me at times, but if I can suck it up and get through a few more years then we will be more financially comfortable and that makes me so proud.


How much time do you spend on photography boards and forums?

None, but I do spend a lot of time reading photography blogs!


How much time do you spend on the computer?

I spend an insane amount of time on the computer. Insane.


What 5 tips do you have for women to help them maintain a balance in their lives between everything they have to do?

Not that I have perfect balance, by any means, but I will tell you the one thing that really helps me stay centered… volunteering for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. It is an organization made up of professional photographers who local hospitals call to go take family photos when a baby passes away or is going to pass away. I have been there as parents held their baby as she took her last breath. I have seen grief I can’t imagine experiencing in my own life. I have captured moments I wish never took place. But leaving each session, as I am praying for that family, I am always overcome with a sense of gratitude. God has given me this life, with my three young kids, my loving husband and my growing business and although it seems like too much most of the time, it is all so incredible. I am extremely blessed and working for NILMDTS helps remind me of that fact. It makes all of my issues seem small in comparison and really helps me get through more days of pure chaos.


Are there times that you feel overwhelmed? What do you do?

Overwhelmed? Are you kidding me? I am ALWAYS overwhelmed! Did I mention I have three kids ages three and under? HA! Truly, if I weren’t a bit overwhelmed all the time I would wonder what was wrong!


The hardest part for me is finding a balance. I wish I could give all of my daytime to my kids but we count on the money I bring in so when I have to work I have to work. Luckily I can survive on very little sleep and I work very fast so I can get a lot accomplished in a day. I just never really slow down!


When my life gets really crazy with the kids and my work and the house I can always count on my mom to take the kids for a day to let me catch up. We live 2 blocks from my parents and they are the biggest blessing in our lives.

To see more of Jodie's Work:



Women and Business:  Allegra

Posted on Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 05:58AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments11 Comments

***All images in this post are copyright Allegra***

NEXT WEEK:  Jodie Allen

{To nominate women you'd like to see in this series please list them in the comments-or if you have a question you'd like to see in the interviews--make sure to include your info in the comment fields so that I can get in touch with you- or write to me at: davina at davinafear dot com }

As always make sure to leave comments for the women who are featured. They like comments as much as I do I'm sure...let them know if you have questions or just to say thanks! for their insight and wisdom...

Make sure to check out the rest of the series by clicking here. Tell a friend!

Allegra, I met you a few years ago at the Foundation Workshop. After attending and getting to know you a little bit I saw you post some images on a forum and I thought, Wow. She has a great way of seeing couples. Then, I found out that you've already been in business for 10 years and knew that you had some great words of wisdom for us. Thanks so much for being on Women and Business.

NOTE: At the end of the interview there is a little more detail about Operational Costs from Allegra. Make sure to check it out!

You have you been in business for 10 years. What are the top five things you’ve learned as a business woman? How long did it take you to get into a groove and have things running smoothly?

  1. do unto others
  2. have operating capital
  3. networking is time well spent
  4. under promise over deliver
  5. be straight with your clients


I’m not sure I’m in the groove yet! Lol! I started off part time and made the jump within 3 years – that helped me cushion some of the learning curve.


What do you do to keep things simple in your life and studio?

It’s just me. The buck starts and stops at my desk. I’ve been a manager – I don’t want to be one again.


What do you think are the top three things you must do as a mom and wife every day?

Kiss my husband. Kiss my child. Tell them both I love them.


What three products or things help you stay organized?

My PC, my big white board wall calendar and my notebook. No not the laptop kind, the old fashioned spiral bound kind!! I have a new one for every year!


With so many things on your plate, what do you do to market your business? How does that fit into your busy schedule?

As a wedding photographer, a lot of my referrals come from happy clients AND other vendors. The way to have happy vendor referrals is sending them prints from weddings you do together!


What does your workflow look like? How do you keep all of your clients straight and deliver products on time?

I’m a very date based business (most of my work is weddings) so there is a definite time flow to everything. I make sure to also allow plenty of cushion time (see rule 4 above)


What do you do yourself (as far as album design, editing, bookkeeping, answering phones, marketing, etc.) and what do you outsource?

I do everything except the actual printing and binding of albums.


What do you think are the three smartest ways to market your business when you’re starting out?

Network, provide excellent customer service and network (I said that already)


What plans do you have for your business this year? How will your plans impact your family?

Rolling out some exciting new portrait products, especially for seniors! For our wedding clients, I’m exploring some fabulous green album products that I’m very excited about!


How much time do you spend on photography boards and forums?

TOO MUCH! LOL! That said, it’s one of the ways I have been able to avoid some dumb basic mistakes!

How much time do you spend on the computer?

It’s pretty much grafted on to my hands! I see it as my new darkroom (and I used to spend HOURS in the darkroom)

What are the most important things you do in your business everyday?

Respond to clients #1. I can’t tell you how many times I hear from clients that other photographers they contacted never contacted them back. It’s my own pet peeve – if you don’t offer what I want, at least have the courtesy of a response. Otherwise my days vary quite a bit!


What 5 tips do you have for women to help them maintain a balance in their lives between everything they have to do?

I’m not sure I can give tips – I’m not sure I have it right yet myself. I think you have to decide what you need to do to feed, clothe and shelter your family. After that, THEN you get to be idealistic and take care of the other stuff. J


Are there times that you feel overwhelmed? What do you do?

Around the November/December holidays I’m usually running on empty! I just remind myself that December 24th through January 6th (the Epiphany) I don’t work. (I DO still answer emails and telephone calls though!)

Will you go into a little more detail about Operating Capital?

Ah sure – sorry that’s my years at MobilExxon as a finance person coming out! Operating Capital as I define it, means having sufficient funds from savings or other sources to operate your business absent any income coming from the business. The number one cause of business failures within the first five years is undercapitalization.

Some more:

General: Cash available for day to day operations of a firm. Strictly speaking, one borrows cash (and not working capital) to be able to buy assets or to pay for obligations. Also called current capital.


Accounting: Net liquid assets computed by deducting current liabilities from current assets. Sources of working capital are (1) net income, (2) long-term loans (non-current liabilities), (3) sale of capital (non-current) assets, and (4) injection of funds by the owners (stockholders). Amount of available working capital is a measure of a firm's ability to meet its short-term obligations. Ample working capital allows management to avail of unexpected opportunities, and to qualify for bank loans and favorable trade credit terms. In the normal trade cycle of a firm, working capital equals working assets.

Financing operating capital

To see more of Allegra's work:

Website: Weddings

Website: Portraits

***All images in this post are copyright Allegra***

Women and Business: Angie Monson

Posted on Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 08:37AM by Registered CommenterDavina in | Comments23 Comments | References7 References

***All images in this post are copyright Angie Monson***

NEXT WEEK:  Allegra

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Angie, You were nominated by a couple of women who wanted to hear how you do it all.  I had not heard of you up to that soon as I got the nominations I started hearing about you everywhere.  People are talking about you on forums!  In the last couple of years you'v gotten a lot of things right.  I'm so glad you are here. Thanks so much for being on Women and Business.

How long have you been in business?

7 years, 4 years of that part time, 3 years full time.

What was the process you went through to get things running smoothly?

Finding my style and getting my name out there, after that it has gone fairly smoothly.

What do you do to keep things simple in your life and studio?

I have started toseparatebusiness from home more and now my twins are in daycare 2 full days a week so I can gets things done and be a better mom when I am with them.

What do you think are the top three things you must do as a business woman every day?

1. Focus, I make a list every day.

2. Try to not get emotional... this one is hard being a woman, but business is business.

3. I try to stay on top of my work daily so I don't get behind and stressed out.

What do you think are the top three things you must do as a mom and wife every day?

1. kiss your children every day and hold them tight,, this comes naturally to me but I think it is SO important. I think my kids are sick of me kissing them all the time.

2. Turn off the TV and walk away from the computer and have a daily chat with your hubby, he needs attention just as much as the kiddos. I have really had to work on this one!

3. Play as a family. Even if it's 5 minutes.

Your business and style of shooting have really evolved over the last 2 years. What steps do you think you’ve gone through to get to this point in your business and your style?

Lots of workshops. Lots of online learning. Shooting often. I feel like I learn something new EVERY time I shoot.

I really have pushed myself because I wanted toseparatemyself from the other 500+ (maybe I amexaggerating, okay maybe not) photographers in Utah. I love fashion and I really wanted to incorporate high fashion with my kids sessions. I really love editorial work so that is what I am trying toachieve.

I think when I started to get a good response from my clients this really helped me realize that I CAN do this, I can be who I want to be, not what I think people want me to be.

You’ve gone to numerous workshops. What do you think you took away from each of them? If someone had to choose just one workshop to go to, which would you recommend?

Brianna Graham: That was a huge turning point in my business, I was still a newbie with digital. I used to shoot film. Seeing how she photoshopped and posed her clients was HUGE for me. I highly recommend that workshop if you need some inspiration.

Image is Found Workshop: I love their edgy wedding style. It was fun to see their perspective and their workflow.

One Light Workshop: This was a really cool workshop, but to honestly it was a bit over my head and all crammed into one day, at the time and I was more interested in hanging out with the otherattendees!

Skye Hardwick Business workshop: I loved how this one just pushed me to be more of a business woman. I knew what I needed to do before hand, but this just pushed me harder to do it. I loved how she showed us to not get emotional and to really create boundaries in our business.

What do you do to separate yourself from your business?

Gosh that is a hard one! It's funny because if I am slow it takes me a few days to figure out what to do with myself! My family is really into just being outdoors, we go hiking and river rafting, but with have 2 year old twins it's hard to do anything hardcore! Just keeping active is what I like to do in my spare time. I also just love to shop, really for anything,,, even dishsoap.

What three products or things help you stay organized?

1. My Mac, love it.

2. My Iphone, can't leave home without it.

3. My brain, seriously I remember a lot of stuffpertainingto my business but if you ask me what I ate for lunch yesterday I have no clue.

With so many things on your plate, what do you do to market your business? How does that fit into your busy schedule?

I am pretty much all word of mouth right now. I do work with Children's Hour, a children's boutique and we help marketeach-other. Other than that blogging is my best form of advertising.

What do you think are the three smartest ways to market your business when you’re starting out?

1. Figure out who your market is and try to get your work hung up where those type of people will shop.

2. Telling everyone what you do for a living, somehow bring it up in your conversation. Give out your cards, you never know when they will need you but most of the time they willremember what you do.

3. Doing promos or offer modeling specials to promote your work, this will also build your portfolio.

What plans do you have for your business this year? How will your plans impact your family?

1. SENIORS! So excited for this one. With seniors I have some new outdoor lighting I will be using.

2. Work less, make more.

3. Less family sessions, I may only offer children, seniors, and weddings next year and refer family sessions to other photographers.

What 5 tips do you have for women to help them maintain a balance in their lives between everything they have to do?

1. Do something other than photography to ground yourself, workout, sing, jumprope...

2. Set certain times to work, stick to it. This one is HARD!

3. Get enough sleep, no one likes a grouchy photographer.

4. Write down a plan... if you want to do 10 sessions a month, keep to it. People will want you even more if you can't book them right away.

5. Stop and smell the flowers, cheesy but true.

Are there times that you feel overwhelmed? What do you do?

Often, I talk it out. I have a lot very supportive people in my life. My sisters, my friend Jess and of course my hubby. I am the type of person that wants things done right away, I am impatient! So if there is a problem, I fix it.

You have a friend, Jess, that is also a photographer. How did that relationship come about and how has it helped you in your career?

Ah... Jess, she is one of my best friends. We talk often. It has been really nice to share pretty much everything witheach-other. In this business sometimes I feel like I have to protect what I know, which I feel takes so much energy, it is nice to have a person that understands it all and I can go to.

To see more of Angie's Work:

Angie's Website

Angie's Blog


***All images in this post are copyright Angie Monson***



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