love. LIFE. Hello Friends! Over to the left you'll see all of the categories that you can check out. If you're a photographer make sure to check out the For Photographers page. I just launched the new Family GTKY kit and the NEW Insight Kits Blogsite!!! Click here to see the new site! LOVE. LIFE. TIPS. These posts will help anyone who is trying to keep or get back all of the things that they love in their life and/or business. The tips are packed with ways to manage a hectic life, kids, business, meaning, love...and more. Also, make sure you check out the new Women and Business series! (Click here) Also, see how Day with Davina can come to you. (Click here) My favorite pricing guide (that I wish I had when I started my business over 8 years ago). You need this guide! Easy as Pie. Click here to visit Served Up Fresh. (affiliate link) Thanks for stopping by...and don't forget to leave a comment...or two...I want to hear from YOU! And make sure to TELL A FRIEND! |
Entries in G & G (97)
Thankful project: day six.

fall color.
I really can't get enough of it. This fall foliage is just gorgeous.
I'm thankful for finding treasures I had forgotten about.
I appreciate having a husband who is a very hard worker. He's spread thin lately and he doesn't mention it nearly as much as I would.
I'm thankful for money meetings. I love them and I hate them. Mostly, this week I love them because as Dave Ramsey says, "We're telling our money what to do."
I love it when my kids get out of bed without moaning and groaning about how early it is and how cold they are and what time is it anyway? (The same time it is every morning when I come in here.)
I love being mesmerized by leaves falling from trees.
it's a good. LIFE.
Thankful project: Day five.
day five.
I'm thankful for rain.
I appreciate a husband who enjoys being with me.
I love seeing the girls build a ginormous fort in my studio. The sounds of them working together make me smile.
I'm thankful for a warm, dry home on a cold, rainy day.
I love that we'll see my parents, NYC, and my sisters soon.
I love counting down the days until Harry Potter.
fun. LIFE.
Thankful project: Day four.
the little things.
I love bubbles. I especially love watching my kids play with bubbles. Somehow, no matter how old you are when bubbles come out everyone turns into a kid.
I love listening to Grace read Rainbow Magic Fairy books to me.
I love that my kids are so into reading The Lightning Thief at night that they've pulled it out this afternoon and are reading it to each other.
I love cloudy overcast today.
I love hearing that a tax bill we were suprised with by the IRS was just made to zero when we called and inquired about it today. yay! Today, I love the IRS. Thank you. Made my day.
I love meeting great women and getting to create fun projects together.
I love Monday because it's family night. Tonight, we'll be watching a Harry Potter movie to get us prepped for the upcoming midnight showing of the new Harry Potter movie coming out on Friday: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. Yes. You read that right. We'll be going to the midnight showing on Friday morning. This is the first time a Harry Potter movie has been released outside of the summer. I have no idea how the kids are going to function in school on Friday but there was never a question about whether or not we were going....
I'm thankful for fun family memories.
bubbly. LIFE.
Thankful project: Day Three
day three.
I love the American Girl book series. And I'm very thankful that slavery was abolished all of those years ago. Reading about the sacrifices women made for freedom is moving. Meet Addy is a must read.
I love when people who read my blog tell me that they hope I'm feeling better when they see me in person. Thank you. I am. much better.
I love getting to see the pictures of my clients that I've taken hanging in their homes. The love goes full circle.
I love having Lain as my ShootQ Guru. She's awesome and I'm so excited I'm now all set up and ready to roll. Wohoo!
I love Jesus. Thank you for everything.
I love sitting around my kitchen table with my three girls and friends making yarn hair for dolls.
I love the smell of clean laundry. So glad I have a washer and dryer and that on a day like this morning (when I have the heat on inside) I don't have to go down to a freezing cold stream and wash my clothes by hand.
I love the little things my kids leave behind in the mornings after they've rushed off to school.
the good. LIFE.
Thankful project: Day two.
Day two.
I love that I get to go to lunch with my husband today. (Thanks, Betsy.) Panera, here we come.
I love feeling caught up with editing.
I love and appreciate the men and women who have fought and are still fighting for liberty and freedom. This morning I went to our elementary school Veteran's Day program. I love hearing songs about freedom; when military people stand up for their anthems it takes my breath away, though. If you are one of the people who protect freedom and liberty...Thank you!
I love talking to my sweet Miriam about the things in her heart at night before she drifts off to sleep.
I love summer garden tomatoes and sweet basil. yum.
beautiful. LIFE.